Friday, August 16, 2024

World Values Network presented "A Night To Honor Israel" in Times Square



July 31, 2024, Times Square, World Values Network presented "A Night To Honor Israel". This was the first major celebration of the @IDF in the United States since October 7.


There were lots of police since the usual hostile opposition was across Bdway; full of 'righteous' fury at the death of Haniyeh.

According to Hamas he was killed by a "Zionist raid" on their residence. FYI: Ismail Haniyeh was the political leader of Hamas. WAS.

But spirits at the Night to Celebrate Israel were full of hope and prayers and THANKS for the IDF. Am Yisrael Chai.








 Former IDF Spokesman Jonathan Conricus, was the main speaker..."the Israeli army’s most famous and accomplished global spokesman, Lt.-Col. (ret.) Jonathan Conricus, whom we all watch in astonishment nearly every night on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC as he defends Israel’s warriors with eloquence, facts, and courage . [JPost]


FYI: The IDF  is mislabeled as the IOF by the pali leftists: I...O...F... Israel Occupation Forces or Israel Offensive Forces, pejorative terms for the Israel Defense Forces in "Palestine."

Flickr Slide Show From the Pro Israel side:

A Night to Defend Israel Part 2

Of course BRING THEM HOME is always on everyone's lips, the parents of Gaza IDF hostage Omer Neutra (22),

But the Palis (and friends) remain nasty and rude: hateful. Pali protesters held a portrait of terrorist leader Ismail Haniyeh while setting off red and green smoke bombs.

They waved the flags of Hamas and Hezballah, wore the head bands that sported the same colors of these terrorist groups, while screaming , chanting and banging on metal and drums.

Obnoxious and RUDE.

NYPD’s Strategic Response Group (SRG) and the bike unit were lined up in front of the pro-Pali protesters.

Lots of Police:

WOL's leader, Nerdeen Kiswani was leading the pali agitators, easily seen by standing on a public trash box.

Nerdeen Kiswani, organizer of WOL Palestine, leading a pro-Palestinian protest amidst a crowd during an IDF celebration rally in Times Square, New York, July 31, 2024.Stephen Yang for the New York Post

Oddly, the NYPD arrested a protester for standing on that same trash box, not sure what that violation would have been since they left Nerdeen alone ... and others.


It was a popular trash box

Flickr slideshow Pali-Leftists

A Night to Defend Israel Part 1

Video: On the Israel side, Sal Sinatra, an entertainer, addressed both sides of the avenue.  He spoke of a peace he felt could be attainable. But, listening to the venom spewed from across Bdwy, it seems doubtful.  (video excerpted)


" (Sal Sinatra) ..... a Palestinian-American whom I met at an incredible play about the Eichmann trial at the Center for Jewish History who diffused a protest against Israel that would have ruined the play. He told me that although he is a proud Palestinian who disagrees with many Israeli policies, he believes that Israel belongs to the Jews. It’s a tiny country, and he has no idea why his Palestinian brethren would deny the Jews a match-stamp size of a country. “You’re speaking at our rally!” I told him. He immediately agreed."  Rabbi Schmulley []

Some disturbing after affects :

The pali brigade lets no opportunity go to waste as they claimed to be the VICTIMS to a post-protest confrontation. They filed assault charges against the 2 Jews who did not instigate this exchange as the video shows.

Followed by Nerdeen Kiswani and her thugs the pro-Israel pedestrians were taunted with, "We don't WANT NO ZIONISTS HERE"


NO FAIRNESS HERE!  It would seem the Muslim lobby is controlling the press, and the legal system, with threats of chaos  .... and it seems to be working since a web of lies ignored the ASSAULT.

The crowd of pali-muslims (and friends) pelted the 2 pedestrians with FULL water bottles. As videos show, the woman was forced to protect themselves with pepper spray while the man deflected bottle-missiles until they were able to get way from the assault.

YET, the police arrested the woman for protecting herself. Whoever is calling the shots has ignored all the evidence and is accusing the Jewish victims of assaulting the Muslims. Manipulating press and passersby to create a very false narrative that the Jews were the bad-guys. SHAME SHAME on NYC.

Some Final Thoughts from Rabbi Schmulley

 "How did Times Square become Gaza City and Rafah? And how did the Jews allow it? what is our excuse in New York City, where we out-number our Muslim brothers and sisters perhaps 100-to-one?

..our Arab brothers and sisters, always cognizant of what constitutes the most powerful of all PR coups (and boy are they experts at it!), have made Times Square their home

if you’re wearing a yarmulke, or a Star of David, you are a magnet and an immediate target. Stand for a few minutes and, like bees to the honey, it will begin. “Free Palestine.” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” And, more occasionally but all too common, “Death to Israel.”  

No way No How.
Am Yisrael Chai!!

[Where indicated, pictures and videos
property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

*This post is for educational and news purposes "


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