Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Palestinian Youth Movement's Anti Israel Maersk Protest outside NYPL

 ** While the media deals with the attack on President Trump,
the anti Zionist movement does not rest. **

'The through line of anti-Semitism for thousands of years has been the denial of truth and the promotion of lies. These lies range in scope from conspiracy theories to Holocaust denial to the blood libel to the currently popular claims that Zionism is racism, that Jews are settler colonialists, and that Jewish civilization isn’t indigenous to the land of Israel.

These lies are all part of the foundational big lie: that anti-Semitism itself is a righteous act of resistance against evil, because Jews are collectively evil and have no right to exist.

Today, the big lie is winning," Dara Horn writes.  [The Atlantic]

"US-Israeli genocide on Gaza, and the launch of a new arms embargo campaign, Mask Off Maersk"

"....68 percent of Israel’s weapons are sent from the US via logistics companies like Maersk."

Cut Ties With GENOCIDE:

The Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) members Aisha Mansour and Celine Qussiny plan to "force Maersk to stop the transportation of arms to Israel by isolating Maersk’s Israel portfolio from its overall bottom line."

Maersk is  a leading shipping company in Denmark.

"From May 24 to May 26, thousands of students, workers, organizers, and people of conscience gathered from around the world to attend the People’s Conference for Palestine. Convening in Detroit, Michigan, home to one of the largest Arab diasporas in North America, the union town was the perfect host to a weekend brimming with revolutionary energy where participants and speakers shared ideas, assessed tactics, and strategized for a free Palestine."


 FOUR VIDEOS with two speakers. They reveal a lot about the indoctrination of this anti-Israel /anti-U.S. youth movement.

Video 1: Lots of chanting ALWAYS before anyone speaks as both sides gathered.


.Video 2: A speaker from the Palestinian Youth Movement's Maersk Protest (outside NYPL on Fifth avenue) gave opening remarks after all the chanting. 


Video 3: A speaker from City Workers Union spoke at the Palestinian Youth Movement's Maersk Protest (outside NYPL on Fifth avenue) . Enjoyed that the "Mic Check" with the crowd was a bit messy.


Last Video: The Pro-Israel movement gathered to oppose the Palestinian Youth Movement.

The Pro-Israel movement gathered to oppose the Palestinian Youth Movement's LIES.

Flickr 1-  NYPL - 5th ave. The Pro-Israel movement gathered to oppose the Palestinian Youth Movement's protest against Maersk, demanding they cut ties with genocide

Pro Israel Counter protest Pal Youth Mvement NYPL

.Flickr 2- The ant- Zionist were loud and aggressive with their propaganda.

Palestinian Youth Movement's protest against Maersk,

Having learned from Nerdeen Kiswani, one of their leaders who never relents, neither do the youthful members of the PYM.


 “We don’t want zionists in Palestine, NYC, our schools, on the train, ANYWHERE,” Nerdeen Kiswani, founder of Within Our Lifetime, wrote on X. “This is free speech, it is saying we don’t want racists here.” (Nerdeen Kiswani)

If only they were capable of hearing and seeing the crimes of HAMAS that murdered and kidnapped so many innocents. But, these students are now cold-blooded racists, part of the legacy of the falafelstin terrorists.

This was not resistance

The October 7 girls. RIP, sweet angels

[Where indicated, pictures and videos
property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Friday, July 12, 2024

"No Pride in Genocide" 32nd Annual Dyke Parade-NYC- an anti-Zionist Parade

 June 29, 2024. NYC's  32nd Annual Dyke March on Fifth Avenue. They declared it was not a Parade but a PROTEST.

A protest march against GENOCIDE. It was  pro-"falafelstin"- anti-Israel- which got some critical press the day before, causing them to release these statements (open pictures in new tab to enlarge for reading)


As they gathered on the west side of Bryant Park, I saw some in costumes, many in the parade genocide t-shirt (palestine is listed on it) and some dedicated to freeing the boob. (Part 2 Flickr Slide Show follows)

 NYC 32nd Annual Dyke Protest March Part 2

However, as they began to line up, the pre-march chants ( FREE FREE Palestine) added to the anti-Israel spirit ..


After a drunk pushed his way west on 42nd St (making the ladies a bit nervous) the Dyke Parade pulled itself together ... and headed for 5th avenue.


Their  parade banner left NO DOUBT- again- that  their march was in support of "falafelstin", NOT Israel.

The steps of the Fifth Ave Library were JAMMED with people (and occasional signs) .

It made for a good photo-op and once the parade began, they joined the march. (Flickr slideshow Part 1 next)

NYC 32nd Annual Dyke March Part 1https://www.flickr.com/photos/pamelahall/albums/72177720318703704/

As they marched down Fifth Ave, the parade's stance  against Israel was obvious with signs like these supporting BDS. (Boycott, Divest, Sanction


What I saw on a few of their t-shirts and signs were declarations of support for lesbians, dykes, trans-jews , trans children ... or just plain trans....  butches and faggots.

The mastectomy scars of the trans parade-goers were proudly displayed by many [some with tape some without, some just scars] There is so much more in both slide shows.

"TRANS KIDS are Precious...."

And support for "falafelstin" from a Jewish TransMasc DYKE...

The drum corps is a favorite of mine. I enjoy the choreography as well; a definite crowd-pleaser.

.I have a personal dislike for the so-called 'lawyers' in the green hats and their little note pads.

And the 'children' who hold hands like pre-schoolers, stopping traffic at all the cross-town intersections .

"Do the police appreciate their claim they must protect themselves from the police?"

I find that banner annoying cause these cops are so laid-back.

 So many cop issues: "Gay Cops Are Traitors"

 Stayed with the parade only to about 37th street. I'd seen the whole march and had no need to go to Washington Square.  Dykes yearning for the FALL OF EMPIRE? Enough already.

Once down town, the Washington Square fountain was very much enjoyed by the dykes-on-parade;it was VERY HOT.

FREEDOM NEWS TV from Washington Square:


.Crackhead Barney  was quiet until she hit Wash Sq where I understand she did her usual obnoxiously-mental rolling-on-the-ground.

An addendum re some of the signs whose topics I was not familiar with, but seemed important enough to be part of the protests. (My apologies if I'm the only one who didn't kn0w what they were)

The New York WAR Crimes newspaper is from Dyke Parade [This link goes to the parade issue where a pdf can be downloaded: https://newyorkwarcrimes.com/print-issue-vol-ii-no-11] It is quite a read, full of delusion.

 Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG)[https://newyorkwarcrimes.com/] "Refusing manipulation of queerness and standing for the liberation of all people "

Artsakh, officially the Republic of Artsakh or the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, was a breakaway state in the South Caucasus whose territory was internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan.

The Republic of Artsakh is not recognized by any United Nations member state (including Armenia),

SUMUD: The ultimate symbol associated with the concept of sumud and the Palestinian sense of rootedness in the land is the olive tree, ubiquitous throughout Palestine.

Sumud is an Arabic word meaning “steadfastness.” Sumud is also the ELCA Churches response to occupation and injustice in Palestine and Israel.

Dog Dykes is a collaborative zine & photo-essay that aims to queer the history of man’s best friend.

What Does 'Frociaggine' Mean?  It’s a substantive deriving from “Frocio” an insulting epithet for “Faggots” used by Pope Francis twice  ( in a private meeting)

 He said that seminaries, or priesthood colleges, are already too full of "frociaggine." The term roughly translates to "faggotness."(Pope Francis Apologized for Comment)

But GOD is still on the table...now he's a Trans-woman.

Pinkwashing, "also known as rainbow-washing.

tI is the strategy of deploying messages that are superficially sympathetic towards the LGBTQ community for ends having little or nothing to do with LGBTQ equality or inclusion,including LGBT marketing." (wiki)

It is the strategy of deploying messages that are superficially sympathetic towards the LGBTQ community for ends having little or nothing to do with LGBTQ equality or inclusion,including LGBT marketing." (wiki)

In conclusion, the Flickr slideshows have even more of the very political yet HAPPY parade. So many signs and t-shirts and bare chests to share)

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]