Sunday, August 25, 2024

NYPD denies WOL Palis protest access to Grand Central

 For months Within Our Lifetime, an anti-Israel organization that encourages HATE IN YOUR HEART for Israel has used "FLOODING" as their multi-protest meme to promote the destruction of Israel.

WOL’s title for their rallies invoked the name Hamas gave its October 7, 2023 terror attacks, which it called “Al-Aqsa Flood,” referring to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. WOL hosted multiple rallies after October 7 using “Flood” in the title.

Since WOL intended to shut down Grand Central on July 18, 2024, the NYPD closed access to Grand Central to all but travelers.

When he pro-Israel side arrived, the too were sent to the south side of 42nd st

There were animated exchanges between the opposing sides. and LOTS of police.

(MTA Hybrid Threat Unit was a new one to me)

VIDEO. Police were busy dealing with both sides.

The Pro Israel  side Flickr SlidesshowProtest Flood Gaza at Grand Central

The anti Israel Flickr Slide Show

Flood NYC For Gaza

What follows is a press release statement from Nerdeen Kiswani

After the bloodiest week in Gaza since October, hundreds of New Yorkers joined Within Our Lifetime to protest and rage for the 186,000+ Palestinian lives murdered by the zionist entity.

As GCT stood still, our movement proved to be adaptable and resilient despite NYPD’s attempts to split our march through kettling, baseless arrests, and surveillance. The people united swerved, evaded the SRG, and took the streets.

We shut down Grand Central before even showing up. The NYPD is so afraid of our mobilization that they have blocked off entrances and established checkpoints at the station. Meet at Pershing Sq on 42nd across from GC and keep flooding New York for Gaza

As usual, the NYPD attempted to repress our movement at every step. Hours before our start time, they blocked entrances to Grand Central Terminal and lined the avenues with hundreds of IOF-trained pigs — effectively halting a major transportation hub out of fear of our movement. [@NerdeenKiswani]

Eventually, Free palestine FLOODED the streets for Gaza as they marched downtown



While the palis of Hamas create more victims, like the Killing of Mohammad Bhar :

It's up to us to counter the agitprop

The media won't do it.We must not Let them forget.

Since Oct 7th,  the hostages still suffer.
322 Days of torture.


[Where indicated pictures and videos
property of Pamela Hall-VSB]


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Nerdeen Kiswani's anti-semitism on International Women's Day has no end...


"Day 318 / Aug 19, 2024/ 115 (?) hostages


"🎗️Hxmxs has rejected another ceasefire deal, and Blinken is pressuring Bibi…A deal would lead to more Israelis getting killed and getting kidnapped. Just like history repeating itself and this vicious cycle that Israel seems to can’t get out of. Mostly because of the constant pressure from d@mb a$$ liberals, in Israel and around the world.It’s time to stop appeasing the terr0rists, and end this cycle once and for all."

Day 319 / Aug 20, 2024
109 (?) hostages

Thank you @idf for heroically
rescuing the bodies of:


Yoram Metzger🕯️
Alexander Dancyg🕯️
Avraham Munder🕯️
Chaim Peri🕯️
Nadav Popplewell🕯️
Yagev Buchshtab🕯️

May they all rest in peace and their memory forever be a blessing 🙏🏻 August 20, 2024 (Rachel Herman)

Looking back to March 8, 2024 illuminates the pattern of relentless indoctrination - globally. The LIES that make Israel and the Jews the terrorists" ".... history repeating itself and this vicious cycle that Israel seems to can’t get out of"

From March 2024 Anti-Israel materials -
"As the zionist entity has used lies of sexual violence to legitimize the ongoing genocide in Gaza, while there is no accountability for the real sexual violence that Palestinian women have experienced at the hands of occupation soldiers for decades, we are going to flood New York to show the world that Palestinian liberation is inextricably linked with women's liberation.

SO: "To commemorate International Women's Day and answer the call from women in Palestine, we are mobilizing as part of a Global Strike for Gaza in Union Square." [Within Our Lifetime]

Nerdeen Kiswani's  keynote Women's Day speech is like a doctorate in Pali-propaganda: take the truth, FLIP it upside down. LIE. No one will challenge you. They are too SCARED.

This longer than usual speech by Nerdeen , 27 minutes, is not something I would usually take the time to record, but I was curious and then....since I had started recording, I finished the task. (I did my best to add captions for some clarity)

August 2024. 10 months later. Colleges were turned in to encampments. Jews denied access to their own schools. Marching hoards through the streets. Making them impassable. Relentless propaganda leading the way.A growing anti-semitism is their legacy.

[see Gaza Group below] ENLARGE in a new window

Anti-Israel Protesters Used International Women’s Day to Praise Female Terrorists

Anti-Israel Protesters Use International Women’s Day to Praise Female Terrorists

A graphic distributed by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) celebrating International Women’s Day released a similar statement saying that the group “would like to emphasize showing solidarity with the brave and courageous women of Palestine as they fight not only for their own lives, but for the lives of their families and all the people of Palestine struggling against Zionist oppression."

As previously noted by ADL, in the months since Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, anti-Israel protests in the United States have often featured speakers or attendees who endorse groups that the US recognizes as Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) or Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs)

"... Islam has been taking over many of the US states, replacing their state flags with Islamist symbols.

— including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Houthis (Ansar Allah). Protesters have also glorified notorious leaders of these groups, including Leila Khaled.

......appeasement seems VERY unlikely.------

Do not look to the United Nations for any help. Appeasement. Or peaceful resolutions.

Gilad Erdan [with English captions]


@unitednations you are a despic@ble organization.

"Trump and the Republican Party are the *only* ones who stand up for the hostages, Israel and the Jewish people, and against R@dical Isl@mist Terr0rism.

Vote for Trump-Vance, to save Israel and save America 🇺🇸🇮🇱" (R Herman)

[Pictures and videos as indicated property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Monday, August 19, 2024

Stand Against Anti-Semitic Radicalism with Simon Deng


Sunday July 21, 2024 .Herald Square. NYC.


Former Sudanese slave Simon Deng compared what happened to his village as a child to what happened to Israel on October 7 @dumisani6;  @africanjewishalliance

Simon was kidnapped, sold as a slave to an Arab family and lived in brutal slavery for the next three and a half years before he managed to escape. More in this intro to Simon:

One MILLION Sudanese are expected to die due to famine. Over 50,000 killed in 2024 to date, mostly civilians. Where is the outcry? Campus protests? Black Lives Matter? Biden, Blinken. Hashtag Solidarity at least?

While Deng, a victim of child slavery spoke to the rally .... the always offensive Crackhead Barney, a muslim-american (real name Fauziya Suni) whose parents immigrated from Nigeria... mocked and crashed the event.

"BARNEY" should choose her "DaDa" street theatre improvs more carefully."Dadaism's main purpose was to challenge the social norms of society, and purposefully make art that would shock, confuse, or outrage people."

RESPECT thy name is NOT CrackHead Barney.

Since October 7th, Simon has used his voice to advocate for Israel. In December 2023, he led a solidarity walk from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to bring awareness to the hostages and to the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and to show that the South Sudanese and African communities stand with Israel and the Jews.


Flickr Slide show:

Stand With Us Rally For Freedom

.An OPEN LETTER from Nobel Prize winning contemporary German writer, HertaMuller, maybe be too much for the 'educated elites" to accept, to admit the necessity of this shocking wake-up call to the West – (to not turn away from) the madness that has gripped parts of Western society since Hamas attacked Israel.

"...I  have the impression that the strategy of Hamas and its supporters is to make everything Israeli, and therefore everything Jewish, unbearable to the world.

Hamas wants to maintain anti-Semitism as a permanent global mood. That is why it also wants to reinterpret the Shoah. The Nazi persecution and the rescue flight to Palestine are also to be called into question. And ultimately, the right of Israel to exist.

 ... With all these stacked constructs, Israel is no longer seen as the only democracy in the Middle East, but as a colonialist model state. And as an eternal aggressor, against whom blind hatred is justified. And even the desire for its destruction..." []

The destruction of the Jews and the destruction of Israel remain the goal and desire of Hamas. Exactly the same as in Iran.

When it comes to addressing the growing global anti-Semitism, all we hear from the Friends/Quakers, Salvation Army, Hollywood celebrities .. the Do-Gooders who preach WORLD PEACE:


They can't handle The Truth


[Where indicated pictures and videos
property of Pamela Hall-vsb]

Friday, August 16, 2024

World Values Network presented "A Night To Honor Israel" in Times Square



July 31, 2024, Times Square, World Values Network presented "A Night To Honor Israel". This was the first major celebration of the @IDF in the United States since October 7.


There were lots of police since the usual hostile opposition was across Bdway; full of 'righteous' fury at the death of Haniyeh.

According to Hamas he was killed by a "Zionist raid" on their residence. FYI: Ismail Haniyeh was the political leader of Hamas. WAS.

But spirits at the Night to Celebrate Israel were full of hope and prayers and THANKS for the IDF. Am Yisrael Chai.








 Former IDF Spokesman Jonathan Conricus, was the main speaker..."the Israeli army’s most famous and accomplished global spokesman, Lt.-Col. (ret.) Jonathan Conricus, whom we all watch in astonishment nearly every night on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC as he defends Israel’s warriors with eloquence, facts, and courage . [JPost]


FYI: The IDF  is mislabeled as the IOF by the pali leftists: I...O...F... Israel Occupation Forces or Israel Offensive Forces, pejorative terms for the Israel Defense Forces in "Palestine."

Flickr Slide Show From the Pro Israel side:

A Night to Defend Israel Part 2

Of course BRING THEM HOME is always on everyone's lips, the parents of Gaza IDF hostage Omer Neutra (22),

But the Palis (and friends) remain nasty and rude: hateful. Pali protesters held a portrait of terrorist leader Ismail Haniyeh while setting off red and green smoke bombs.

They waved the flags of Hamas and Hezballah, wore the head bands that sported the same colors of these terrorist groups, while screaming , chanting and banging on metal and drums.

Obnoxious and RUDE.

NYPD’s Strategic Response Group (SRG) and the bike unit were lined up in front of the pro-Pali protesters.

Lots of Police:

WOL's leader, Nerdeen Kiswani was leading the pali agitators, easily seen by standing on a public trash box.

Nerdeen Kiswani, organizer of WOL Palestine, leading a pro-Palestinian protest amidst a crowd during an IDF celebration rally in Times Square, New York, July 31, 2024.Stephen Yang for the New York Post

Oddly, the NYPD arrested a protester for standing on that same trash box, not sure what that violation would have been since they left Nerdeen alone ... and others.


It was a popular trash box

Flickr slideshow Pali-Leftists

A Night to Defend Israel Part 1

Video: On the Israel side, Sal Sinatra, an entertainer, addressed both sides of the avenue.  He spoke of a peace he felt could be attainable. But, listening to the venom spewed from across Bdwy, it seems doubtful.  (video excerpted)


" (Sal Sinatra) ..... a Palestinian-American whom I met at an incredible play about the Eichmann trial at the Center for Jewish History who diffused a protest against Israel that would have ruined the play. He told me that although he is a proud Palestinian who disagrees with many Israeli policies, he believes that Israel belongs to the Jews. It’s a tiny country, and he has no idea why his Palestinian brethren would deny the Jews a match-stamp size of a country. “You’re speaking at our rally!” I told him. He immediately agreed."  Rabbi Schmulley []

Some disturbing after affects :

The pali brigade lets no opportunity go to waste as they claimed to be the VICTIMS to a post-protest confrontation. They filed assault charges against the 2 Jews who did not instigate this exchange as the video shows.

Followed by Nerdeen Kiswani and her thugs the pro-Israel pedestrians were taunted with, "We don't WANT NO ZIONISTS HERE"


NO FAIRNESS HERE!  It would seem the Muslim lobby is controlling the press, and the legal system, with threats of chaos  .... and it seems to be working since a web of lies ignored the ASSAULT.

The crowd of pali-muslims (and friends) pelted the 2 pedestrians with FULL water bottles. As videos show, the woman was forced to protect themselves with pepper spray while the man deflected bottle-missiles until they were able to get way from the assault.

YET, the police arrested the woman for protecting herself. Whoever is calling the shots has ignored all the evidence and is accusing the Jewish victims of assaulting the Muslims. Manipulating press and passersby to create a very false narrative that the Jews were the bad-guys. SHAME SHAME on NYC.

Some Final Thoughts from Rabbi Schmulley

 "How did Times Square become Gaza City and Rafah? And how did the Jews allow it? what is our excuse in New York City, where we out-number our Muslim brothers and sisters perhaps 100-to-one?

..our Arab brothers and sisters, always cognizant of what constitutes the most powerful of all PR coups (and boy are they experts at it!), have made Times Square their home

if you’re wearing a yarmulke, or a Star of David, you are a magnet and an immediate target. Stand for a few minutes and, like bees to the honey, it will begin. “Free Palestine.” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” And, more occasionally but all too common, “Death to Israel.”  

No way No How.
Am Yisrael Chai!!

[Where indicated, pictures and videos
property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

*This post is for educational and news purposes "


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Stop Project 2025 Coup Rally Times Sq


Times Square
Saturday, July 27, 2024, 7pm

"New Yorkers will flood Times Square to take a stand against the @heritagefoundation's and "conservative" movement's racist, misogynist, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant, Christian Nationalist, Authoritarian Project 2025."

Together, we SHALL #StopProject2025

Flickr Slide Show of the LEFT:
Stop Project 2025, NYC
.Flickr SLIDE SHOW of Counter Protest on the RIGHT:
Counter Protest to Project 2025

.Short video of the crowd chanting the horrors of Project 2025: "WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS."

.VIDEO of main speaker, BRITA FILTER (a fun drag artist) making sure you know how EVIL Project 2025 is. She was entertaining even though she spewed all the usual FEARS of what Pres. Trump will do to THEM.

At another point 'she' made " children and libraries, that protecting the children from sexualization by erasing LGBTQ individuals was PROTECTING THEM FROM WHAT, LOVE??"


Project 2025 has become
left's boogeyman.
  • We are not affiliated with former President Trump.
  • We are a coalition of more than 110 conservative groups advocating policy and personnel recommendations.
In 3 parts
Part 1

1. End no fault divorce:FALSE Divorce is not mentioned in our policy handbook, Mandate for Leadership

2. Complete ban on abortions without exceptions:FALSE Mandate for Leadership calls for the government to comply with laws that prevent federal funding of abortion. It also calls for federal support for alternatives to abortion, including adoption.
3. Ban contraceptives:FALSE Mandate for Leadership says nothing about banning or restricting contraception. 
4. Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1%:MISLEADING Mandate for Leadership calls for LOWER taxes for ALL Americans, to stimulate economic growth and put more money in Americans’ pockets.
5. Higher taxes for the working class:FALSE Mandate for Leadership calls for LOWER taxes for ALL Americans. Individuals spend their money in more productive ways than the government does.
6. Elimination of unions and worker
protections: FALSE Mandate for Leadership presents different ideas about a conservative labor policy. It calls for combatting the excesses of the Deep State’s bloated federal employee unions, which have ensured that federal employees keep their jobs even if they engage in illegal behavior or perform their jobs poorly
7. Raise the retirement age:FALSE Raising the retirement age is nowhere advocated in Mandate for Leadership.
8. Cut Social Security: FALSE Mandate for Leadership does not advocate cutting Social Security.
9. End Affordable Care Act: FALSE Mandate for Leadership offers policy suggestions to curb the abuses of the Affordable Care Act.
10. Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Mandate for Leadership offers proposals to lower drug prices through competition and innovation.
Part 2
11. Eliminate the Department of Education:TRUE Mandate for Leadership calls for an end to the Department of Education. Since the Department was created, educational outcomes have not improved, and the American school system has increasingly fallen behind other countries. Giving more control back to state and local governments and expanding school choice would improve education outcomes for all Americans, especially underprivileged communities. Some functions of the Department would be moved to other departments including Labor, Justice, and Commerce.
12. Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools:TRUE Americans are able to use taxpayer money to choose where they shop for groceries, attain housing, and obtain higher education. Religious schools often outperform public schools, and families should have the choice to send their children to these schools.
13. Teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools: FALSE Mandate for Leadership advocates for all educational opportunities, and for parental rights in education.
14. End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Mandate for Leadership advocates that the Food and Nutrition Service be moved from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Health and Human Services. Mandate condemns the Biden administration’s decision to threaten schools that do not comply with radical transgender policies by taking away their funding for school meals for needy students. Additionally, Mandate supports prioritizing school meal programs for those students who are truly needy, not creating an entitlement for almost all students regardless of family income levels.
15. End civil rights and DEI protections in government:MOSTLY FALSE Mandate for Leadership calls for respecting the civil rights of all Americans, including those who have been censored by the government or had it weaponized against them. Mandate advocates for the end of divisive, race-based, anti-American propaganda in the federal workforce.
16. Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education:FALSE Mandate for Leadership does not mention African American studies or gender studies.
17. Ban books and curriculum about slavery:FALSE Mandate for Leadership does not advocate for banning books or curriculum about slavery.
18. Ending climate protections:FALSE Mandate for Leadership advocates policies that will produce economic growth through abundant, affordable energy. Farmers, hunters, and fishers know how to protect our environment better than D.C. bureaucrats. The Biden administration’s relentless focus on climate has made America less competitive and wasted crucial taxpayer dollars.
19. Increase Arctic drilling: TRUE The Arctic is of immense strategic importance to America. Mandate for Leadership advocates a strong pursuit of American interests in the region, through economic freedom, through ensuring free and open shipping lanes, and through the development of the vast energy resources of the Arctic.
20. Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE America needs energy that is plentiful and affordable. Mandate for Leadership calls for an all-of-the-above energy policy that would promote the development of our domestic energy supply, and for fewer burdensome regulations for ALL businesses.
Part 3
21. Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE The appropriateness of capital punishment divides Americans, and conservatives, of good will. Mandate for Leadership calls for the enforcement of the federal death penalty where appropriate and applicable, and recommends a future presidential administration pursue the death penalty for the most heinous crimes, including those involving violence and the sexual abuse of children, unless Congress says otherwise through legislation.
22. End marriage equality: FALSE The legal recognition of same-sex marriage is not discussed in Mandate for Leadership. Mandate calls for the protection of faith-based grant recipients who maintain support for the traditional definition of marriage. Mandate also supports conscience protections for those who do not wish to participate in same-sex marriages.
23. Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”:FALSE Mandate suggests that a future HHS Secretary replace the policies of the Biden administration that prioritize LGBTQ+ equality, subsidize single motherhood, disincentivize work, and penalize marriage with policies that instead encourage marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.
24. Defund the FBI and Homeland Security: FALSE Mandate for Leadership supports de-weaponizing the federal government, including the FBI. Mandate’s chapter on the Department of Homeland Security advocates the legislative creation of a standalone Cabinet-level agency with a focus on the border and immigration, including U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), and the Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL). It also recommends that legislation be pursued to move other component parts of DHS to other agencies, including the Department of Transportation, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Treasury, and the FBI.
25. Use military to break up domestic protests: FALSE The “protests” referenced in Mandate for Leadership are protests in Iran against its anti-American leadership; and protests of parents at school board meetings in opposition to critical race theory and COVID mandates. Both protests are referenced positively. Mandate also protests the FBI’s harassment of protesting parents and condemns the arrest by armed FBI agents of a man who had protested at an abortion clinic a year earlier.
26. Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in “camps”:MISLEADING Mandate supports an orderly and lawful immigration system. It advocates that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Office of Removal Operations be primarily responsible for enforcing civil immigration regulations, including the removal of those who have violated our immigration laws. It also calls for additional resources to put an end to President Biden’s border crisis and enforce immigration laws.
27. End birthright citizenship: FALSEThere is no mention of ending birthright citizenship in Mandate for Leadership.
28. Ban Muslims from entering the country: FALSE There is no mention of banning Muslims from entering the United States in Mandate for Leadership.
29. Eliminate federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA and more:FALSE Mandate for Leadership’s plan would not eliminate the FDA or the EPA, and NOAA’s functions would be transferred to other agencies, the private sector, and states and territories.
30. Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges:FALSE The only people calling for packing the judiciary are those on the Left, who do it every time the Supreme Court or a lower court makes decisions they don’t like.

In conclusion, these Project 2025 Coup pdfs (just a couple of MANY) reveal
The Truth is so inconvenient
The Marxist Coup has belly-ached about who on the RIGHT supports Project 2025 financially and intellectually. But, after taking a hard look at STOP THE COUP's basket of media and hard-assed lies:
"Who is supporting the movement to deconstruct and bankrupt our country?"

Tool kit PDF


And lastly, a readers guide to propaganda


*this post is for educational and news purposes *
[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]