Monday, April 3, 2017

Patriots March FOR #MAGA vs "Peoples" March for Free Press

March 25, 2017 - 1 PM - Patriots marched in support of TRUMP and #MAGA in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, across from the U.N.

In NYC the actual march didn't seem to happen, though about 40 Trumpers gathered first at Trump Tower - at 11 am- and then walked to the gathering in the UN Park. So, you could say there was a mini-march.  A peaceful gathering. DIVERSE (as always).

Once at the rally, I saw a nice solid assemblage of patriots. Not huge, but not tiny either. Maybe 100 or even a bit more.

With lots of signs...

And lots of banners....

Heard a few speeches of support for Trump's America. The main speaker was immigration enforcement expert, Michael Cutler. Cutler has 30 years of experience as an Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) agent.

He was followed briefly by Jimmy McMillan, founder of The Rent Is Too Damn High Party.

Found a few anti-Trump protestors across the street with impeachment issues.

No matter the conflicting Chinese factions ...

.... the mood stayed uplifted amongst the MAGA crowd.

There was, also, a disturbing faction that attached itself to this Trump Rally: the Larouchies. [see Lyndon LaRouche Party - Wiki] Way too many La Rouch signs and clip boards in-hand as they worked to recruit New Larouchies.

These weird groupies, will they become a trend at the NY Republican rallies? Hope not.

Then there was Gary Phaneuf - a 'professional" heckler - and Chairman Mao's faithful disciple. Gary walked through the Republican crowd with his Trump cap, Trump-Putin sign and his Communist China Daily rag. What happened? Why are the Trump rallies attracting these bizarre creatures?

Whatever, the many group of patriots were on message with the National Anthem. The Pledge-of-Allegiance as well as plenty of smiles and good-will.

... Slide show of #MAGA Rally...


Two marches in one day with the Patriots vs the Socialists. On  my way to the #MAGA rally, I stopped by the "People" March for a Free Press protest/rally

It was Noon in Bryant Park (42nd and Sixth ave) just a couple of avenues from the NY Times.(another mini-march) It's the gesture that matters, 'cause they are 'marching".

Their aim was to show SUPPORT for a Free Press while resisting Trump's "Fascist" America.

Trying to LOOK Patriotic - after all,  resistance is patriotic - they spoke of the Constitution, the American Revolution and claimed their protest was a living example of what our Founding Fathers fought for. The TRUTH will keep us FREE.

So, now all those racist, dead WHITE males are okay?

Holding large and small American flags while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance the speakers' focused on, Trump and his minions who they claim oppose a Free Press. And Fox news. Of course. 

TRUMP is a threat to PATRIOTIC Americans, like themselves; a danger to the NY Slimes and ... a Free Press

(People for a Free Press & Tax The Rich) Couple this display with their signs, masquerading as patriotic Americans, resulted in a confused message (for some).

Passers-by wondered, "For or against the NY Times?"

The NEW Socialist Left, inquiring minds want to know,  are they the real patriots? Exposing those fools who support President Trump and Fox News. The fight is on for WHO represents a patriotic, FREE Press America.

... Slide show of the "Peoples Protest "...

Even the NY Times seemed to ignore this rally. Saw lots of photographers, but found no reports. (Too peaceful, I guess).

I did read that nationwide, things were not as peaceful in the Peoples Republic of California and Omaha, of all places. Were the aggressors plants? Were they really Trump supporters?

"Violence erupted at a “Make America Great Again” rally in California. (and) more than 1,500 miles away, counter-protesters also caused chaos at a Trump rally in Omaha. The ruckus did not disrupt the rally, but it saddened some of the Trump supporters. “Today was a perfect example of how divided we have all gotten,” said Shayla McShannon, 36."

Still, NYC was TAME in comparison. But, whether a fight with fists or a battle for a FREE Press. A battle for the TRUTH vs propaganda is a seriously important pursuit. I left the Peoples Protest. Heading to the U.N Trump supporters with this thought,

Holding a large American flag, saying the pledge of allegiance. These are not hallmark of a hanging-on-the-Left crowd. Yet they do manage to deliver the photo-ops the media enjoys. Winning? In some circles. With the help of that Free Press, can they sucker the public in to thinking this is the NEW America?

[Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall]

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