Saturday, February 18, 2017

National "Day Of Action" (Commie Style) Grand Central Station - NYC

Feb 15, 2017. Grand Central NYC. A  National "Day of ACTION".

Arranged by those lovable Fascists, the "NY Jews For Peace".

Their  face book instructions:, "Meet under the clock, 5;30 . Chants 6 PM. March to Trump tower 6:30" The commuters HATE this use and abuse of a public space. Jammed with thumb sucking Leftards.

(Flickr slide show of the action)

This was "Jerusalem,Israel"  vs the BDS insanity of  the NY Jews for "Peace"- during Rush Hour. Really. Now? Since the rush hour madness is in full swing. many commuters were aggressive - angry- their tone and body language said it all- as they did a perfunctory excuse me rushing for their trains.

Annoyed that they suffered this preachy knot of anti- Israel, anti- Trump, pro- Islamist  FASCISTI. These are the hard-core militants who hate the America we love.

A short video as I took "a trip "around the Gordian knot- planted Stage Center.

Many, MANY police are pulled off the street to baby sit these insurgents - as they assemble and then marched from Grand Central to Trump Tower. Jew HATING is legal here. Not exaggerating. This is a very familiar crowd. They HATE-hate any thing and anyone that threatens their LEFTARD utopia. LOVE is NOT what they do best. Stir the revolution. That's the ticket. RISE UP and march us all to the ovens. But LOVE --- is just a word.

Hatred of Israel. Jews and America. Make no mistake. That is what they preach. That is what the Love. Smiles coming from the wicked-at-heart  should send chills through your spine. If they win this battle for the hearts and minds of the masses.  Be afraid. Be very afraid. ++

[Pictures and video property of Pamela Hall]

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