Monday, September 11, 2017


A Day of Remembrance. A Day of Mourning.

"It’s a day the left would rather we ignore. It’s a day that Islamic supremacists secretly and not so secretly celebrate. It’s a day the elites call a day of service. In service to whom? The attackers? The simpering soft selling and apologetics is a deliberate distraction and a diversion from discussing the enemy and their ideology. September 11th is national day of mourning. Period." [Pamela Geller]

A Day that lives in Infamy.

A view from the World Trade Center Pit - 2006

 Survivors Stairway

 I don't remember what year I took this video, it was possibly 2010 or earlier. What caught my eye, as I got closer, was the Jewish bagpiper playing "Amazing Grace", with the tower blue lights shining heaven ward, reminding us that This is NOT a Day of Service, Obama.

This is a Day of Remembrance. A Day of Mourning.

Never, Never, NEVER FORGET!

[Where indicated, Pictures and Video property of Pamela Hall]

Sadly, in 2017, the truth is silenced and the enemy grows bolder making "Can't We Talk About This" an important tool in the fight against Islamic Terrorism. Never Give In.

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