Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why the rest of the world should care about Jihad in Southeast Asia by Madeline Brooks


Why the rest of the world should care about Jihad in Southeast Asia


On August 5, 2024, the duly elected Prime Minister of Bangladesh had to flee for her life. Sheikh Hasina, who had served for fifteen years as a force for secularism, found refuge in neighboring India, but her stay is uncertain. Mobs of angry Muslims in Bangladesh tore apart her home, stealing anything they could, and are demanding her return so that they can “try” her for alleged mass killings.

Given that they’ve already killed many members of her party and absent the rule of law, it’s possible they’ll succeed in killing her, as they did her father, who successfully led the revolution to gain independence from Pakistan. Currently, Bangladesh is experiencing huge demonstrations of Islamists waving pro-Palestine flags and shouting, “Execute Hasina” and “The blood of the martyrs is our power.”

The Bangladesh National Party (“BNP”), which is openly tied to Islamist forces, effected the coup against Sheikh Hasina and her secular political party, the Awami League. They’ve seized passports from Awami League members to prevent their leaving the country to punish them, whether through trials or worse.

Image: A Muslim-ignited hotel fire that burned dozens to death. YouTube screen grab.

The BNP’s basic principle is “full faith and trust in Allah.” It partners with Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh’s largest Islamist group, which demands an end to secular rule. Jamaat’s mission is to return Bangladesh to Pakistan’s strict fundamentalism, which Bangladesh abandoned when it broke free from Pakistan in 1971. Other fundamentalist groups behind BNP are Hefazat e Islam, which has been demanding capital punishment for “atheist bloggers”, and Khelafat Majlish (Caliphate), which insists that “no laws or policies are enacted [that] contradict the Quran and Sunnah.” All these groups actively fight for a worldwide, fundamentalist Islamic Caliphate.

The coup in Bangladesh represents one more country on the road to becoming a staging ground for jihad attacks. These are the same forces that attacked the U.S. on 9/11 and, since then, have attacked Israel, Britain, France, Germany, and many other places. In the face of Western weakness, they continuously gain ground.

In Bangladesh itself, Muslims are escalating attacks on non-Muslim minorities. Hindus, who are the largest and, so far, most vocal minority, say they are experiencing genocide. They point to the fact that Muslims are threatening to wipe out all non-Muslim faiths (or, in the case of atheists, lack of faith), traditions, and cultures in favor of full Sharia law.

Bangladeshi media frequently fail to report on this violence, effectively whitewashing Islamists. When they do report on the violence, those reports are swiftly removed from the internet so that many of the links below may be dead within a short time. The international media, including the US news, pay scan attention to the violence. Here’s just a short list of what they’re ignoring:

Bangladesh’s newly-appointed interim head, Muhammed Yunus, smiles benevolently and says that all parties will be treated fairly, even as he claims attacks on religious minorities are “exaggerated“ and mere “political narratives“ from India meant to make Bangladesh look excessively Islamist.

However, the outrages by Muslims against minorities in Bangladesh continue, and jihad gains another foothold to threaten the rest of the world.

Madeline Brooks, M.A., is the former head of the New York chapter of ActforAmerica and is a conservative and counter-jihad writer. Her articles have been published in,,, and elsewhere. Her book, What You Need To Know About Islamic Jihad: Information The Main Stream Media Is Not Giving You, is available on Scribd. She can be reached at

Thursday, October 3, 2024

"No Longer Complicit in Genocide" is Not Just a Vigil for Aaron Bushnell: Think about it.


"From the River To The Sea" what else is this but a "genocidal campaign" to empty Israel of the Jews. So WHOSE Genocide did this young man die for?

I’m an active duty member of the United States Air Force. And I will no longer be complicit in genocide

I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all.Aaron Bushnell,

.Bushnell then doused himself in a flammable liquid, setting himself ablaze in the driveway of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C. screaming as he burned: Free Free Palestine.

 In March a vigil was held outside the U.S. Mission to the U.N. for Air Force serviceman, Aaron Bushnell, who self-immolated as he opposed the U.S. support for Israel,

''May his sacrifice deepen our commitment
to stop the genocide in Gaza."
(@Dr Jill Stein Green Party candidate for President)

 The vigil was sponsored by CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, Pal-Awda, Answer, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Palestinian Youth Movement, Mamas 4 a Free Palestine, Green Party USA, Green Party NY, and numerous others. Pro-Palestine activists anointed Aaron Bushnell as a martyr for their cause.  They idolize him.

''The oppressor-oppressed dichotomy — which has been popularized by neo-Marxists and the social justice movement — is often alluring to young radicals.''

Analyzing complex conflicts through the lens of “good guys” and “bad guys” affords an activist like Bushnell a simplistic righteousness, and absolves him of the obligation to dig deeper and actually engage with both sides of an issue.



"Bushnell did what he felt he had to do to oppose the U.S./Israeli genocidal war in Gaza.  We hope his act will persuade more people to follow him, not to commit self-immolation, but follow him in rejecting the status quo..." []


Asked but never answered  .... by the press:

Who Is Really Attempting Genocide?

Israel is defending its right to exist and following international humanitarian war law while doing so. Israel is not attempting to destroy the Palestinian people.

Hamas, however, wants to wipe Israel off the map and has made it clear it won’t stop until that happens, saying October 7—when terrorists killed and mutilated more than 1,400 innocent people—will happen again and again.

Hamas, not Israel, violated the 1948 Genocide Convention on October 7 and has continually been clear on its intent: to destroy Israel. Hamas’ end goal is genocidal.

.As for the VIGIL for the martyred Aaron Bushnell, it began with lots of chants and then the obligatory muslim prayers.


While waiting for the endless intoning to end, the media should have ask the pali protestors  (which they never do)' Wasn't the October 7th assault proof of  genocidal terrorism against Israel?''

INSTEAD the press feeds on the lies and misinformation as they choose to highlight the need for an immediate cessation of US funding, arming, and political support for Israel, "which is committing genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing of Palestine." (so they claim over and over) .

Part 1 Flickr slide show:

"No Longer Complicit Genocide" UN Part 2

Part 2 Flickr: Pro Israel side. A handful of pro-Israel counter-protesters were also there. Although originally billed as a vigil, it seemed more like an anti-Israel protest with both sides yelling back and forth; not sure I witnessed much of vigil.

"No longer complicit "genocide protest U.N.

.The main speaker, besides Linda Sarsour, was Green Party candidate for President, Jill Stein. The media was blocked by the police, keeping most away from the pali's enclosure, to film at a distance.  No matter, Stein was loud and clear: spewing the type of  agitprop that encourages tragic Revolutionary Suicides like Aaron Bushnell's.

"The Spirit of Aaron Bushnell Lives in US. We will not stop until Palestine is Free. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. .... It is not Okay to commit GENOCIDE for ANYONE." ( Jill Stein)


As Stein ended her speech:

."In the words of Frederick Douglass,"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has  (did) and it never will.' We must bring that demand to the Halls of Power. ...   Nothing speaks like a challenge to power....  The biggest way that people give us power is by not realizing we have it to start with. We have it. We must use it. Thank you so much. And in the spirit of Aaron Bushnell: Thank You (her fist held high)''

“Rest in power Aaron Bushnell, Dr. Stein posted on her social media “May his sacrifice deepen our commitment to stop genocide now. It is truly tragic that the horrific actions of the US and Israel have provoked such a desperate sacrifice.


The flower table memorializing this tragic, misguided young man
(unknown photographer from Bushnell protest)

. LaterElad Eliahu (for Tim Pool) pressed Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President, would she call October 7th an act of terrorism. She REFUSED.


Elad, the terrorists attacks of October 7th, will you condemn the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th ...

Stein :  I always condemn all violations of Human Rights..... it's important for people to remember this didn't come out of no where.; that was a response to 75 years of  murderous occupation... none of this is justified.... I understand where these Zionists were coming from ...  standing way back, you can say this is  violence propagating violence... We must stop it

Elad asks again re terrorist attack...

Stein: I feel as though you want to extract October 7th as though it didn't have 75 years leading up to it. [She will NEVER Give In to the TRUTH)

And now, to conclude, a look at he Next Generation, from a high school in Minnesota,
  repeating the lessons learned from the agitprop machine as they claim to understand Bushnell's actions:

''Bushnell wanted the extremity of his actions to combat the downplayed narratives across network news broadcasts. He wanted America to witness his protest and feel a level of discomfort that could not be achieved through the mainstream media. I challenge anyone to watch his video in its entirety, or look down at that soot-stained driveway, and still ignore the afront to humanity that is the Palestinian genocide. As long as we honor his sacrifice by continually educating ourselves about what’s happening in Palestine from independent sources, Bushnell’s death will not be in vain.''[] The Southerner is the student-written and student-produced newspaper of South High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


"Bushnell’s story is a loud alarm bell, reminding us all where radicalism, fueled by the internet and pervasive ideology, can lead." [NY POST]

Aaron Bushnell was a Revolution Suicide,
a martyr for the COMPLICIT media.
BUT, IN REALITY a tragic example of MORAL Collapse.

Protester holding a poster showing Bushnell self-immolating
"His death should not be celebrated, nor should it be ignored.  ...  But insights can be gleaned for how to prevent similar copycat displays of such extreme proportions."

[Where indicated, Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

 Update: AS THE LIES ROLL-ON, nurtured and spewed from the Within Our Lifetime machine, they continue their  FLOOD Campaign, this time  aimed at THE UNITED NATIONS FOR GAZA.
Thursday Sept. 26th  "Protest Butcher Benjamin Netanyahu in NYC will address the UN General Assembly  Turn the city into a frozen zone for actions all day using this map."


"The NYPD, embroiled in federal investigations, resignation and scandal, has said that all pedestrian traffic during the UNGA will be shut down east of 2nd Avenue, showing just how afraid they are of losing control with so many eyes on NYC."

"... show the world that street closures won't stop us.

Move like water, split into streams and take action throughout the day using the map above. ... we will flood the streets for Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and all our people resisting around the world.  "



“Repression Breeds Resistance” LONG LIVE THE INTIFADA


Nerdeen Kiswani and Within Our Lifetime
Flooding NYC for GAZA

"We call on all those who stand with Palestine to take
to the streets
to collectively demand an end
to U.S. sponsored genocide in Gaza.

“Repression Breeds Resistance”

Sept 2, 2024. Labor Day in the U.S.

Within Our Lifetime posted on Twitter-X that their Labor Day action was to raise awareness about work place discrimination in the tech and health care industries against employees who support the "palestinian" people. [Nurse fired in NYC for wearing pali flag]

Open in New Tab to enlarge next poster for a
look at who endorsed this action

Extinction Rebellion NYC was one of the surprise participants that joined the coalition

Led by Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime  ..... to oppose genocide in Palestine ...
she repeats endlessly that the palis are the VICTIMS of ZIONISTS.


Extinction Rebellion NYC was one of the surprise participants that joined the coalition


 .There were also Communist orgs
(at least two that I saw) recruiting.


."The RCA (Revolutionary Communists of America) is a party of class-fighters committed to the overthrow of capitalism. We fight for a world of superabundance and reject the artificial scarcity of a system based on the pursuit of profits. We fight to establish a workers’ government to tackle the roots of war, inequality, oppression, and climate catastrophe."

And the other soc/commie group:
The World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky.

As we remember today's meme  (some light reading)
"Repression Breeds Resistance"

W.O.L. published a series of posters detailing accusations of criminal actions by the NYPD (a tool of Israel) against the the Palestinian Liberation Movement. (approx 10 seconds a slide/ pause video to read more info)


.“Israel is comparable to ISIS, just like how they (ISIS) hijacked Islam. And so we know Israel is a terrorist state. Israel’s a genocidal state. Israel is a colonial project and Palestinians will only get justice when Israel ceases to exist” WOL founder Nerdeen Kiswani said to the crowd on Labor Day. (always long winded, this vid is approx 17 minutes of agitprop)


 Note to @WOLPalestine's @Nerdeen Kiswani & her lackeys: If Israel ceased to exist, Hamas would rule & there would be no justice for Palestinians.

Flickr Slide Show Part 1, begins with posters that were put up and then quickly torn down by the palis

Flood NYC For Gaza Part 1

."The protesters carried Palestinian, Syrian, Iranian, and Hezbollah flags, one man waved a banner emblazoned with the images of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and PFLP general secretary Ahmad Sa’adat. The logo on the banner belonged to the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, a PFLP-tied NGO."

Flickr Slide Show Part 2 exposing more of the dangerously pathetic misdirection of so many tools....

Flood NYC For Gaza Part 2

.There is no shortage of radical propaganda
aimed at these gullible followers.

“Zionism is the Catastrophe”
Seven months and seventy-six years of Nakba

Wondering why: "Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, shut down the Instagram account of WOL in early February.  In early July, Meta also shut down the Instagram account of the Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoner Network, and in the last week shut down the accounts for Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, and NYU’s People’s Solidarity Coalition."  ("VICTIMIZED" this time by META? )

From NY War Crimes Newszine

"People are still either failing or refusing to grasp that this genocide is equally the product of US imperialism and Israeli democracy."

This is how you mis-direct the 20 somethings and more... including the PRESS...   with rinse / repeat- over and over: as they complain and DICTATE that the only genocide is against GAZA.

'' Those in power have doubled-down, sending more money and more weapons to the Zionist entity. The seemingly intractable appears at once daunting and hallucinatory, personally painful too, for those in our movement whose families and friends have spent their long October transmitting fear and rage from America’s extermination camps. If there is any solace to be found it is in those dreams and words and rockets that have remodeled the land — 76 years of assembly and disassembly, 76 years too long, but also proof that with Gaza as the heart, there will be courage and with Gaza as the eyes, the aim will be true.''

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Monday, September 16, 2024

How the US State Department Helped Jihad Come to Power in Bangladesh


Recently, at a protest arranged by a Jewish coalition protesting the biased journalism at CNN, I captured others who have the same complaint:

And then Madeline Brooks' wonderfully detailed article arrived, to illuminate and clarify. Thank you, Madeline.

"Ironically, heartbreakingly, the original inhabitants of the land, invaded by conquering Muslims centuries ago, now live in abject fear....the Hindus, Buddhists and indigenous people are trapped in their own homeland..."


Will Bangladesh become another Afghanistan? So goes the fear of non-Muslim minorities – Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and animists – in Bangladesh as jihad advances in their country. It is not an unreasonable fear, given longstanding persecution and the recent overthrow of the prime minister who fought for secularism against Islamic forces. On August 5, 2024, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had to flee the country after weeks of protests that claimed lives on both sides. Sheikh Hasina was elected five times as head of her country, starting in 2009 and for the last time, in January 2024.

Since its establishment as an independent country, breaking away from Pakistan in a bloody revolution in 1971, Bangladesh has been struggling to find its basic policies. The issue is religion. Shall the country be Islamist like Pakistan or secular, granting the right for survival and equal rights to its minorities who, after all, have lived there long before the Islamic invasion into their homeland? Sheikh Hasina, herself a Muslim was the head of the Awami League Party which defined secularism as “Religion as per one’s own, but festivals common to all.” This sounds like it not only reflects the live and let live philosophies of the minorities but cheerfully looks to a good time for all. The now overthrown Awami League has been trying to keep a lid on Islamist strivings. Its opposition was the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, whose website states its founding principle to be “full faith and trust in Allah.”  The BNP is allied with the Jamaat-e-Islami party, the country’s largest Islamic group, whose constitution calls for an end to secular rule, a polite way of saying the country would be ruled only by strict Islam, just as we see in Afghanistan. Jamaat opposed the separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan, and has been continuing to undercut the secularist orientation by organizing strict Islamic groups in villages, even after it has been in and out of being banned.

Other Islamic groups go further. Hefazat e Islam demands capital punishment for “atheist bloggers.” Another fundamentalist group, Khelafat Majlish,  has put forth demands including that “no laws or policies are enacted [that] contradict the Quran and Sunnah” As an answer to anxieties about whether Bangladesh would become another “Afghanistan or Pakistan,” Islamic forces answered by taunting with chants of “We shall become Afghan, Bangla will be Taliban.” Pakistan has several Islamic parties while Afghanistan has only one, the Taliban, so they would go further. Another group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, banned by several other Muslim countries, broadcast its desire to establish an Islamic caliphate in Bangladesh.

So as we can see, the difference in intentions of the two parties is very clear and it would have made sense for the US to back Hasina’ Awami League, but they did not, for reasons we will see later. Charges by US critics and others were ostensibly that Sheikh Hasina’s party went way too far in its efforts to keep a lid on jihad, and had become anti-democratic in its squashing of dissent.

On August 1, 2024, just days before Hasina’s forced departure, she took an action against jihad and announced that the Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing would be banned as militant groups, since she saw them as a major part of the student riots that had begun months earlier. This announcement just incited rage further, and the main target became the government’s job quota system which favored descendants of the men who fought in the 1971 War of Liberation from Pakistan by reserving 30% of its jobs for them. The job quotas led to nepotism in a time of widespread unemployment as the rapidly expanding country went through a sharp contraction.  According to Hasina’s son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, the Awami League was fighting to get rid of the quotas that a court had reinstated. However, even after the quota system had been dropped and replaced by a mostly merit based system, the protesters persisted, enraged by things that arose from their own demonstrations: the internet was slowed down or stopped, universities had been closed, over 9,000 people were arrested according to an activist’s report, and worst of all more than 300 of their fellows had been shot dead by the police. There are reports of police gunfire coming from helicopters that killed even young children near their homes, but whether this was accidental or not is not clear. Some police were hurt or killed too in the struggle.

When the protesters’ rage reached boiling proportions, the Prime Minister had to flee for her life in a helicopter with her sister to India. Her palace was torn into with zeal. Anything that could be picked up was stolen and paraded for the cameras, even, shamefully, two of her bras. Hasina, fiercely loyal to the memory of her father, Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, who had led the 1971 revolution, and then been assassinated, was said to have added fuel to the fire by taunting the protesters with a name for traitors, razakars, implying they were disloyal to the very founding of the country. She later denied this, saying her words were distorted by others; however there are reports that she tried to silence political dissent even before the recent protesters by calling her critics razakars. Ominously, she is now facing demands for extradition from India to be tried on 75 charges ranging from genocide to murder and abduction and she seems to be having trouble finding a country who will accept her, as India questions whether she should stay there. There are fears that she will be summarily killed if returned to Bangladesh.

Student protesters and other critics contend that Hasina’s party had a long history of more than 600 disappearances, extra judicial killings of political rivals and repression of dissent. She and 49 of her former ministers are accused by the country’s anti-corruption commissioner of siphoning off more than $150 billion to various countries throughout the world through such things as money laundering, overspending on government projects, and bribes.  As well, Hasina amended the Constitution in a way that is said to have prevented a peaceful transition of power. These charges may be true, but according to her, they were not the real reason the US wanted to end her regime,

What is not as well known yet to Americans, although the foreign press is ablaze with it, is suspicion that the US arranged for a coup against Hasina. Hasina claims that the US wanted to buy Saint Martin’s island, a small area in the Bay of Bengal, for security reasons. The reasoning goes that an airbase there could be used to monitor and control Chinese economic and military activities in the area. When Hasina refused to sell or lease it, she states that she was told her next election could be made easier for her (with the implication that it could also be made worse.) She also alleged that the US wanted to take more territory from her country.

After she left she explained, “I resigned so that I did not have to see the procession of dead bodies. They wanted to come to power over the dead bodies of students but I did not allow it… I could have remained in power if I had surrendered the sovereignty of Saint Martin’s island and allowed America to hold sway over the Bay of Bengal…If I had remained in the country, more lives would have been lost, more resources would have been destroyed. ..Like East Timor … they will carve out a Christian country taking parts of Bangladesh [Chattogram] and Myanmar with a base in the Bay of Bengal.”

The US also wanted independent minded Hasina to join the Indo Pacific Treaty and steer clear of BRIC (an economic alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, and China), which would have kept her out of China’s influence, but she resisted, and instead took loans from China to develop her country. In what looks like punishment, the US put visa restrictions on members of her party in September, 2023. They frequently criticized her party and her for being insufficiently “democratic,” while showing favor to Pakistan which is obviously not democratic, as a Muslim dominated country, the same one that allowed Osama bin Laden to stay there. Dhaka was also kept out of one of Biden’s Summits for Democracy. One of the Awami League members alleged that favor was shown to the rival BNP that gave a home to Jamaat and other fundamentalists. In April, 2024 Hasina told her Parliament that the US was putting pressure on her to take initiatives against China, and then came the student riots. Hasina’s perception that the US was working on a regime change was shared earlier by a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, who in December, 2023, said that the US was planning a “chaotic regime change” in Bangladesh. More specifically, Ms. Zakharova claimed that the US ambassador to Bangladesh, Peter Haas, and a high-ranking BNP representative had been discussing plans to organize mass anti-government protests in the country. This would be a color revolution, which the US flatly denies. However, it looks to some that the woman who was once a model of female empowerment became unfairly regarded as a despot, a disposable female.

US antipathy to an independent Bangladesh is not new. During the Cold War, the US State Department was hyper focused on competing with the USSR and containing it. Countries that opposed the USSR became allies, while neutral countries were seen as potential threats. Pakistan allied with the US and other Western countries. Bangladesh, however, did not become a country until 1971, and it had to split from Pakistan to do so. Pakistan’s military continued to be a problem for Bangladesh, and is believed by Indian journalist Palki Sharma to be a contributor to Bangladesh’s problems, along with the US working against the Awami League. Hasina’s son cites the manipulation of social media as an incitement to bring down his mother’s reign, and says that protesters were given guns to attack the police. In a country where ownership of fire arms is tightly regulated, Joy questions who gave them guns and claims that his mother’s regime tried to meet all the protesters’ demands but that constant inciting egged them on.

At this point, it might be hard to say with certainty that the US engineered this blow to the head of a state. But there are more indications it may have happened. An economist who was deeply tied to the Democratic Party in the US was called in to be the interim head of the country. He is Muhammed Yunus, an economist known for starting the Grameen bank, making loans to very poor people. The bank’s interest rate is so high, 15-18 %, that it has led to despair and even suicide among many of the bank’s recipients. Numerous lawsuits have been filed against Yunus for other business interests, and he was sentenced to six months in prison for labor law violations connected with a phone company he ran. Yunus declares that the charges were trumped up, designed to stop him from starting a political party rivaling Hasina’s. She was his one-time friend, who went on to call him a “blood sucker” for exploiting the poor. Now there is bad blood between Yunus and Hasina. Nevertheless, he was very popular with the West and was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Yunus’ new cabinet appears to be all Muslim, with the following possible add-on exceptionsthe portfolios of the remaining three members – psychiatrist Bidhan Ranjan Roy from the minority Hindu community, former diplomat Supradip Chakma from the Indigenous Chakma community, based in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and independence fighter Faruk-e-Azam. Yunus apparently had so little regard for these “also mentioned” people that they themselves were not even asked or notified about being in the cabinet beforehand. They learned about their new appointments from the media, according to a Hindu Bangladeshi source, and they call it mere window dressing.

Yunus did give scant encouragement to persecuted Hindus by making a ceremonial visit to a temple, along with a flood of smiling luminaries, who look like they are at a party. But his alliances with Islamist groups create confusion and fear for those who are left out. As the interim head of Bangladesh, Yunus promptly lifted the ban on the Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami party that had been imposed by Hasina just a month ago. Jammat e Islami is back to declaring that “peace will not return until the religion of Allah is established.”  Yunus’ also released from prison an Al-Qaeda linked terror group Chief , Jashimuddin Rahmani. And he met with Mamunul Haque, a leader of the extremist group Hefazat-e-Islam. Moving quickly to secure his interim government, Yunus had a state meeting on September 2 with heads of seven Islamic parties. Representatives of the opposition party and minorities were left out. They have reason to be terrified.

Mobs are rampaging against Awami League members and politicians; some are killed, others are in hiding. The Bangladeshi media completely ignores this; reports come out only on social media, and are often taken down quickly. Hindus are especially targeted for attacks, even though they had political problems with Hasina too. She did not speak up for them when they were attacked and she ignored their attempts to reclaim confiscated property and set up a national minority commission to protect religious minorities. Hindus are asking politely for so very little. But Hasina denied these simple requests for justice because she apparently wavered between appeasing minorities and not stirring up Islamist anger. So much for placating Muslims. It looks like Hasina both caved to Islamists and bullied them. Would there have been a better way to rule? Is it even possible for a secular government to exist side by side with an Islamist one that is determined to obliterate it? These are questions other counties must face as they naively allow themselves to be dominated by Islam.

Will Bangladesh become another Afghanistan? This is what some Hindus and other Bangladeshi minorities fear. It is not an unreasonable fear, given the free hand given now to Islamists. Hindus say they are being “slaughtered.”  For many of their attackers, the hate is strictly about religion, not politics since some of their Hindu victims once participated with them in the student protests. Hindus are beaten, raped, murdered. Their houses, businesses, temples are set on fire. Professors are humiliated by their students and forced to stay out of their classrooms. This is happening by the hundreds. Calls to the police or military for assistance are not answered because the police are not functioning. There is no law and order. At least 205 attacks have been noted in 52 districts, though the number is probably much higher but without a functioning police department it is hard to register reports. This is called the bloodiest period in the country’s history since its 1971 war of independence. Hindus call out for help but the mainstream media in Bangladesh is alarmingly silent on this. Reports are coming out mainly through social media, many of which are quickly removed from Facebook and YouTube.

Ironically, heartbreakingly, the original inhabitants of the land, invaded by conquering Muslims centuries ago, now live in abject fear. Hindus have been killed and victimized since the inception of Bangladesh. Their numbers have plunged from 33% as measured in 1901 to only 7% today. Now the Hindus, Buddhists and indigenous people are trapped in their own homeland, unable to flee because they are denied entry at India’s border.

Summing up, the US in its drive to pursue a possibly out dated Russian policy of containment, and a similar current Chinese policy, has thrown secularism in Bangladesh under the bus. This is the opposite of democracy and has exposed Hindus and other minorities to possible extinction. Such a heartless policy, which is ultimately foolish for the US too, given the mandate of Islamic jihadists to conquer the world, must be changed. If Bangladesh does become an Afghanistan in South East Asia, America’s security interests will be severely threatened.

Madeline Brooks, M.A., is the former head of the New York chapter of ActforAmerica and is a conservative and counter-jihad writer. Her articles have been published in,,, and elsewhere. Her book, What You Need To Know About Islamic Jihad: Information The Main Stream Media Is Not Giving You, is available for free on Scribd. She can be reached at

Sunday, August 25, 2024

NYPD denies WOL Palis protest access to Grand Central

 For months Within Our Lifetime, an anti-Israel organization that encourages HATE IN YOUR HEART for Israel has used "FLOODING" as their multi-protest meme to promote the destruction of Israel.

WOL’s title for their rallies invoked the name Hamas gave its October 7, 2023 terror attacks, which it called “Al-Aqsa Flood,” referring to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. WOL hosted multiple rallies after October 7 using “Flood” in the title.

Since WOL intended to shut down Grand Central on July 18, 2024, the NYPD closed access to Grand Central to all but travelers.

When he pro-Israel side arrived, the too were sent to the south side of 42nd st

There were animated exchanges between the opposing sides. and LOTS of police.

(MTA Hybrid Threat Unit was a new one to me)

VIDEO. Police were busy dealing with both sides.

The Pro Israel  side Flickr SlidesshowProtest Flood Gaza at Grand Central

The anti Israel Flickr Slide Show

Flood NYC For Gaza

What follows is a press release statement from Nerdeen Kiswani

After the bloodiest week in Gaza since October, hundreds of New Yorkers joined Within Our Lifetime to protest and rage for the 186,000+ Palestinian lives murdered by the zionist entity.

As GCT stood still, our movement proved to be adaptable and resilient despite NYPD’s attempts to split our march through kettling, baseless arrests, and surveillance. The people united swerved, evaded the SRG, and took the streets.

We shut down Grand Central before even showing up. The NYPD is so afraid of our mobilization that they have blocked off entrances and established checkpoints at the station. Meet at Pershing Sq on 42nd across from GC and keep flooding New York for Gaza

As usual, the NYPD attempted to repress our movement at every step. Hours before our start time, they blocked entrances to Grand Central Terminal and lined the avenues with hundreds of IOF-trained pigs — effectively halting a major transportation hub out of fear of our movement. [@NerdeenKiswani]

Eventually, Free palestine FLOODED the streets for Gaza as they marched downtown



While the palis of Hamas create more victims, like the Killing of Mohammad Bhar :

It's up to us to counter the agitprop

The media won't do it.We must not Let them forget.

Since Oct 7th,  the hostages still suffer.
322 Days of torture.


[Where indicated pictures and videos
property of Pamela Hall-VSB]


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Nerdeen Kiswani's anti-semitism on International Women's Day has no end...


"Day 318 / Aug 19, 2024/ 115 (?) hostages


"🎗️Hxmxs has rejected another ceasefire deal, and Blinken is pressuring Bibi…A deal would lead to more Israelis getting killed and getting kidnapped. Just like history repeating itself and this vicious cycle that Israel seems to can’t get out of. Mostly because of the constant pressure from d@mb a$$ liberals, in Israel and around the world.It’s time to stop appeasing the terr0rists, and end this cycle once and for all."

Day 319 / Aug 20, 2024
109 (?) hostages

Thank you @idf for heroically
rescuing the bodies of:


Yoram Metzger🕯️
Alexander Dancyg🕯️
Avraham Munder🕯️
Chaim Peri🕯️
Nadav Popplewell🕯️
Yagev Buchshtab🕯️

May they all rest in peace and their memory forever be a blessing 🙏🏻 August 20, 2024 (Rachel Herman)

Looking back to March 8, 2024 illuminates the pattern of relentless indoctrination - globally. The LIES that make Israel and the Jews the terrorists" ".... history repeating itself and this vicious cycle that Israel seems to can’t get out of"

From March 2024 Anti-Israel materials -
"As the zionist entity has used lies of sexual violence to legitimize the ongoing genocide in Gaza, while there is no accountability for the real sexual violence that Palestinian women have experienced at the hands of occupation soldiers for decades, we are going to flood New York to show the world that Palestinian liberation is inextricably linked with women's liberation.

SO: "To commemorate International Women's Day and answer the call from women in Palestine, we are mobilizing as part of a Global Strike for Gaza in Union Square." [Within Our Lifetime]

Nerdeen Kiswani's  keynote Women's Day speech is like a doctorate in Pali-propaganda: take the truth, FLIP it upside down. LIE. No one will challenge you. They are too SCARED.

This longer than usual speech by Nerdeen , 27 minutes, is not something I would usually take the time to record, but I was curious and then....since I had started recording, I finished the task. (I did my best to add captions for some clarity)

August 2024. 10 months later. Colleges were turned in to encampments. Jews denied access to their own schools. Marching hoards through the streets. Making them impassable. Relentless propaganda leading the way.A growing anti-semitism is their legacy.

[see Gaza Group below] ENLARGE in a new window

Anti-Israel Protesters Used International Women’s Day to Praise Female Terrorists

Anti-Israel Protesters Use International Women’s Day to Praise Female Terrorists

A graphic distributed by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) celebrating International Women’s Day released a similar statement saying that the group “would like to emphasize showing solidarity with the brave and courageous women of Palestine as they fight not only for their own lives, but for the lives of their families and all the people of Palestine struggling against Zionist oppression."

As previously noted by ADL, in the months since Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, anti-Israel protests in the United States have often featured speakers or attendees who endorse groups that the US recognizes as Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) or Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs)

"... Islam has been taking over many of the US states, replacing their state flags with Islamist symbols.

— including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Houthis (Ansar Allah). Protesters have also glorified notorious leaders of these groups, including Leila Khaled.

......appeasement seems VERY unlikely.------

Do not look to the United Nations for any help. Appeasement. Or peaceful resolutions.

Gilad Erdan [with English captions]


@unitednations you are a despic@ble organization.

"Trump and the Republican Party are the *only* ones who stand up for the hostages, Israel and the Jewish people, and against R@dical Isl@mist Terr0rism.

Vote for Trump-Vance, to save Israel and save America 🇺🇸🇮🇱" (R Herman)

[Pictures and videos as indicated property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Monday, August 19, 2024

Stand Against Anti-Semitic Radicalism with Simon Deng


Sunday July 21, 2024 .Herald Square. NYC.


Former Sudanese slave Simon Deng compared what happened to his village as a child to what happened to Israel on October 7 @dumisani6;  @africanjewishalliance

Simon was kidnapped, sold as a slave to an Arab family and lived in brutal slavery for the next three and a half years before he managed to escape. More in this intro to Simon:

One MILLION Sudanese are expected to die due to famine. Over 50,000 killed in 2024 to date, mostly civilians. Where is the outcry? Campus protests? Black Lives Matter? Biden, Blinken. Hashtag Solidarity at least?

While Deng, a victim of child slavery spoke to the rally .... the always offensive Crackhead Barney, a muslim-american (real name Fauziya Suni) whose parents immigrated from Nigeria... mocked and crashed the event.

"BARNEY" should choose her "DaDa" street theatre improvs more carefully."Dadaism's main purpose was to challenge the social norms of society, and purposefully make art that would shock, confuse, or outrage people."

RESPECT thy name is NOT CrackHead Barney.

Since October 7th, Simon has used his voice to advocate for Israel. In December 2023, he led a solidarity walk from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to bring awareness to the hostages and to the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and to show that the South Sudanese and African communities stand with Israel and the Jews.


Flickr Slide show:

Stand With Us Rally For Freedom

.An OPEN LETTER from Nobel Prize winning contemporary German writer, HertaMuller, maybe be too much for the 'educated elites" to accept, to admit the necessity of this shocking wake-up call to the West – (to not turn away from) the madness that has gripped parts of Western society since Hamas attacked Israel.

"...I  have the impression that the strategy of Hamas and its supporters is to make everything Israeli, and therefore everything Jewish, unbearable to the world.

Hamas wants to maintain anti-Semitism as a permanent global mood. That is why it also wants to reinterpret the Shoah. The Nazi persecution and the rescue flight to Palestine are also to be called into question. And ultimately, the right of Israel to exist.

 ... With all these stacked constructs, Israel is no longer seen as the only democracy in the Middle East, but as a colonialist model state. And as an eternal aggressor, against whom blind hatred is justified. And even the desire for its destruction..." []

The destruction of the Jews and the destruction of Israel remain the goal and desire of Hamas. Exactly the same as in Iran.

When it comes to addressing the growing global anti-Semitism, all we hear from the Friends/Quakers, Salvation Army, Hollywood celebrities .. the Do-Gooders who preach WORLD PEACE:


They can't handle The Truth


[Where indicated pictures and videos
property of Pamela Hall-vsb]