Thursday, January 26, 2017

Women's (Hate) March Against America - NYC

The over hyped 'take back' America insurgency - planned by an American Sunni Muslim, Linda Sarsour
A woman beloved by the Left (so I thought).

Sarsour has been grooming  herself for public office, perhaps the next Brooklyn Borough President; no small accomplishment for a woman, especially a Muslim woman in hijab.

But, even with this calculated stealth-move, aligning herself with the Soros Women's Hate March, she may have reached too far, too hard and too fast. [see link - HT- Pamela Geller]

This is what they represent. "Bi*ches UNITED"

Some acting so cute- others screaming like little girls- but their signs tell the real story behind the lies.

An anti-America, anti- (straight) male mindset behind this gross manipulation of media and a gullible populace. It congratulated itself with one pithy sign after another

And the necessary  photo shop  - fun fun fun - wonder if Putin has grown to  ever regret that photo op:

[SEE video playlist - 5 short videos]

Saturday morning. January 20. 10 am. heading cross town on a bus that was chatteringly alive with females (and a couple of men in pink 'pussy' hats).

Can  NO get how disgusting their argument has become?

A few  of the Lefty-hating "Grannies for Peace  Brigade "boarded the bus proclaiming. Laughing. Proud.  "We DID IT. the UN-united States of America. We're here."

Destroying America one protest at a time ... starting with....Trump's horcruxes FYI a Horcrux :  an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality." YEAH That's the ticket!

Hey! Cell phones. Are they a HORCRUX?  I can hear her now, "Mirror Mirror on the wall .... "

Once at 47th and 2nd avenue, this woman - who was going unnoticed in the crowd revealed that not ALL were happy with the event planning

Well someone made sure there was at least one group that was NOT neglected see sign on orange pole, " Women's March PSYCH & Medical Resources"

I stayed around for hours, my eyes sickened by this foolish display of unrelenting hatred for America. And self hate

Really - is this LOVE?

I left thinking, "Please, don't let our daughters grow up to be feminazis!

There is so much more in each slide show . Part 1 slideshow is at 47th and 2nd ave

At the end (for me) 2:30.  Had enough of smug joy. Females. Young. Old.White. Black. Educated. The children. The collegiate elites. The faith leaders.

Men - gay and straight. "PINK-clad & glad" to be .... pussys...

Sad. All of it.

Part 2 slide show as I headed for Trump Tower and also a look at the 55th st destination

The Soc -Commie-Facist-Progs  Soros' Puppets. Deconstructing America in what was clearly a hate-on - no way was this a love-fest.

They claim to protest the 45th President of the United States- as he is sworn in. They protest a peaceful transference of power. They protest what has made a AMERICA GREAT.

The future is in their hands? G-d save us all.

 ++ all pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++


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