Sunday, February 19, 2017

Anti-Israel Groups Protest Emergency Rally For Israel at Columbia Univ

Monday- Feb 13, 2017 - 6:30- Columbia Univ. Danny Danon, the Israeli Ambassador to the UN was invited to speak at Columbia University.


However, anti-Israel groups were planning a protest to disrupt the event.


SO...there was an Emergency Rally For Israel :

Due to their pressure, Columbia administration imposed a last-minute restriction on the event's attendance preventing many Israel supporters and other interested parties from hearing the ambassador's speech.

Wait listed  means .... NO ADMITTANCE !


Let us show the UN ambassador of the only Middle East democracy a warm welcome. Let us show our support to Students Supporting Israel at Columbia University - SSI Columbia who organized this event.

Let us send a message to the Columbia administration that the university's responsibility is to protect and encourage free speech and civil discourse instead of restricting it.

And let us show anti-Israel hate groups that false and bigoted messages will not prevail. This is a non-partisan pro-Israel, pro free speech event!.

 Flickr slide show:


What we saw outside (and others inside) was predictable. They did not fail to agitate.  The SJP .... and others.... were there to SHUT DOWN Free Speech.

[video -the confrontation that went on outside]

Saw them assemble to march  at approx. 6:30 and then- as they began marching back and forth in front of Lerner Hall- they grew in numbers.

Glutting the sidewalk. Jamming egress for anyone just trying to walk by.  And SHOUTING. CHANTING. Hateful. Nasty. Smug. Shrill.

Eventually the police brought more barricades- to clear the center of the public sidewalk. But, the noise pollution continued, unabated,

while other kuffeya-clad REGISTERED GUESTS continued to gain entry.

INSIDE- as predicted- was the shut Danon down phase two.

SHOUT and SHOUT and SHOUT so he can't speak. not answer questions. after all- someone might hear the TRUTH. These fascist thugs can't have that - EVER

And Columbia? Shame on you. SHAME SHAME SHAME

FROM LEFT: their Press release, video, and photos re the protest can be found at:


I conclude with this buoyant response: Allyson Levy February 14 at 8:34am ·

Last night the pro Israel voice won....Danon got to speak, and the anti-semites were left to chant to a glass wall....AM YISRAEL CHA

Right on!

[Pictures and video property of Pamela Hall]

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