Thursday, November 18, 2021

Essential and Expendable Heroes Protest/Rally at Pfizer Headquarters NYC

 November 13, 2021. Outside Pfizer Headquarters in NYC, a protest against the government mandates. Point made that day was they are not anti-vax, just opposed to forced injections.


Apparently this was why the Essential to Expendable Heroes Protest was not happy with Nick Fuentes and his America First (groypers) ...who they claimed attempted to hijack the event with their anti-vax protest. So the two group were kept separate.

 Part 1 of 2 -  Flickr Slide Show gathered outside Pfizer Headquarters on 42nd St. The New York Freedom from Mandates Rally Protest and March was in support of our Essential to Expendable Front line Heroes. However, there was an unfortunate conflict with Nick Fuentes and his America First followers who also came to protest outside Pfizer (and later at Gracie Mansion)

Essential to Expendable Frontline Heroes Protest Part 1

Part 2 - Flickr Slide Show

Essential to Expendable Frontline Heroes Part 2

“The decision to take the emergency use authorization vaccines currently offered should be a personal choice based on a careful risk-benefit analysis of receiving the vaccine compared to the risks of the disease for which the vaccine is intended to provide protection,” [Epic Times]

Video 1 John Matland [wethepeoplearethenews /SonsAndDaughtersOfLibertyUSA] (Excerpts from video) Matland  began with a brief drum beat to gather everyone together. The crowd was just starting to form as  John Matland spoke of  health care field and the government mandates.  "He spent 15 years doing cat scans. re the mandates. so many people think if someone says you have to do something- you just gotta do it. So many were scared they were going to lose their job. Slowly we learned religious exemptions and lawsuits don't work out.

HOLDING THE LINE: That works out. Be resourceful. what you've done all your life is not all you can do. never thought he'd find himself blocking a garbage truck and getting zip tied by the SR Team. (and they thanked him). I am not taking another boosters. mentions the dangers. somethings wrong. Done with the propaganda. Wake from the nightmare. Health Care was decimated for years. Before covid. The media ignoring the PPEs being destroyed. not picking up theses stories. WE the People are the News. they (?) will eventually stop taking the boosters. (took ties off his sweat pants. I said I will not Epstein myself. I will walk thru fire cause we the people will win. (from the crowd) We are WINNING." (cheers)

Video 2 A nurse dressed in long black PPE garbage bag. "NYCH (?) against medical mandates, fighting to keep their jobs in health care. (her name, (p)aige?) She was wearing a long black garbage bag representing the lie that they HAD to wear them as PPE. NYC gave them GARBAGE BAGS. And N95 masks with a brown paper bag to reuse them over and over, the next day and the next day and the next. Shame on you, OSHA.

Shared her multiple emotions. Over whelming with no support, to fend for themselves.  Fear and intimidation, because her institution thought they could force her to vax against her beliefs. In JUNE, she was told no religious exemptions. BEFORE the mandates. (somebody knew what was up) Intimidation. Coercion. Her 97 yrs old grandmother was isolated from them. She was vaxed and she died (heart failure they said) Pfizer. Moderna. J&J have manipulated the data in their favor. We will not stand for it. Stand for freedom in this country. Courage. Fight the fear. G-d will take care of you.  Take vax if you want. Or not. don't give in. A quote from her Yogi Tea: The challenge you are facing today, may become the greatest gift you ever had."

Video 3 Teacher, Michael Kane (holding his young son) representing []  "Today I have some good news re his lawsuit against de Blasio (cheers ) No fans of de Blasio here! His case argued with another case on Nov 10th at Second Circuit Court. Three judges (Carter and Clinton nominees) liberal justices.  Don't want to be reversed, so they care about making the correct call. What we know NOW is the DOE has conceded to reinstate the 15 named plaintiffs in their case to their jobs (re religious exemptions) However, they will not allow them back in to their school buildings cause they are a "clear and present danger" to the school community, because they are unvaxed. Meanwhile wholly vaxed schools are CLOSED now due to co-vid outbreaks. RIDDLE ME THAT.

We opened the door to justice on Nov 10th. The path to justice maybe long but we are going to succeed. Many disagree with religious exemption because we should be able to just say NO. (He explains) for almost 60 years vaccinations have been mandatory. There has always been a RELIGIOUS exemption to vaccination. SIXTY YEARS of Case Law argued in Federal Courts. The courts are not seeming to be ready to say "no mandate"  but there is some hope on the Religious Exemption. Also, NO ONE has to co-sign your beliefs. No church, no building, no man, no human: NO ONE. That is between you and your god, your maker and your higher power. The courts have been clear on this. The belief of the individual is supreme in America. Also, re United Federation of Teachers, he has left that union. They are NOT a union. I hate that union. They are an arm of the bio-security state. We plan on forming a NEW organization. 40% of his fully vaxed colleagues did not return to teaching in person. I made the choice to be there (teaching) even though unvaxed. He was teaching and monitoring in person. He was a hero. Serving. NOW he's on unpaid leave because he won't be coerced through fear of de Blasio (who's gone in a few months: hallelujah)"

Video 4 Nurse 2 (also wearing a PPE garbage bag)  "... collective humanity, that's what has appealed to people around the world. To come here for a better life. But we're hanging on the edge now. We need to keep waking people up. Speaking the truth from a place of love. People need to hear it. They have fallen asleep. They don't see the truth anymore. Be brave despite your fear.

It's our job to light the way. Why am I wearing a garbage bag? It's symbolic. There were many people at the peak of the "pandemic" (she used air quotes) who had to wear garbage bags as PPE. They (the gov't?) burned the standard materials because they want everybody in fear. Treating us like garbage. People have right to choose what they put in their bodies. Are you okay with this mandate? What about the next mandate. Health care was first industry impacted. It's not over. Pray. We're not finished. Building a coalition. The peoples coalition all over the state. (sound issue affected audio briefly) Keep branching out from sea to shining sea. Stronger together. Act now!"

Video 5 A business owner (slight sound issue from board) "She starts with some stats on (approx) how many restaurants (8700), bars (2500) and gyms (2700) in NYC. She put the "I will not discriminate "sign in the window of her business. She thought other restaurants, bars and event spaces would join with her. NONE of them did. There are actually supposed to be about 50 restaurants that are with them. What kind of country are we, separating people based on a vaccine. What happened to everybody. We are human. I know there are people with us, who believe the mandates are wrong.

Re the protests, this is the greatest awaking in New York. In the world. Unfortunately this is global. They KNEW before ( the pandemic) what they were going to do. We're 10 steps behind. We cannot comply. We cannot give up our freedom. We cannot give up ourselves. We cannot become a One World Government. Unfortunately our government isn't protecting us. Every institution has turned its back on me. I know we will get through this together. (re her business) She has a lot to lose, but she will not turn somebody away because they are not vaccinated. I believe in our country. I believe that we will get through this. I believe that we will win. They have a lawsuit against de Blasio. We're going to win. (cheers) You are the heroes!"

Video 6 - Children's Health Defense NY- John Gilmore and NY Alliance for Vaccination Rights (autism) 20 years activism. "He is convinced WE Will Win. The cat is out of the bag. Millions of people are fully aware of what Pfizer and CDC and other co-conspirators are  doing in this immense racket. We are dealing with a form of organized crime. Pfizer is the leading corporate criminal in history. Paid more fines and penalties than any other entity in the world. Biggest drug company in the world. Johnson and Johnson in the last year has paid over a billion dollars in penalties and fines. He doesn't think American people will be fooled much longer. NY is in the belly of the beast. California. DC. Here is the worst. Get out of NY, in the rest of the country: Florida . Texas. They are up and out of this (re mandates). They do not believe the CDC anymore. The FDA. They are going their own way. 


This is a long fight. Feels badly for those who have lost their jobs for sticking to their convictions. This is just the first round. (a boxing match is 15 rounds) But things are beginning to change. Battles in the courts. Battles in the streets. Last week - in the appellate court - judges said mandate is staggeringly over broad. Next is the supreme court. Our numbers are getting bigger and bigger (crowd jeers hecklers passing by in the street) Courts are important, but what do ordinary folks like us do. Rallies. Marches.  They make us visible.  Need to get involved in legislation.  There is a  bill to force college students to get vaxs. Mentions Gov. Hochel, our un-elected governor (BOOS) She claims a revelation from G-d. Engage your elected officials.  Not a single Republican in Albany backs the mandates. Problem is with the Democrats. Dems are afraid. Don't what to say they support mandates. Coming up on Nov 20, the next rally on CPW. Living at  91 CPW is Assemblyman, Richard N. Gottfried.  (he no longer supports us) But we Are Gonna Win (Chants) We are WINNING."

Nick Fuentes'  VAX POSTER  - apparently not welcomed  by the other group because of their aggressive anti-vaccination stance


Video 7 -  This woman pushed her walker in to the center of the crowd, demanding that John Matland allow her to speak. He said no. She wasn't scheduled. He doesn't know her. Her issue was he knows the other group - Nick Fuentes' America First - Anti Vax group. She was angry they were separated from the Freedom Rally Protest. Insisting on a common cause. The Essential Workers made very clear they are not anti-vax. They are anti-mandate. The two groups were not going to able come together in a common cause.


Video 8- Nick Fuentes - I knew nothing about this popular 23 years old leader of disaffected youth. He joined the blue-hatted America First/anti-vaxers waiting for his arrival. They swarmed him making it very difficult to get a good view - though I did manage to grab a few shots.


.Fuentes' 4 PM protest outside Gracie Mansion was long, but illuminating.  Whether you agree with him and his methods - or not- Fuentes  is a leader of disaffected young men looking for strength thru purpose and numbers. That he seems to deliver.

Meanwhile, so did the Essential and Expendable Heroes Protest/Rally. The speeches and the march after were very encouraging.

[Where indicated, Pictures and Videos Property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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