Friday, December 10, 2021

Shine A Light on anti-Semitism Times Sq - maybe

"The Helenist organizations hosting this. They took their appeasement to a whole new level by using Chanukah as a vehicle to promote their political agendas which does not support Jewish strength."

"UJA, JCRC and the ADL really outdid themselves this time with selling out the Jewish people.The only thing Jewish about this celebration was lighting the menorah.

Once we see the ADL involved in anything, RUN in the opposite direction." [Karen - Yad Yamin]

The Maccabeats were great, the host, Eboni K. Williams, was LOUD as she prattled on about the civil rights movement. She did speak to rooting out anti-semitism as an American issue.

"The speakers kept reinforcing that WE must work together with the black community. Last time I looked, Jews are. My response, give these speeches in predominantly black and izlamic communities. Jews aren't attacking blacks or izlamists." [Karen -Yad Yamin]

 Joe Borgen, the man attacked by pali-muslims on May 20, 2021- because he was Jewish- reminded the audience of this violent attack, but was told not to mention who his attackers actually were? So much for Shining a Light on the perpetrators.

"There was a Christian choir. (I have no idea how their songs fit into the celebration of Chanukah. The Christian Culture Center Choir


The hosts couldn't find Jewish choir in a yeshiva?" [Karen - Yad Yamin]

 Shine a Light on anti-Semitism was more a political show for Gov. Kathy Hochul and NY Attorney General, Tish James, since both are vying to be next governor of NY., noticed they did NOT share the stage at the same time. Kathy was long gone by the time Tish spoke. ( UPDATE 12/09 - Tish is no longer running for Gov.)

 UPDATE: the TYRANNY of the despots is never ending: MORE indoor mask mandates DECREED by Hochul

(Fun Fact: soon to be EX-Mayor Bill de Blasio, another governor wanna be, showed up later and was roundly booed by some in attendance.) After destroying NYC, this guy thinks he actually has a chance. What a clown.

"One more thing, there were more gay pride flags with magen dovids than Israeli flags."


"Shame on UJA NY, JCRC NY and ADL NY/NJ!"

"Appeasement NEVER works. They did this on the first day of Chanukah and didn’t even refer to it as a Chanukah celebration!

Shame on the Jewish organizations that are silent! Galut is doomed if this is the best we have." [Karen - Yad Yamin]


 Shine a Light Chanukah Times Square

Two hopefuls for NY Governor spoke at this celebration: the current un-elected governor, Kathy Hochul (also caught here at Women's Alliance March 2020)

" ... Every significant movement in ... history... in this country has started in New York ... a brighter future, a cleaner future, a future free from racism, from anti-semitism, from sexism, from homophobia, from trans-phobia and xenophobia and every other god-damned phobia. It has to stop now." (Kathy Hochul - 2020)

And the loquacious, Letitia "Tish" James, (who has now ended her one month pursuit) ... BOTH are of questionable allegiance.

"We have at least two Jew-hating, anti-Americans running for Gov, possibly three since this includes Jumanne Williams. Praying they don't win the primary. G-d help us if they do." [Karen - Yad Yamin]

Jumaane as well as Tish were anointed long ago by the commie/progs running this city (and so much of the state).

See previous protest outside Trump Tower on Inauguration Day 2017. Jumaane and his mother ("in the spirit of Dr King, we are going to actively resist anything this administration is going to do") were arrested at NOON on Inauguration Day 2017. No insurgents here, I guess.

And more past quotes from Letitia, because they should not be forgotten, even as Attorney General:

Feb.6, 2017 : Washington Sq – Flash back quotes of Letitia. All rabble rousing worthy of a Jan 6 "insurrection".

Tish James : If you honor the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then you have an obligation. Whenever you see a government that is lawless, you’ve got an obligation  and a duty to RESIST. RESIST. RESIST.

We’ve got an obligation and a duty to fight back… to protect the marginalized community and vulnerable community … we’ve got to protect those who they are coming after.

And so we’ve gotta stand up to the Federal Government. We’ve gotta stand up to bullies. We’ve gotta stand up to an administration that is “too male, too pale and too stale”.

We will not be silent in the face of this oppression, in the face of this discrimination; in the face of HATE. We will not normalize hate.

This is MY country and I will DEFEND the rights of immigrants and refugees. Mr. President, you and your Executive Orders, you have turned back progress for decades.  That puts you on notice, we will resist and we will ultimately see you in court.

I say to Donald Trump, you are NOT my President. I will resist you and stand up to you and I know there is an ARMY out there that will join me.

I need my young people to organize and organize and organize. It is up to you, to get out in the streets, to protect your colleagues, to protect your students, your neighbor and to PROTECT your COUNTRY.” [END]

And also from 2017:

“We’ve gotta stand up to an administration that is “too male, too pale and too stale”. …  we need to say that MUSLIMS are Americans too and they need to be treated with respect. DEFEAT Islamophobia and all those who HATE people who are different. I’m a Muslim tonight. I’m Gay tonight. I’m Latino tonight.  I’m Black tonight.” [Letitia “Tish” James]

I have yet to hear Attorney General, Tish James, claim to be JEWISH tonight.

Too many in this city, and in the media, think that by sharing the stage with these leftists, who work to support BDS and strip Israel of  it's statehood, means they are not anti-Semites. That this alliance with the left will save them from another holocaust. Delusions that kill.

 Shining a Light on anti-semitism.
While promoting their nightmare solutions.
G-d help us all.

[Pictures and Videos Property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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