Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Red Bill de Blasio's Snowflake Town Hall vs Step Down de Blasio Commies

March 15, 2017 - 7 PM - First rule of politics (that Repubs seem to have neglected) Never attend a Town Hall meeting you can't control.That's what Comrade de Blasio did with great aplomb.

The NYPD, the NYC Council members, the local progs,who remain loyal to the mayor, packed the meeting with loyalists who understood they were there to make nice with the mayor, or else.

Even the so-called "hard questions" were asked with respectful voices. No shouting. No screaming. No chanting. No signs (nothing like that was permitted). No Way. No How.

Not possible since entry to the school was security intensive. Everything was scanned, purses dumped (my wallet - DUMPED); back packs, camera gear groped, dumped and prodded. No signs would be snuck in- if they even tried- not gonna get past that security. (for a few more pictures see slide show)


I listened to the town hall meeting for about 90 minutes of a three hour marathon, with nary a spark of discontent.  The Mayor and Councilman Johnson offered the usual FRIENDLY soc/commie/prog responses to a very receptive crowd.


Stuck-on-stupid for almost every question or complaint, the most recycled solution was,"We need MORE Progressive Democrats in Albany to get rid of Trump."

Manhattan. NYC. A hot bed of soc/commie PROGRESSIVE politicians who stay in office til they die. New York has no brain. No heart. Just empty tills to be refilled with higher and higher taxes. Yep. That's the ticket to a workers party paradise. (playlist of videos has excerpts of many of the talking points and answers)

Three hours of platitudes. Get rid of Trump promises. "We feel your pain. November 8th was a nightmare. We can fix it if we try. We are HERE FOR YOU!"

See two more videos of the mayor on Muslim school holidays...

And Sanctuary Cities are MORE safe.

So, where were the disenchanted heavy hitters? Those fellow-travelers who often demand that Comrade Mayor de Blasio step-down. I've heard them. Seen them. Guess inquiring minds were checked-at-the-door.


Next day, March 16, 2017, FOUND the DUMP Blaz Commies outside City Hall. There they were, ready to excoriate all things de Blasio.

The malcontents were baaack! And not just for Chinatown and the LES (Lower East Side)

This was a CITYWIDE Alliance to Dump de Blasio NOW!

Their press release said a people-of-color consortium lead this protest. They gathered (AGAIN) with the same complaints heard on Jan 16, followed by "Mayor de Blasio must STEP DOWN!"

Blaz, the racist, is as BAD AS TRUMP!

Mayor de Blasio, “gentrifier-in-chief,” has designated NYC a “sanctuary city” in an effort to protect immigrants from racist and xenophobic Trump Executive Orders. For many NYC immigrants, however, our communities are under siege as we live in the instability and crisis as a result of the Mayor’s own rezoning policy that is displacing us from the very places that we seek refuge.

A list of  speakers outside City Hall:

Heard three of the speakers  before I had to leave:

What a difference a day makes. These soc/commie/progs are not the friendlies from the night before.

While Trump pushes people out of the country, de Blasio pushes people out of their homes and neighborhoods, all to benefit his political aspirations and ultra-rich developers. They are two sides of the same coin: both destroy immigrant families and communities of color.

We say no more to racism and displacement! Join us to demand Mayor de Blasio step down!

There was a list of demands:

1) End racism in city planning. Pass community-based “People First” plans like the Chinatown Working Group rezoning plan.

2) End public funding for luxury development, such as 421-a. Instead; use public resources to preserve and build more permanent low-income housing.

3) Stop privatization of public land and assets.

4) Mayor de Blasio and those in City Council who also collude with developers, step down.

Displacement. Selling blocks of real estate apartments - in lower economic communities - to build higher and higher 65 story replacements. They want the displacement to stop. The graft and payments to stop.

Seems  ol' Red Bill's a bit soiled and his fellow soc/commie/progs are not happy that this "Progressive" mayor remains in office.

"Step Down de Blasio" The real estate developers are displacing NYC residents. (With the mayor's blessing) Racist Rezoning is destroying immigrant families. That's why "Bill de Blasio must go!"  Now.

They do eat their own.... Don't they ...

++ slide show of a few more pictures++

++ pictures and videos are property of Pamela Hall ++

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