Thursday, March 16, 2023

NYC supported Drag Queen Story Hour Continues at 20th St Library

March 4, 2023.
Andrew Heiskell Library For the Blind-NYC

Another inappropriate Drag Queen Story Hour at 11 AM was protested by the Guardians of Divinity who continue to oppose this misuse of public funds.

Councilman Erik Bottcher and State Sen, Brad Holyman (both gay activists) were on-site, defending these Story Hours as harmless, while accusing the protesters of being "Faces of HATE".

The Antifa aggressors along with the Rise and Resist leftists assembled claim to protecting the children from the" Save The Children" protestors. But, as usual, they are the aggressors,  physically assaulting the Guardians.

The Guardians continue to ask, "WHY is a grown man dressed as a woman, reading LGBTQ books c to CHILDREN?"

The high dudgeon exhibited by the leftists begs the question, "Would Christians be allowed to read their books with the same support from the city .... like the Drag Queens?"

FLICKR Slide Shows - Part 1 . Guardians of Divinity gathered to Save The Children and to Let Kids Be Kids. The Councilman slandered them as Faces Of Hate: even though their signs are not filled with hate, but concern for the children.

Protest DQSH 20th st Lib NYC Part 1 

Part 2 Around 10:30 am. Rise and resist/ antifa thugs blocked the sidewalks and assaulted a Guardian who had arrived early to protest. The cops were in a van so they saw the assault and stopped the Antifas as soon as it started. ( no arrests) and of course the lefties still hung around like they owned the street.

 Protest DQSH- 20th st Lib Nyc - Part 2

Part 3 The Rise and Resist Lefties and their Antifa aggressors gathered  mostly in front of the library, but always spill across the street; keeping the NYPD busy attempting to keep them under control.Joining them was the bared chested Crackhead Barney(dressed in religious garb as she had come from the early morning PRO Abortion rally) And Councilman Bottcher and State Sen Holyman, continued the lie that the  protestors were "Faces of HATE".

Protest DQSH -20th St Lib- NYC- Part 3

Part 4 So many police on the street and NYPD on scooters. The only issues requiring the police  were recreated by the Antifas, and were handled quickly by the police. But, Councilman Bottcher must have needed the photo-op, cause the amount of police made no sense. Mayor Adams could use the NYPD presence better to curb the growing street crime around the city. Also, working the police as usual, was reporter Talia, who pressures the police with her demands and works to have any press she doesn't approve of, shut down. Always  busy walking back and forth, like a pit boss. AND, of course, Councilman Bottcher can be observed watching and talking to his friendly media about his "Faces of Hate"

Protest DQSH- 20th St Lib - NYC- Part 4

.Four short Videos-  Part 1 -  Drag Queen Story Hour returned to the Andrew Heiskell Library for the Blind.  In this clip,the Rise and Resit/ Antifa's blocked the sidewalks and assaulted a Guardian who had arrived early. I saw the assault but camera wasn't on. The Police were sitting in a van at the corner, so as soon as the antifas struck, the cops put an end to the confrontation (though the lefties continued to block the sidewalk)

Part 2  The Guardians gathered to Save The Children and to Let Kids Be Kids, escorted by the NYPD ... to keep the Antifas from assaulting them. Unfortunately, the Councilman continues to slander them as Faces Of Hate. But, their signs are not filled with hate. It is concern for the children.

Part 3 - The Guardians of Divinity gathered across from the Andrew Heiskell Library .Their signs were not filled with hate. TTheir signs: "Save The Children" and "Let Kids Be Kids". and ''Stop Confusing the Kids" The Councilman continues to mislabel them as Faces Of Hate when their signs are not filled with hate. It is concern for the children.

Part 4 -   Stop Drag Queen Story Hour because it is inappropriate for children. That was why they chanted " Shut It Down" . Though accused of being "Faces of Hate" by the local Councilman, their signs show otherwise. They say it is about concern for the children.

And coming up next is a NYC supported 4 Part MARATHON of Drag Queens reading to children . On Sunday, March 19th- From 11 am to 3 pm. Supported not only by NY's local politicians but even (shamefully) Letitia James, NY Attorney General (taking a break from harassing President Trump)

Eve though Drag queen story hours for kids have been held at public libraries across the city since 2017, the events have recently drawn backlash and violent protests. The outrage in this NY Post article is encouraging:

New York Attorney General Letitia James is set to host a “Drag Story Hour” for children in Manhattan this weekend — and the event is sparking outrage over the use of taxpayer money for the already controversial event.

James and a string of fellow elected Democratic city and state leaders plan to attend Sunday’s event in the West Village where “families with children” are invited to watch drag performers read books over a four-hour stretch.

The AG’s March 19 event is co-sponsored by Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit that has been showered in taxpayers funds, which has enabled them to send drag performers into public schools and libraries to interact with children as young as 3.

“My office is proud to host a Drag Story Hour read-a-thon,” James wrote on Instagram as she promoted the event. “We’re inviting families to join us at the @lgbtcenternyc with @dragstoryhour, drag storytellers, community leaders, and elected officials.”

News of the event sparked immediate backlash on Twitter, with some claiming New Yorkers’ tax dollars were “hard at work grooming kids.”

Why?? Why???? What is the purpose of government funded drag queens for children? To teach tolerance? BS,” Matt Antar, the New York Young Republican Club’s finance chairman, tweeted.

“Drag is a profession, not a “type of person.” A profession where adult men do exaggerated female impersonations often scantily clad with sexual themes… This is not the way.”

Conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair also chimed in, tweeting: “The “family-friendly” event will take place at the ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center.’ Your tax dollars are hard at work grooming kids!”

Steve Cortes, a former spokesman for President Trump’s campaign, added: “This kind of explicit targeting of children is just evil.”

“Grownups want to dress in drag? More power to them. But what is this fascination with wanting people to bring their kids to your drag show?” TV personality Judge Alex Ferrer tweeted.


[Where indicated Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]


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