Thursday, December 9, 2021

Rally for Survivors of Abuse, Incest and Rape - "Survivors Standing with Survivors" - Foley Sq


Rally for Survivors of Abuse, Incest and Rape.
December 4, 2021.
"Survivors Standing with Survivors"
Outside NYC Court House - Foley Square.

Nick Bryant, spoke and then introduced the speakersExcerpts Nick: "We are here because children have been molested with impunity. Today we have come together to be together. Love and Justice. Demanding justice for these heinous crimes. We cannot allow our daughters, granddaughters and nieces to be molested with impunity" Detailed article By Nick Bryant on "The Epstein Cover Up"

Flickr Slide Show : Poster lists names of speakers.
lists names of group sponsors.

NYC rally for Survivors of Abuse, Incest and Rape

First Speaker: Taina Bien-Aimé, Executive Director, Coalition against Trafficking in Women one of the oldest international organizations dedicated to ending trafficking in women and girls and commercial sexual exploitation as practices of gender-based violence and discrimination.  

Excerpts Taina : (Taina described)" the colours of grooming for sexual abuse, sexploitation and trafficking used by Epstein and Maxwell; how they target and recruit the vulnerable with promises of a better life... Seemingly nice women can be pimps (re Maxwell). She asserts that Epstein - over 30 years- committed over 32,000 instances of rape and assault. Yet there are only FOUR accusers in that court room. (And how) ... sexploitation/prostitution is now called "work"... harmless. benign. Survivors here today are standing with the Epstein/Maxwell survivors."

NEXT : Suzanne Isaza , a survivor and advocate, Founder and Co-director of Incest AWARE and the founder of the Sexual Assault Advocacy Network (SAAN).

Excerpts Suzanne: "Responsibility for change where it belongs, not on the children themselves. We need a new system that protects kids - Imagine if Epstein had been held accountable after the first offense of grooming, not the thousands. To the survivors- together - we are unstoppable"

LAST : Chris Hedges- reporter / presby minister. Hedges has described himself as a socialist / anarchist, identifying with Dorothy Day in particular.[]

Hedges spoke for 17 minutes (or more. I stopped at 17 min) As he began, Hedges read a long "bacchanalian" list of accused Epstein clients and and an appalling description (at 4:20) of what he claims was a Trump assault of a 17 yrs old female.

Elad Eliahu's video, interviewing Hedges after he spoke -15 min []

The deletes (6 min) from Hedges longer speech. Found them worth even though there was some repetition amongst his anti-capitalist rants

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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