Sunday, April 16, 2023

Waiting for President Trump Indictment- Collect Pond Park NYC

April 4, 2023 . Outside NYC Courthouse 10:30 AM.

Followed by a NOISE ACTION ALERT from the anti-Trumpers

Video 1- the WHISTLES never stopped. Part 1 of 2 .  Outside NYC Courthouse. It was insane.With more media than protestors, the anti-Trumpers (who fear free speech) whistled ad nauseum. An assortment of both sides (pro and anti-Trump) co-mingled .... on the PRO-Trump side only and the press - so much press.


Flickr slide show (Part 3) More media than protestors. An assortment of both sides (pro and anti-Trump) co-mingling ... and the press - which ridiculously outnumbered the participants gathered for the rally/protest.

 Rally For Trump Ap4 Indictment Part 3

. Video, Part 2 of 2. It was insane.The anti-Trumpers (who fear free speech) whistled ad nauseum as the police placed both sides on opposite sides of a Great Divide-- And across from the courthouse,  so much press waiting to catch a glimpse of MTG and President Trump. Heard a black anti-Trumper loving the indictment mania AND THE WHISTLES - on and on - from the anti-free speech, anti-Trumpers.

Flickr slide show
(Part 1 of 3) is a look at the Pro-Trump Rally signs and people.

Rally For Trump Ap4 indictment NYC Part 1

A look at the lefty a**hats.  [The MORAN sign I thought was a typo - nope]

.Flickr slide show (Part 2)

 Rally For Trump Ap 4 Indictment Part 2

.Re Juliet Germanotta and the "Trump LIES All The Time"Banner escapade.

There was a lot of confusion as to who she is, and why she was going after the Rise and Resist anti-Trump banner. So much that was printed about Juliet's identity was way off.

As for the sticker on her phone, Juliet says she likes the occult. OK. whatever. Juliet has a complicated history (that I have chronicled over the years) but  what is pertinent to this event is that Juliet Germanotta has been aligned with the RIGHT (Trump) for the few years that I have followed her. She is NOT from the Left.

Unfortunately, the newbies on the Right think everyone they don't know is a paid protestor from the Left. Not even close.

The two Rise and Resist leaders that were arguing with Juliet, Lisa Fithian and Laurie Arbeiter, are not cohorts of Juliet's. THEY are hard core leftist leaders.  Lisa Fithian, an anarchist trainer/ streetwise radical , makes a living creating unrest and riots.

The anti-Trumpers tried to place their Trump Lies All the Time banner in the front of the court house.

. If you listen to the video, Juliet was EVICTING the leftist banner from the RIGHT (Trump) side. Listen to Juliet----she says it more than once----you are on the WRONG side.

Video from []


By the time I got there the anti-Trumpers were back on the LEFT (anti-Trump) side where they belonged. Unfortunately, Juliet was mislabeled and mis-characterized by the newbies from her own side.

UPDATE: And now, as President Trump returned for another deposition, he made the claim - again- that Tish James is a RACIST.


Former President Donald Trump repeated his claim that Albany’s top prosecutor is “racist” — and that her lawsuit against him is “ridiculous” — before being deposed in connection with a $250 million civil case Thursday morning

He is correct:Tish James IS a racist. As she revealed in Jan 2017, proudly, her prejudice against those white males who are TOO MALE , TOO PALE and TOO STALE.  Tish James has led many anti-Trump protests exposing the pact made with NYC's hard core leftist politicians and union shills. Just the type of Attorney General George Soros wants to destroy our cities.

More info on this Tish James protest found at previous posts



 [Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

LINKS to more ARTICLES on the Collect Park protest:



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