Thursday, October 3, 2024

"No Longer Complicit in Genocide" is Not Just a Vigil for Aaron Bushnell: Think about it.


"From the River To The Sea" what else is this but a "genocidal campaign" to empty Israel of the Jews. So WHOSE Genocide did this young man die for?

I’m an active duty member of the United States Air Force. And I will no longer be complicit in genocide

I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all.Aaron Bushnell,

.Bushnell then doused himself in a flammable liquid, setting himself ablaze in the driveway of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C. screaming as he burned: Free Free Palestine.

 In March a vigil was held outside the U.S. Mission to the U.N. for Air Force serviceman, Aaron Bushnell, who self-immolated as he opposed the U.S. support for Israel,

''May his sacrifice deepen our commitment
to stop the genocide in Gaza."
(@Dr Jill Stein Green Party candidate for President)

 The vigil was sponsored by CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, Pal-Awda, Answer, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Palestinian Youth Movement, Mamas 4 a Free Palestine, Green Party USA, Green Party NY, and numerous others. Pro-Palestine activists anointed Aaron Bushnell as a martyr for their cause.  They idolize him.

''The oppressor-oppressed dichotomy — which has been popularized by neo-Marxists and the social justice movement — is often alluring to young radicals.''

Analyzing complex conflicts through the lens of “good guys” and “bad guys” affords an activist like Bushnell a simplistic righteousness, and absolves him of the obligation to dig deeper and actually engage with both sides of an issue.



"Bushnell did what he felt he had to do to oppose the U.S./Israeli genocidal war in Gaza.  We hope his act will persuade more people to follow him, not to commit self-immolation, but follow him in rejecting the status quo..." []


Asked but never answered  .... by the press:

Who Is Really Attempting Genocide?

Israel is defending its right to exist and following international humanitarian war law while doing so. Israel is not attempting to destroy the Palestinian people.

Hamas, however, wants to wipe Israel off the map and has made it clear it won’t stop until that happens, saying October 7—when terrorists killed and mutilated more than 1,400 innocent people—will happen again and again.

Hamas, not Israel, violated the 1948 Genocide Convention on October 7 and has continually been clear on its intent: to destroy Israel. Hamas’ end goal is genocidal.

.As for the VIGIL for the martyred Aaron Bushnell, it began with lots of chants and then the obligatory muslim prayers.


While waiting for the endless intoning to end, the media should have ask the pali protestors  (which they never do)' Wasn't the October 7th assault proof of  genocidal terrorism against Israel?''

INSTEAD the press feeds on the lies and misinformation as they choose to highlight the need for an immediate cessation of US funding, arming, and political support for Israel, "which is committing genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing of Palestine." (so they claim over and over) .

Part 1 Flickr slide show:

"No Longer Complicit Genocide" UN Part 2

Part 2 Flickr: Pro Israel side. A handful of pro-Israel counter-protesters were also there. Although originally billed as a vigil, it seemed more like an anti-Israel protest with both sides yelling back and forth; not sure I witnessed much of vigil.

"No longer complicit "genocide protest U.N.

.The main speaker, besides Linda Sarsour, was Green Party candidate for President, Jill Stein. The media was blocked by the police, keeping most away from the pali's enclosure, to film at a distance.  No matter, Stein was loud and clear: spewing the type of  agitprop that encourages tragic Revolutionary Suicides like Aaron Bushnell's.

"The Spirit of Aaron Bushnell Lives in US. We will not stop until Palestine is Free. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. .... It is not Okay to commit GENOCIDE for ANYONE." ( Jill Stein)


As Stein ended her speech:

."In the words of Frederick Douglass,"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has  (did) and it never will.' We must bring that demand to the Halls of Power. ...   Nothing speaks like a challenge to power....  The biggest way that people give us power is by not realizing we have it to start with. We have it. We must use it. Thank you so much. And in the spirit of Aaron Bushnell: Thank You (her fist held high)''

“Rest in power Aaron Bushnell, Dr. Stein posted on her social media “May his sacrifice deepen our commitment to stop genocide now. It is truly tragic that the horrific actions of the US and Israel have provoked such a desperate sacrifice.


The flower table memorializing this tragic, misguided young man
(unknown photographer from Bushnell protest)

. LaterElad Eliahu (for Tim Pool) pressed Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President, would she call October 7th an act of terrorism. She REFUSED.


Elad, the terrorists attacks of October 7th, will you condemn the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th ...

Stein :  I always condemn all violations of Human Rights..... it's important for people to remember this didn't come out of no where.; that was a response to 75 years of  murderous occupation... none of this is justified.... I understand where these Zionists were coming from ...  standing way back, you can say this is  violence propagating violence... We must stop it

Elad asks again re terrorist attack...

Stein: I feel as though you want to extract October 7th as though it didn't have 75 years leading up to it. [She will NEVER Give In to the TRUTH)

And now, to conclude, a look at he Next Generation, from a high school in Minnesota,
  repeating the lessons learned from the agitprop machine as they claim to understand Bushnell's actions:

''Bushnell wanted the extremity of his actions to combat the downplayed narratives across network news broadcasts. He wanted America to witness his protest and feel a level of discomfort that could not be achieved through the mainstream media. I challenge anyone to watch his video in its entirety, or look down at that soot-stained driveway, and still ignore the afront to humanity that is the Palestinian genocide. As long as we honor his sacrifice by continually educating ourselves about what’s happening in Palestine from independent sources, Bushnell’s death will not be in vain.''[] The Southerner is the student-written and student-produced newspaper of South High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


"Bushnell’s story is a loud alarm bell, reminding us all where radicalism, fueled by the internet and pervasive ideology, can lead." [NY POST]

Aaron Bushnell was a Revolution Suicide,
a martyr for the COMPLICIT media.
BUT, IN REALITY a tragic example of MORAL Collapse.

Protester holding a poster showing Bushnell self-immolating
"His death should not be celebrated, nor should it be ignored.  ...  But insights can be gleaned for how to prevent similar copycat displays of such extreme proportions."

[Where indicated, Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

 Update: AS THE LIES ROLL-ON, nurtured and spewed from the Within Our Lifetime machine, they continue their  FLOOD Campaign, this time  aimed at THE UNITED NATIONS FOR GAZA.
Thursday Sept. 26th  "Protest Butcher Benjamin Netanyahu in NYC will address the UN General Assembly  Turn the city into a frozen zone for actions all day using this map."


"The NYPD, embroiled in federal investigations, resignation and scandal, has said that all pedestrian traffic during the UNGA will be shut down east of 2nd Avenue, showing just how afraid they are of losing control with so many eyes on NYC."

"... show the world that street closures won't stop us.

Move like water, split into streams and take action throughout the day using the map above. ... we will flood the streets for Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and all our people resisting around the world.  "



“Repression Breeds Resistance” LONG LIVE THE INTIFADA


Nerdeen Kiswani and Within Our Lifetime
Flooding NYC for GAZA

"We call on all those who stand with Palestine to take
to the streets
to collectively demand an end
to U.S. sponsored genocide in Gaza.

“Repression Breeds Resistance”

Sept 2, 2024. Labor Day in the U.S.

Within Our Lifetime posted on Twitter-X that their Labor Day action was to raise awareness about work place discrimination in the tech and health care industries against employees who support the "palestinian" people. [Nurse fired in NYC for wearing pali flag]

Open in New Tab to enlarge next poster for a
look at who endorsed this action

Extinction Rebellion NYC was one of the surprise participants that joined the coalition

Led by Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime  ..... to oppose genocide in Palestine ...
she repeats endlessly that the palis are the VICTIMS of ZIONISTS.


Extinction Rebellion NYC was one of the surprise participants that joined the coalition


 .There were also Communist orgs
(at least two that I saw) recruiting.


."The RCA (Revolutionary Communists of America) is a party of class-fighters committed to the overthrow of capitalism. We fight for a world of superabundance and reject the artificial scarcity of a system based on the pursuit of profits. We fight to establish a workers’ government to tackle the roots of war, inequality, oppression, and climate catastrophe."

And the other soc/commie group:
The World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky.

As we remember today's meme  (some light reading)
"Repression Breeds Resistance"

W.O.L. published a series of posters detailing accusations of criminal actions by the NYPD (a tool of Israel) against the the Palestinian Liberation Movement. (approx 10 seconds a slide/ pause video to read more info)


.“Israel is comparable to ISIS, just like how they (ISIS) hijacked Islam. And so we know Israel is a terrorist state. Israel’s a genocidal state. Israel is a colonial project and Palestinians will only get justice when Israel ceases to exist” WOL founder Nerdeen Kiswani said to the crowd on Labor Day. (always long winded, this vid is approx 17 minutes of agitprop)


 Note to @WOLPalestine's @Nerdeen Kiswani & her lackeys: If Israel ceased to exist, Hamas would rule & there would be no justice for Palestinians.

Flickr Slide Show Part 1, begins with posters that were put up and then quickly torn down by the palis

Flood NYC For Gaza Part 1

."The protesters carried Palestinian, Syrian, Iranian, and Hezbollah flags, one man waved a banner emblazoned with the images of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and PFLP general secretary Ahmad Sa’adat. The logo on the banner belonged to the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, a PFLP-tied NGO."

Flickr Slide Show Part 2 exposing more of the dangerously pathetic misdirection of so many tools....

Flood NYC For Gaza Part 2

.There is no shortage of radical propaganda
aimed at these gullible followers.

“Zionism is the Catastrophe”
Seven months and seventy-six years of Nakba

Wondering why: "Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, shut down the Instagram account of WOL in early February.  In early July, Meta also shut down the Instagram account of the Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoner Network, and in the last week shut down the accounts for Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, and NYU’s People’s Solidarity Coalition."  ("VICTIMIZED" this time by META? )

From NY War Crimes Newszine

"People are still either failing or refusing to grasp that this genocide is equally the product of US imperialism and Israeli democracy."

This is how you mis-direct the 20 somethings and more... including the PRESS...   with rinse / repeat- over and over: as they complain and DICTATE that the only genocide is against GAZA.

'' Those in power have doubled-down, sending more money and more weapons to the Zionist entity. The seemingly intractable appears at once daunting and hallucinatory, personally painful too, for those in our movement whose families and friends have spent their long October transmitting fear and rage from America’s extermination camps. If there is any solace to be found it is in those dreams and words and rockets that have remodeled the land — 76 years of assembly and disassembly, 76 years too long, but also proof that with Gaza as the heart, there will be courage and with Gaza as the eyes, the aim will be true.''

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]