Saturday, March 18, 2017

March4Trump vs Anti-Trump Protest - a Noisy Meet-Up NYC

MARCH 4, 2017 was a busy, busy day.  March4Trump Rally at Trump Tower vs Standing Rock Anti Trump leftists at NYPL - 42nd st.

March4Trump Patriots gathered to Support Our President.

This is a Pro-America rally in support of our President and to show our American pride. Wear your USA and Trump gear. Bring your American flags, signs and pride. This will be a peaceful rally. 


Standing Rock Climate Leftist Loons and their Comrades-in-arms

This was a National Uprising anti-Trump March

Six days before the national Rise with Standing Rock mobilization in Washington, DC, march on Trump Tower (on 5th avenue) to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline and its threat to the Standing Rock Sioux, their sacred lands and clean water. We will rally at 1:00 pm, then march at 2:00. The march will begin in front of the New York Public Library and go to Trump Tower and beyond.

Back to NYC. For me, it all began at 1 pm. 42nd St. N.Y. Public Library  at Fifth Ave. March 4th for Standing Rock.  It was COLD. Windy and very cold. But, no matter, there were many dedicated malcontents hanging and waiting for the protest march to Trump Tower.

The march to Trump Tower was set to start at about 2 pm. While waiting, there was lots of music. In spite of the cold, the musicians seemed to manage.

Including a familiar pro-Trump patriot.

Never dull, visually: Donald Puppets, expected.

And disenchanted, brain-washed millennials, like this mother and her dutiful spawn.

Always disappointed to see such sweet children sent down this path of global, anti-Americanism.

The themes and complaints from the Leftists were many, as the Flickr slide show reveals:

Couldn't walk with them - still dealing with my plantar churl - so bussed it to 56th street where I caught up with the March4Trump Rally.

Surprised to locate them at 57th street, a block from Trump Tower. The police had moved them further from the tower (and these are the GOOD guys!) 

Scheduled from Noon to 3 pm, it was about 2:30, and they had a great group assembled. Diverse as always, NOT a group of WHITE supremacists. Never.

Considering the COLD, and CONTRARY to the odd media counts of only125, this late in the rally I saw a healthy turnout; the March4Trumpers still filled the block.

They were in the midst of  a SPIRITED exchange with some anti-Trump stragglers (who obviously had not gone to the library).

The police kindly reminded the anti-Trumpers (who politely resisted) that they must go to their assigned location at 55th and Fifth. SLOWLY they agreed to go back to 56th st., puppets and all.

From the NYPL on 42nd street, to 57th and Fifth, found a LOUD show of Support or Resistance (depending on whose side they were on) with signs, shouting and cheering. (video)

It was a civilized exit EXCEPT for the rude finger-jabbing from this well-dressed "lady".  She very much enjoyed flipping-off the PRO-Trumpers.

Becoming a bit shy once she saw my camera.

See Flickr side show of both sides at Trump Tower

Typically from the LEFT their strolling musicians brought a bit of NOLA Mardi Gras to the scene. I must admit it was pleasing to the ear. (video)

In conclusion, as I looked for media recaps, found this report from the NY Post. It mentions the separating of the opposing factions before I arrived .

Pro and anti-Trump rallies collide at Trump Tower - NY Post

Pro-Trump picketers and anti-Trump protesters collided in Midtown Saturday, but there was no clashing beyond competing chants.

About 125 President Trump fans, many wearing Trump masks, flocked to Trump Tower, where they chanted “Build that wall!” and “USA.” Some carried signs that read “If you don’t like him, leave,” and “Jail Obama & Soros.”

A faction of 50 protesters met the Trump supporters at noon at the Fifth Avenue intersection. To the tune of “Frosty the Snowman,” they sang, “Donnie the con man.” They held signs with pictures of Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that read “Investigate the Bromance.”
Cops separated and dispersed both groups after an hour.

++  Also, found a video dealing with that relocation of the March4Trumpers ++

Another day on the streets of Manhattan. The Left never rests. Neither should we. March on. March on.

++Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++ [except where designated]

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