Thursday, March 9, 2023

Protest NY SAG Awards Screening: END Discrimination in the Union NOW

The Plandemic is OVER.
But, no one seems to have told SAG/AFTRA.
SO, protesting membership demanded UNION Leadership
be held accountable for discrimination against membership!

 5: 30 pm. Feb 26. Outside the SVA Theatre in NYC an eager audience was
queuing to FIRST be checked for vax cards and then agree to arbitrary masking, otherwise: NO ENTRY for the Awards Screening.

Soon the protestors gathered, SAG members and friends, with cries of Shame on Sag filling the air. Actors forced to pay dues to a union that denies them employment gathered peacefully. Even so, someone called out a ridiculous amount of police- who left soon after - since this was definitely a peaceful protest.

The hypocrites running SAG cover for an elite core of union members who avoid the clot-shot, yet still work! Membership for the average union member includes pay your dues, BUT they must COMPLY to vax or NOT work. (some are more equal than others)

SAG has failed as a union. At the expense of the actors who must PAY their DUES but can NOT work because of arbitrary, debunked rules.

 SAG/AFTRA continues to segregate membership. To gain entry for the screening,  everyone had to go the the back of a line, wait to show their vax cards and then proceed to the the SAG Rep up front who was handing out MASKS.

Show your vax card and mask up or go home

 But, the actual Awards show was in LA. In a packed ballroom of NO MASKING celebs. One can imagine as well that the clot shot secretly injected into a slew of oranges ... rather than the arms of these ELITE SAG members.  (a well kept secret?)

The protestors were loud. Passionate.  Our Bodies. Our Choice should NOT be used to segregate us. We pay our dues. LET US WORK !

Flickr - Part 1 - END this Plandemic Discrimination NOW. There was an unnecessary amount of police who came to check out the protest... and left  ... because this was a peaceful protest. (although Theatre Security complained about chalk on the sidewalk 'cause they would have to hose it down.)

NYC Protest SAG/AFTRA Awards Discrimination

Flickr- Part 2. The protestors demanded an end to forced masking,while the celeb-elites in L.A. gathered mask-free! Signs and chants filled the air as Do not Comply, End Segregation, End Discrimination challenged the eager lemmings entering the theatre under these arbitrary rules.

SAG Awards NYC Viewing Party Protest

Part 1  Video [3:07] "Shame on You" followed by impassioned speakers who represent ACTORS who want to work! Another said re the mandated vax: "We should have a vote, not a mandate." And another speaker challenged the union with "You've sold your soul to the Devil."  Followed by more chants: "END discrimination in the union"

Part 2  Video [1:48] Police showed up but didn't stay long. The protestors were loud but peaceful. But, that didn't keep the  SVA Theatre Security from being upset by the chalk messages that stated clearly WHY they were protesting. All this while the audience was sent to the back of a line to get vax approved and  masked before they could enter.

Part 3 Video [1:40] Chants of segregation and a great sign: S.egregation A.buse G.enocide as well as more en point chalk messages. "Our Dues pay YOUR salary". The protestors were not shy. They spoke directly to the lemmings attending the Awards Screening. And some of the audience were equally direct (one older fellow angrily entered the theatre with a two-handed flip-off to the protestors)

Part 4 Video [00:47] Everyone who attended the screening had to go to the back of a line, to show their vax cards, and then proceed to the SAG/AFTRA Rep handing out the masks. Meanwhile, the celebs in L.A. were MASK FREE.

Part 5 Video [1:45]  Masks. So many masks. So many sheeple happily masking up to attend the awards screening. While the celebs in L.A. are mask-free.

 "Shame on You, SAG".

Next day, SAG/AFTRA President Fran Drescher made a statement following the demonstrations on both coasts. She called for an end to the mandates, so the actors can work. “When equal citizens stop being equal, when cards must be presented to identify whether you are included or excluded, we stand at the tipping point of an America I no longer recognize.”


She urged Hollywood to end its vaccine mandates in her opening remarks at the 2023 Screen Actors Guild Awards ceremony on Sunday (Feb. 26), calling for everyone to use their financial influence to “make governors act” on the issue.

As the nation declares an end to the COVID emergency this May, I hope we will see everyone return to work in equal opportunity!”

The actress’s call for the end of vaccine mandates followed closely behind Woody Harrelson’s anti-vax monologue on this weekend’s Saturday Night Live. The actor, who was hosting the show for the fifth time, compared COVID vaccine manufacturers to drug cartels.

Drescher ended her remarks at the Screen Actors Guild Awards with a bold line from her character Bobbi Flekman in the 1984 movie, This is Spinal Tap: “Money talks and bullshit walks!”

That's twice she has spoken out. But, so far, it's just talk.

[Pictures and videos where indicated, property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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