Wednesday, February 15, 2017

We The People Support Our New President - Rally at Trump Tower - NYC

Feb. 5, 2017- Noon - Outside Trump Tower Fifth Avenue. It was cold. It was SUPER BOWL Sunday. But, that did not keep the patriots at home.

Only problem, couldn't hear or see the speakers. Otherwise, it was a Super Rally on Super Bowl Sunday.

I arrived a few minutes after twelve, and first thing I  heard was chanting "refugees are welcome here". Did the pro-Trump Rally find a way to use the Lefist's chants --- as a hook for the press?  Nope. A few LOUD hard-core anti-Trumpers were on hand .... chanting away.

Moving on to the end of this block, between 55th and 56th streets, I was pleased to see the many pro-Trump rally signs. Eager. Happy. Already scoped out by the press. Cameras on tripods ready to film the action.

This was a nice turnout- kudos to the organizers. Visually the signs did not disappoint.

The enthusiasm was infectious. 

Someone even brought a Donald Doll to the festivities

At the other end of the rally, the pro-Trumpers ....

.... They had a spirited exchange with the anti-Trumpers and the press, of course, drifted that direction.

[Americans For a Safe Israel] was there. Reporting on this enthusiastic rally....

On a sunny but chilly Sunday afternoon, supporters of President Trump braved the cool weather and swarms of tourists on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower, to tell the world:


Since President Trump's inauguration, there have been hundreds of anti-Trump rallies around the country, many of them violent and filled with language not worthy of the gutter. Yesterday, those who believe in democracy and the rule of law said, "enough is enough." President Trump was elected democratically, according to the laws of our country, and it is time for the entire nation to accept it.

AFSI's Co-Executive Director, Helen Freedman, was one of the many speakers at the pro-Trump rally. Carrying an Israeli flag, she emphasized that the USA and JerUSAlem are entwined, since USA makes up the middle letters of Israel's capital city. She also stressed the promises Trump made while campaigning regarding moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and keeping a hands-off policy regarding settlement building. The crowd was with her all the way.

More pictures in the slide show

Links to the some of the media reports:

Organizers of  the pro-Trump Rally said they came to honor President Trump and to show support for the "electoral college process AND to show pride in America." That they did.  Bravo!

++ all Photos are property of Pamela Hall++

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