Thursday, October 3, 2024

“Repression Breeds Resistance” LONG LIVE THE INTIFADA


Nerdeen Kiswani and Within Our Lifetime
Flooding NYC for GAZA

"We call on all those who stand with Palestine to take
to the streets
to collectively demand an end
to U.S. sponsored genocide in Gaza.

“Repression Breeds Resistance”

Sept 2, 2024. Labor Day in the U.S.

Within Our Lifetime posted on Twitter-X that their Labor Day action was to raise awareness about work place discrimination in the tech and health care industries against employees who support the "palestinian" people. [Nurse fired in NYC for wearing pali flag]

Open in New Tab to enlarge next poster for a
look at who endorsed this action

Extinction Rebellion NYC was one of the surprise participants that joined the coalition

Led by Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime  ..... to oppose genocide in Palestine ...
she repeats endlessly that the palis are the VICTIMS of ZIONISTS.


Extinction Rebellion NYC was one of the surprise participants that joined the coalition


 .There were also Communist orgs
(at least two that I saw) recruiting.


."The RCA (Revolutionary Communists of America) is a party of class-fighters committed to the overthrow of capitalism. We fight for a world of superabundance and reject the artificial scarcity of a system based on the pursuit of profits. We fight to establish a workers’ government to tackle the roots of war, inequality, oppression, and climate catastrophe."

And the other soc/commie group:
The World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky.

As we remember today's meme  (some light reading)
"Repression Breeds Resistance"

W.O.L. published a series of posters detailing accusations of criminal actions by the NYPD (a tool of Israel) against the the Palestinian Liberation Movement. (approx 10 seconds a slide/ pause video to read more info)


.“Israel is comparable to ISIS, just like how they (ISIS) hijacked Islam. And so we know Israel is a terrorist state. Israel’s a genocidal state. Israel is a colonial project and Palestinians will only get justice when Israel ceases to exist” WOL founder Nerdeen Kiswani said to the crowd on Labor Day. (always long winded, this vid is approx 17 minutes of agitprop)


 Note to @WOLPalestine's @Nerdeen Kiswani & her lackeys: If Israel ceased to exist, Hamas would rule & there would be no justice for Palestinians.

Flickr Slide Show Part 1, begins with posters that were put up and then quickly torn down by the palis

Flood NYC For Gaza Part 1

."The protesters carried Palestinian, Syrian, Iranian, and Hezbollah flags, one man waved a banner emblazoned with the images of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and PFLP general secretary Ahmad Sa’adat. The logo on the banner belonged to the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, a PFLP-tied NGO."

Flickr Slide Show Part 2 exposing more of the dangerously pathetic misdirection of so many tools....

Flood NYC For Gaza Part 2

.There is no shortage of radical propaganda
aimed at these gullible followers.

“Zionism is the Catastrophe”
Seven months and seventy-six years of Nakba

Wondering why: "Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, shut down the Instagram account of WOL in early February.  In early July, Meta also shut down the Instagram account of the Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoner Network, and in the last week shut down the accounts for Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, and NYU’s People’s Solidarity Coalition."  ("VICTIMIZED" this time by META? )

From NY War Crimes Newszine

"People are still either failing or refusing to grasp that this genocide is equally the product of US imperialism and Israeli democracy."

This is how you mis-direct the 20 somethings and more... including the PRESS...   with rinse / repeat- over and over: as they complain and DICTATE that the only genocide is against GAZA.

'' Those in power have doubled-down, sending more money and more weapons to the Zionist entity. The seemingly intractable appears at once daunting and hallucinatory, personally painful too, for those in our movement whose families and friends have spent their long October transmitting fear and rage from America’s extermination camps. If there is any solace to be found it is in those dreams and words and rockets that have remodeled the land — 76 years of assembly and disassembly, 76 years too long, but also proof that with Gaza as the heart, there will be courage and with Gaza as the eyes, the aim will be true.''

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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