Thursday, December 5, 2024

Jewish Groups Stand Against Terrorism at Cooper Union

 Beginning with a flashback to October 2023: a reminder of the Jewish students barricaded in the CU library while rampaging anti-Semites pounded on the windows.The outrage as expressed below should have brought a commitment for change from Cooper Union.


So, in the ensuing year,  "What did Cooper Union do to curtail the anti-Semitic indoctrination in their school?" From October 2023 to October 2024:Not much it would seem.

Oct 15, 2024

Herut NYC, Betar US & other Jewish organizations countered,outside Cooper Union,   SJP's pro-terror/pro-rape T-SHIRT sale-membership drive,with

Stand Against Terror
Rape and Hate!


This day the Students For Justice in Palestine were promoting support for Palestine by selling T-shirts  ... Made With  Love ....

IMG_5041 copy However, the SJP didn't get to sell those T-shirts as easily as planned. They were unprepared for a counter-protest that bombarded them with, "Do you support Terrorism? Do you support Rape?"

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The opposition - in support of Israel -  made sure the passersby heard the FACTS about the anti-Jewish terrorist organizations led by Hamas and Hezbollah that promoted hostility for Israel and the Jews.

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Am Yisrael Chai! rang through the air along with ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and JEWS FIGHT BACK.

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Flickr Slide Show of both sides

Jewish groups Stand Against Terrorism at Cooper Union

Of course, the CU recruitment message was heavy with anti-Semitic propaganda  ...  and LIES....  to re-cruit the naive, the gullible - THE UNDER-EDUCATED into believing the anti-Semitic hatred is FACT.

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Lots OF LOVE for Palestine from the SJP.  Just read the T-shirts. Yet, HATRED is preached towards the Jews and Israel. That's all they know. Why do they support terrorism and rape? This is a conversation they were unable to have, no matter how the question was asked. "Resistance is the GREATEST Act Of LOVE"


Cooper Union has obviously let the anti-Semitism continue to fester. Believing that T-shirts are an act of love- not war.


VIDEO of October 2024 has both sides in action. How does Cooper Union explain the promotion of a terrorist organization? The Hatred?


.There was an added dramatic painting created at the t-shirt table ....  after everyone arrived.
A Bloody Cooper Union.

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BEFORE, it was just a Cooper Union T-Shirt.

 WHY, one year later, are we witnessing a recruitment T-shirt sale for anti-Semitism on the grounds of Cooper Union? WHY is this OKAY?

The message : ENOUGH is ENOUGH! should have borne fruit.

Strong words from Jacob Khalili on his experience with anti-Semitism at Cooper Union.  
Cooper Union: Shame Shame


.Who is in charge here?


FYI the statement made (in the video) re tuition for SJP students at CU:

"The Cooper Union was one of very few American institutions of higher learning to offer a full-tuition scholarship to every admitted student, a practice it discontinued in 2014, instead offering a half-tuition scholarship to each admitted student.[15] As of 2024, nearly half of its undergraduate students were attending on a tuition-free basis.[16] In September 2024 the school announced that for the next four years, all students (including current students) would not pay tuition for their senior year.[17][18]

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-vsb]

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