Beginning with a flashback to October 2023: a reminder of the Jewish students barricaded in the CU library while rampaging anti-Semites pounded on the windows.The outrage as expressed below should have brought a commitment for change from Cooper Union.
So, in the ensuing year, "What did Cooper Union do to curtail the anti-Semitic indoctrination in their school?" From October 2023 to October 2024:Not much it would seem.
Herut NYC, Betar US & other Jewish organizations countered,outside Cooper Union, SJP's pro-terror/pro-rape T-SHIRT sale-membership drive,with
Stand Against Terror
Rape and Hate!
This day the Students For Justice in Palestine were promoting support for Palestine by selling T-shirts ... Made With Love ....
However, the SJP didn't get to sell those T-shirts as easily as planned. They were unprepared for a counter-protest that bombarded them with, "Do you support Terrorism? Do you support Rape?"
The opposition - in support of Israel - made sure the passersby heard the FACTS about the anti-Jewish terrorist organizations led by Hamas and Hezbollah that promoted hostility for Israel and the Jews.
Am Yisrael Chai! rang through the air along with ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and JEWS FIGHT BACK.
Flickr Slide Show of both sides
Of course, the CU recruitment message was heavy with anti-Semitic propaganda ... and LIES.... to re-cruit the naive, the gullible - THE UNDER-EDUCATED into believing the anti-Semitic hatred is FACT.
Lots OF LOVE for Palestine from the SJP. Just read the T-shirts. Yet, HATRED is preached towards the Jews and Israel. That's all they know. Why do they support terrorism and rape? This is a conversation they were unable to have, no matter how the question was asked. "Resistance is the GREATEST Act Of LOVE"
Cooper Union has obviously let the anti-Semitism continue to fester. Believing that T-shirts are an act of love- not war.
VIDEO of October 2024 has both sides in action. How does Cooper Union explain the promotion of a terrorist organization? The Hatred?
.There was an added dramatic painting created at the t-shirt table .... after everyone arrived.
A Bloody Cooper Union.
BEFORE, it was just a Cooper Union T-Shirt.
WHY, one year later, are we witnessing a recruitment T-shirt sale for anti-Semitism on the grounds of Cooper Union? WHY is this OKAY?
The message : ENOUGH is ENOUGH! should have borne fruit.
Strong words from Jacob Khalili on his experience with anti-Semitism at Cooper Union.
Cooper Union: Shame Shame
.Who is in charge here?
FYI the statement made (in the video) re tuition for SJP students at CU:
"The Cooper Union was one of very few American institutions of higher learning to offer a full-tuition scholarship to every admitted student, a practice it discontinued in 2014, instead offering a half-tuition scholarship to each admitted student.[15] As of 2024, nearly half of its undergraduate students were attending on a tuition-free basis.[16] In September 2024 the school announced that for the next four years, all students (including current students) would not pay tuition for their senior year.[17][18]
[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-vsb]
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