Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Nerdeen Kiswani's anti-semitism on International Women's Day has no end...


"Day 318 / Aug 19, 2024/ 115 (?) hostages


"🎗️Hxmxs has rejected another ceasefire deal, and Blinken is pressuring Bibi…A deal would lead to more Israelis getting killed and getting kidnapped. Just like history repeating itself and this vicious cycle that Israel seems to can’t get out of. Mostly because of the constant pressure from d@mb a$$ liberals, in Israel and around the world.It’s time to stop appeasing the terr0rists, and end this cycle once and for all."

Day 319 / Aug 20, 2024
109 (?) hostages

Thank you @idf for heroically
rescuing the bodies of:


Yoram Metzger🕯️
Alexander Dancyg🕯️
Avraham Munder🕯️
Chaim Peri🕯️
Nadav Popplewell🕯️
Yagev Buchshtab🕯️

May they all rest in peace and their memory forever be a blessing 🙏🏻 August 20, 2024 (Rachel Herman)

Looking back to March 8, 2024 illuminates the pattern of relentless indoctrination - globally. The LIES that make Israel and the Jews the terrorists" ".... history repeating itself and this vicious cycle that Israel seems to can’t get out of"

From March 2024 Anti-Israel materials -
"As the zionist entity has used lies of sexual violence to legitimize the ongoing genocide in Gaza, while there is no accountability for the real sexual violence that Palestinian women have experienced at the hands of occupation soldiers for decades, we are going to flood New York to show the world that Palestinian liberation is inextricably linked with women's liberation.

SO: "To commemorate International Women's Day and answer the call from women in Palestine, we are mobilizing as part of a Global Strike for Gaza in Union Square." [Within Our Lifetime]

Nerdeen Kiswani's  keynote Women's Day speech is like a doctorate in Pali-propaganda: take the truth, FLIP it upside down. LIE. No one will challenge you. They are too SCARED.

This longer than usual speech by Nerdeen , 27 minutes, is not something I would usually take the time to record, but I was curious and then....since I had started recording, I finished the task. (I did my best to add captions for some clarity)

August 2024. 10 months later. Colleges were turned in to encampments. Jews denied access to their own schools. Marching hoards through the streets. Making them impassable. Relentless propaganda leading the way.A growing anti-semitism is their legacy.

[see Gaza Group below] ENLARGE in a new window

Anti-Israel Protesters Used International Women’s Day to Praise Female Terrorists

Anti-Israel Protesters Use International Women’s Day to Praise Female Terrorists

A graphic distributed by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) celebrating International Women’s Day released a similar statement saying that the group “would like to emphasize showing solidarity with the brave and courageous women of Palestine as they fight not only for their own lives, but for the lives of their families and all the people of Palestine struggling against Zionist oppression."

As previously noted by ADL, in the months since Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, anti-Israel protests in the United States have often featured speakers or attendees who endorse groups that the US recognizes as Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) or Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs)

"... Islam has been taking over many of the US states, replacing their state flags with Islamist symbols.

— including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Houthis (Ansar Allah). Protesters have also glorified notorious leaders of these groups, including Leila Khaled.

......appeasement seems VERY unlikely.------

Do not look to the United Nations for any help. Appeasement. Or peaceful resolutions.

Gilad Erdan [with English captions]


@unitednations you are a despic@ble organization.

"Trump and the Republican Party are the *only* ones who stand up for the hostages, Israel and the Jewish people, and against R@dical Isl@mist Terr0rism.

Vote for Trump-Vance, to save Israel and save America 🇺🇸🇮🇱" (R Herman)

[Pictures and videos as indicated property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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