"Muslim and Christian clerics say that Temple Mount “belongs only to Muslims” [Pamela Geller]
Rally Jewish Prayer Pray at Temple Mount NOW!
Thursday Aug 10, 2017. 4:30 - 6:30 PM. Israeli Consulate - NYC
Across from the Israeli Consulate, NYC
They will hear us say-
"Today is the day!
Let Jews pray!!"
They will hear us say-
"Today is the day!
Let Jews pray!!"
The Temple Mount is ours!
End the arrests!
End the harassment!
Let Jews Pray!!!!!
End the arrests!
End the harassment!
Let Jews Pray!!!!!
The consulate is very close to the 'hallowed' decaying walls of the United Nations and their blatant pro-"palestine", anti-Israel bias, as this large display of LIES mounted during the "2014 Anti-Semitism Conference" made very apparent. Palestine, Good. Israel, Bad.
What else could we expect from an organizations run by dicto-crats who hate Western values and the Jews and Israel. Which brings us back to "Let Jews PRAY at THEIR Temple Mount!"
Inside of welcoming their thoughtful protest with kind words, the cowards in the Israeli Consulate spent more time worrying, quizzing and HOPING that this quiet band of PRO-Israel New Yorkers would Go AWAY. "Why are you are here. How long. Oh? Well, we didn't know you were coming."
Pfizer Building security was very concerned. "You and your signs can't lean on our building. Touch our building. Step away from our building. Thank you."
Flickr slide show:
Crossing the avenue to the public sidewalk in front of the Israeli Consulate I was told to LEAVE - the sidewalk- by someone who came from inside the Consulate.
Him, "You can't take pictures of the protesters across the avenue. Or film. You must move. You can't take pictures."
Me, "It's a public sidewalk, sir."
Him, "I'm Jewish,too. But, I am asking you nicely to leave."
Me (nicely), "I will take my pictures of my friends. I'm blocking no one on this public sidewalk. Then I will leave."
Him, "This is about security."
Me, " I'm not a security problem. Just a person taking pictures of my friends --- on a public sidewalk."
Him, walking away, shaking his head as I continued to take pictures.
Take NOTE- people in the Irish Bar - two doors over (approximately where I wound up - inside a concrete berm so I would NOT block the sidewalk) THEY were chatting, stationery objects in a public walk-way. No problem for the consulate. But MOI, "Move along. You can't film or take pictures of the people ACROSS the avenue."
As I finished and headed back to the west side of Second Avenue, the NYPD security follow me- REPEATING the same silliness about not taking pictures ... from a public sidewalk. He knows I broke no laws, which I politely repeated, and then he said the predictable, "Thank you for your co-operation."
On the plus side, passersby in vehicles and on foot were PLEASED that the "Let The Jews PRAY" had come out in support of Israel and the Temple Mount. New York is not completely lost to the anti- Israel lobby.
Too bad the residents of the Israeli Consulate didn't appreciate support when they SAW it.
The time is NOW. Jews are being arrested for praying at our holiest site, The Temple Mount. A Jewish man was just given a restraining order forbidding him from going to The Temple Mount because he got married there.
The Temple Mount is Jewish. It's OUR holiest site.
The demand is simple: Israel must immediately abolish the "status quo" and allow Jewish prayer and worship on the Temple Mount.
Please join us on Thursday, August 10th at 4:30pm. Bring your Israeli flags. Bring
American flags. Bring signs demanding to end the "status quo" and allow Jewish prayer at The Temple Mount now.
American flags. Bring signs demanding to end the "status quo" and allow Jewish prayer at The Temple Mount now.
Now is the time! We have waited long enough!!
This protest is being held jointly with the phone-in protest hosted by Take Back the Temple Mount.
[All photos property of Pamela Hall]
Next - up/ Coming soon - and returning like a bad dream on Sept 24, 2017: The 32nd Annual Muslim Day Parade : "BUILDING BRIDGES". (Oh, yeah that's the ticket to the Temple Mount- ya think?")
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