Wednesday, December 1, 2021

People of New York Uniting Against MANDATES. Taking Action!

 This is our America, once unfettered/free, all ages and races joined not by racism or envy but as Americans who now seek to recover freedoms lost. Enough is our mantra.

The People United will Never Be Defeated.

Who is New York Freedom Rally?

New York Freedom Rally (NYFR) is a grassroots organization that promotes freedom in general and health freedom in particular. We believe in informed consent and bodily autonomy, and welcome anyone who supports those positions.

...  our primary focus is opposition to vaccine mandates. We believe awareness is a key factor in ensuring freedom, and so we spread our message primarily through rallies and marches as well as social media.

We are in affiliation with World Wide Demonstration, .... all member events are peaceful and nonviolent. (snip) We work in coalition with other groups across multiple domains such as legislative, political, commercial, and educational. []







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People of NY Uniting against Mandates

The media runs from their obvious success cause this is a movement with legs. a diverse group. yearning to be free. politically and racially. Free from Mandates. Free to choose.

We stand together!❤️
As one big family! For our rights! And our freedom!
The People are asleep no more.

An observation of protests past: I couldn't miss the hard core left's expert rally-skills. How to put on a "protest 101" is required in our halls of education. No opportunity missed to create the next gen of radicals. So, perhaps, having suffered the leftist propaganda fed them in our schools and colleges, our side is finally using all the bells and whistles - and drums - worthy of a Marxist protest/street event to our advantage. Grabbing the eyes and ears of passers-by. Peacefully, but forcefully. Confidently. Lessons learned as WE WILL NOT COMPLY rang through the streets of Manhattan!

These are excerpts of the many speakers, I heard.
I missed maybe 3 or 4 near the end.

A new group (for me), The New York de jure Assembly.  (Vox populi, vox Dei) A woman named Jeannie V. was introduced as the president of the New York de jure Assembly. Once again, their political acumen is impressive. Will they (can they) make a difference in this one-party very prog/soc/commie state? It is so way past time to see something like this group educating and encouraging a movement. Fighting back. Finally. []

 The de jure Assembly is the 4th Arm of Government and the exclusive voice of the people. Established in 1777 holding the power to call forth a Grand Jury. New York de jure Assembly is reseeding what has always existed, that is the power of the People  []

1. Video [Excerpts] "Representation on every level has failed us to date, which is why we are in this predicament. ...(begin my video) "Representation such as ... union reps, lawyers and politicians, all not getting the job done. The government wants us to depend on representation because then they control the process. If they control the process, they can control the outcome. ....  There is no savior. We must all put in the work to save ourselves.  (she describes action they can take) ... Time for the people to get educated... get informed ...  Just voicing our opposition will not get the job done. Without accountability, there is no incentive .... to be constitutionally compliant. (then she speaks to all the men who stepped up) We needed you in 2019 and we need you be on the front-lines protecting the women and children ... in a world of indoctrinated beta-males, these are ALPHAS that we need. Stand up. Let's go New York" (cheers)

 2. video Africa Forest Dance - Pre-rally, crowd-pleasing spiritual-drumming and chanting. [Excerpts] "Feel the love. The light. Freedom. Oh Freedom. This little light .... shine on for the truth ... love protected us. our families. My Body. My Choice."

 3. video
Amber Blu - 17 yrs old singer/song writer. Snippet of National Anthem and then a taste of her personal compositions:"We don't bend and Break; Time to join the Revolution for Humanity's sake." She sang again the evening at the Foley Candlelight event.

 4. video  Stan Zir (with a new pledge.) "Tyranny ...  We are facing a tyranny. The insurgency is telling us we have to follow mandates, no matter what. Imprisoned. Separated from society. Take away or jobs. Our freedoms, unless we comply." (Introducing his new pledge.)"The Constitution is a Declaration of War on Tyranny. That's why we've been free for 300 years. And now they are trying to take that away from us. (new words) .... and to its Constitution upon which our FREE Republic stands ...  Free from Tyranny, for Liberty and Justice for all."

5. video DVS 7.0  rap artists (not my thing) but glad they spoke as well. The man speaking: "We will be heard. We will not stand for these mandates, for this segregation: division between vaxed and non vaxed. we will not stand for it." (Then the woman) "We all deserve to be free. I was born in New York and I was born free. And I want my children to be free. (she teaches in New Jersey) We don't need freedom, we deserve freedom. It's ours freedom." We the People will not Comply!

6 video. Kevin Jenkins Part 1 - Urban Global Health Alliance (excerpts) "Fight for your freedom. Show your courage. They say they are going to defeat us (No!) I see people who are going to fight for their children. (snip) I stand here as a black man saying we should fight for our flag. for our freedom. for our family. for our country. I guess their going to say I'm a white supremacist. All of a sudden, cause I'm fightin' for my freedom, I'm a white supremacist.This is not about race, folks. It's about power and control. Over you.

Now I told you before, you better be in your neighborhoods. fighting against your school board. (no one is) going to come and rescue you but you. YOU. It's time to fight back so you can protect your children.  It ain't enough to trap you in fear. NOW, they're coming after your children. And some of you are still taking your kids back to those schools, turning your bodies over to the slave-masters ... It's not okay to live in fear. It's not okay!" (end part 1)

7. video Kevin Jenkins Part 2 (excerpts) " Let me tell you something about Build Back Better ... BBB means slavery for you. that means destroying our children ... trying to strip that last essence of your humanity. (So guess what) you don't have anything better. You at home saying the government's coming to rescue you. They abandoned you already!( snip) It's time. to. get. serious. This is about love. about family here. About faith. About fighting for our medical freedom. Our body sovereignty.(snip)

(snip) We're all proud Americans no matter what color we are. they keep us all fighting while they keep manipulating us. (he had them hold hands and hug each other) Fauci's not our god. The government is not our owner. Nobody owns us, right? ... Are we gonna fight for their freedom.(CHEERS -Yes) "

8 video. Tramell Thompson, Founded in 2015,  Progressive Action is bigger than a labor movement, we are also a community movement! ... where ever our help is needed we will jump in. We don't complain much because we are too busy being the change that we want to see!

Re the mandates [excerpts] "... suppose to be separation between church and state. But they not honoring people religions. They tryin' to pass a law right now where 14 year olds can get the vax without parent consent. That's nothin' to celebrate. I say this right here, I'm standin' here as a proud American. I want cha'll to say I CAN (chant). And we gonna choose freedom. We gonna fight to be free. THINK FREE  (a lyric) I think free. I think me. I think you. I think choice. I think right. We rebel. They can go to hell, 'cause we gonna fight." Twitter - (@ProgressiveAct).

9 video. Matt Conner - FDNY [excerpts]  ".... re:de Blasio's campaign of coercion and divisiveness ...  it effects every day our interactions as New Yorkers. I MISS the way things were. (works also as an educator in a maritime museum) Today we're here to shine a light on liberty ... The indiscriminate mandate for pharmaceutical injections without regard for informed consent is as far from liberty as I can imagine and has no place on our shores. (He) also worked 16 years as a NYC fireman in this great city. (applause and thank yous) Being a fireman is truly a privilege. Now I face (this) mandate as an unnegotiated term for my continued employment. This is particularly insulting to me.

The first responders of this city stepped up. We were there for you and I know you were here for us. A colleague advised him,  just figure out what shot you're going to get. We're not going to win this. Just pick the shot. What if you had a gun to your head, which shot would you take. I said, I'd take the GUN". (cheers)

10 video. Chris Masterjohn - a professor/health activist. [excerpts] (video picture delayed til 00:22) He mentioned the 500 pages a year released on vaxs.  "The full data will not come out til 2076! 55 years of darkness. What are they hiding already. Mentions a child named Matty , now in a wheel chair and feeding tube. Pfizer called it a stomach ache. FDA blind eye to false data. vax and unvaxed to fear each other. To shame people for masks and no masks. We need empathy not fear. He chants the light will win." Twitter: @ChrisMasterjohn

11 video. Dr. Naomi Wolf - Seems to now represent the disaffection of those on the left created by Biden and Company through their illegal mandates and lock downs.   (she spoke for 17 min the video is excerpted): "Re an essay she wrote 12 yrs ago, it says there is a map to tyranny. Tyrants always take the same ten steps. We've seen that escalating in the last two years. I warned you! (snip) This is a crime of national and global proportions. Everything about the medical mandates is a crime. Against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Against the Nuremberg Code to experiment on human beings medically; against their will. Against the Americans with Disabilities Act. It's crime after crime, but we need the courts to say so. And we need YOU to keep speaking up. Reminding us what it means to be American, to uphold the Rule of Law and Constitution. (snip)I know I will be exiled from the liberal gate keepers of NYC because I stand with actual Americans

(speaking of our fire, police, and EMTS, health care workers) The Liberal Elite have demonized  and marginalized  and attacked them, the people who keep us safe. It is shameful. The forced mandates is a way to break that love that creates our peaceful, free, civil society and keeps us safe. These are the people who make our democracy possible along with us, We The People peacefully expressing our own views. Someday people will look back on this time and what is being done to us and say this was one of the darkest moments in American history. (snip) This once great city has gone along with re-segregating society in a way that would shame the heroes of integration and inclusion. (snip) and now it is one of the least free cities in this nation. Shame. Shame on them. (snip) I don't see this as a revolution. You are not marginal. You are remembering what it means to be a patriot, and an American, and a free citizen of the United States of America. G-d Bless America. And G-d Bless the First Responders. (cheers)

You are Not alone. A World Wide Movement is fighting back.

Clearly it will take more than words to end this nightmare. And so,

It begins ....

Violent protests break out in Europe over vaccine mandates, boosters, lock downs that never end....[]

UPDATE #1: As the cabal moves to terrorize the world with the threat of a new 'variant', they are counting on FEAR throwing the people back into a paralysis from which they can control US. What I have seen on the street of Manhattan gives hope that this will not work. America. Even as the lies. the fear. the agitprop continues,  the world is saying ENOUGH. THE TRUTH must prevail.


UPDATE 2 as the NEW variant (aka moronic):Why do people still take this man seriously?” Borelli, the chamber’s new minority leader, asked. “Either this is a life or death emergency, or it doesn’t need to happen. It seems like this is a lock down for the sake of lock downs.”

“Joe Biden and Tony Fauci push crushing restrictions on Americans—like masking two-year-olds—that are pointless,” Cotton tweeted Saturday. “But when it comes to targeted travel bans to protect American citizens, it’s nothing but incompetence and half measures from this White House.[]

Never give up. Never retreat. Never surrender.

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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