Monday. July 18, 2016. 5 pm. 
As the Republican National Convention gathered in Cleveland, a misguided (and deluded) gay protest hit the sidewalks outside NYC's Trump Towers (again)
This is their Face Book Manifesto:

However, a summer downpour, just before 5 pm, kept the sidewalks protest-bare (briefly)

It did not keep them or the press away for long. The protestors soon arrived, marching towards us from the south.
However, Trump Towers and the NYPD had decided there would be NO sidewalk marchers obstructing the entrance to Trump Tower.
A few took their banners inside the holding pens. But, clearly, Trump Towers had enough of the sidewalk crunch.
This time the sidewalk circle-of-signs gathered on the west-side of Fifth Avenue. It was Prada's turn to deal with the mess.
Round and round they go.

As long as you keep moving, in the city, you are NOT "blocking" the sidewalk.
Tell that to the pedestrians who had to weave their way 'round the umbrellas, bodies and signs of this protest.
As for the protest main theme: STOP THE GUNS. STOP THE HATE.
That and a few other catchy one-note memes are their metier.
SO is their P.C. naivete.
The boogie-man must be TRUMP and those evil Repubs.
No awakening - no epiphanies regarding the Islamic Jihadis who murder GAYS, Christians, Jews and Infidels world-wide.
NOPE. Does NOT compute (hands to ears- lalalala)

They insist - It's Guns that kill. (Not people)
Well, not some people. Their “factoids” insist the GOP and the NRA, are more 'evil' than Satan .....

NOW (oh, horrors) "The Donald" is the Republican Presidential Candidate.
As we move-on to the Demon-Crat Convention and the Hildabeast's coronation, many of these protestors were/are avid Berni-files (some might even be die-hard Elizabeth Warren apostles)

Will we hear any squeaks or squawks re "Hilda" as they become unwilling "Clintonistas"?

Yes! It is happening. Even now. In Philly. With her history, how can it not.
(Check out the documentary, "Clinton Cash")
Even so, they insist we have NOTHING to FEAR - NO One - Except "The Donald", the GOP and the NRA. G.A.G has spoken!

These foolish protestors fear brave Americans like Pamela Geller who spoke at the RNC / LGBT event in Cleveland.
And Peter Thiel, an early investor in Facebook and a co-founder of PayPal, who announced onstage at the Republican National Convention that he is gay. To the LGBT - G.A.G. protestors Theil is a turncoat.
"Every American has a unique identity. I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all, I am proud to be an American," Thiel said to applause.
G-d save us ALL from the misguided ignorati of the Gay Lobby. (PLEASE)

Read what Philly can expect at the DNC <<here>> The worst is yet to come....
++ Concluding with a slide show of pictures from the protest++
++ Protest Photos are property of Pamela Hall ++

As the Republican National Convention gathered in Cleveland, a misguided (and deluded) gay protest hit the sidewalks outside NYC's Trump Towers (again)
This is their Face Book Manifesto:

However, a summer downpour, just before 5 pm, kept the sidewalks protest-bare (briefly)

It did not keep them or the press away for long. The protestors soon arrived, marching towards us from the south.

However, Trump Towers and the NYPD had decided there would be NO sidewalk marchers obstructing the entrance to Trump Tower.

A few took their banners inside the holding pens. But, clearly, Trump Towers had enough of the sidewalk crunch.

This time the sidewalk circle-of-signs gathered on the west-side of Fifth Avenue. It was Prada's turn to deal with the mess.

Round and round they go.

As long as you keep moving, in the city, you are NOT "blocking" the sidewalk.
Tell that to the pedestrians who had to weave their way 'round the umbrellas, bodies and signs of this protest.

As for the protest main theme: STOP THE GUNS. STOP THE HATE.

That and a few other catchy one-note memes are their metier.

SO is their P.C. naivete.

The boogie-man must be TRUMP and those evil Repubs.

No awakening - no epiphanies regarding the Islamic Jihadis who murder GAYS, Christians, Jews and Infidels world-wide.
NOPE. Does NOT compute (hands to ears- lalalala)

They insist - It's Guns that kill. (Not people)

Well, not some people. Their “factoids” insist the GOP and the NRA, are more 'evil' than Satan .....

NOW (oh, horrors) "The Donald" is the Republican Presidential Candidate.

As we move-on to the Demon-Crat Convention and the Hildabeast's coronation, many of these protestors were/are avid Berni-files (some might even be die-hard Elizabeth Warren apostles)

Will we hear any squeaks or squawks re "Hilda" as they become unwilling "Clintonistas"?

Yes! It is happening. Even now. In Philly. With her history, how can it not.
(Check out the documentary, "Clinton Cash")
Even so, they insist we have NOTHING to FEAR - NO One - Except "The Donald", the GOP and the NRA. G.A.G has spoken!

These foolish protestors fear brave Americans like Pamela Geller who spoke at the RNC / LGBT event in Cleveland.
And Peter Thiel, an early investor in Facebook and a co-founder of PayPal, who announced onstage at the Republican National Convention that he is gay. To the LGBT - G.A.G. protestors Theil is a turncoat.
"Every American has a unique identity. I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all, I am proud to be an American," Thiel said to applause.
G-d save us ALL from the misguided ignorati of the Gay Lobby. (PLEASE)


Read what Philly can expect at the DNC <<here>> The worst is yet to come....
++ Concluding with a slide show of pictures from the protest++
++ Protest Photos are property of Pamela Hall ++