Wednesday, June 29, 2016

"Stop Killing Us " Protest Defends Islam @ Trump Tower NYC (6-21-16)

 What : "Stop Killing Us / Not In Our Names" Protest (& Die-in)


 Who : The protest was organized by ACT UP NY and leaders from Muslim, Latino and LGBTQ organizations.  SILENCE=DEATH t-shirts were the uniform of the dayWhen :  6 pm to 7 pm /June 21, 2016 (before they marched to Trump Tower, the protest gathered at 58th and Fifth)


 Where :  Trump Tower - Fifth Avenue and 56th St. NYC
(where the media awaited the misguided throng)


 Why : Via ACT UP's press release:

“Just over a week after the slaughter of dozens of LGBTQ people at Pulse in Orlando, Donald Trump is seeking the support and the endorsement of groups  who have -- for decades -- advocated hatred, discrimination, and violence against our community,” said James Krellenstein, a member of ACT UP NY. “

"By continuing to embrace, rather than condemn these hate groups, Donald Trump and the Republican Party are spitting on the victims of the Orlando Massacre.”

 "Instead of advocating for policies that would actually improve the safety, health, civil rights, and livelihood of all communities, Trump has chosen to meet and seek the support of religious extremists who have supported and defended legislation such as Uganda’s infamous “Kill the Gays” bill. All the while, he uses the recent violence against the LGBTQ community as an excuse to advocate for discrimination against American Muslims.

 "I arrived about 35 minutes before the scheduled one-hour protest. Spent that  time hanging with the MSM. Their cameras were set-up (facing the Tower entrance) ready to cover the protest at 6 pm.


However, these best laid plans went out-the-window once the marchers arrived. The protestors BACKS to the cameras, with a LARGE "Republican Hate Kills" banner also blocking the cameras, perhaps this accounts for a lack of coverage for the protest and die-in.


 Earlier, I saw James Krellenstein, a founding member of the Prevention of HIV Action Group of ACT UP/New York) giving an interview just before he joined the marchers.


As the protestors arrived at Trump Tower, amongst their many chants were  "Queer lives matter - Muslim lives matter! "Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay, Donald Trump Go Away" . "No more Islamophobia" and "Shame. Shame . Shame"


Excerpts from Omar Sarwar, a Gay Muslim from the Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD), who spoke to the misguided "Stop Killing Us" crowd outside Trump Tower.


 [Sarwar was born in New York City and grew up in the United States, Bahrain, Japan, and Singapore. He wasn’t raised in a religious family, but says his family is Sunni Muslims from Pakistan.]

 The only other speaker I filmed was the first speaker. He seemed to be one of the leaders, but I didn't get his name.


Antifa made an appearance: The other side of  the"Antifa" sign i"Dead Bigots Can't Hate" ....  


Perhaps THIS is a clear threat of VIOLENCE from the 'peacefully' misguided protestors

More quotes from their press release: “The LGBTQ community is a rainbow coalition of races and religious beliefs. While we stand united against any kind of religious bigotry, we will not stand silent while our Muslim LGBTQ brothers and sisters continue to be targets of hate speech,” said Tom Blake, another member of ACT UP NY."

Once I moved to the Patriots location - to the side of the "Stop Killing Us"minions - I managed to miss the die-in...

 Screen Shot 2016-06-26 at 1.42.18 PM

 But, I did capture some hardy exchanges between the Patriots and the "Stop Killing Us" protestors....


 And a Patriot who shouted across the din," You are more afraid of Donald Trump than the Jihadists. Do you KNOW what the Jihadists do to gays? I just don't get it!" (*crickets * from the press) The media, as usual, cared not-a-wit that the Leftists NEVER  mentioned the enemy ("who-shall-not-be-named"),  The Jihadists.


Instead, they focused on the misguided animus on the anti-Trump/anti-Christian Facebook page, "On this day Donald Trump will meet with hundreds of members of the hateful religious right in New York City.

We are protesting the use of LGBTQ murders as justification for hateful, misguided, Islamophobic politics and for the continuing murderous anti-queer and anti-trans agenda of the religious right."

In their bizarro world, the truth is inconvenient. Instead we are told that, in Orlando,

The 49 died because CHRISTIANS made the terrorist homophobic

The 49 died because CHRISTIANS made the terrorist ashamed of being gay

Ignore that the terrorist praised 'allah' as he murdered the 49

Ignore that the terrorist's RELIGION was ISLAM


And then, there was the "Irish", open borders Socialist and an "indigenous" fellow who came over to challenge the Patriots, as did a smoking (literally) woman whose only function was to blow smoke in their faces.


In conclusion: WHO's really killing gays? Who murdered 49 people in Florida?
 The truth came NOT from the anti-Christian agit-prop that paraded in front of Trump Tower.

THIS is the TRUTH (from AFDI)


 To end this post, I share a video that nails all the salient talking- points avoided because:  "The Left has chosen to protect the feelings of Muslims over the lives of Gays."  (FYI- video is, unfortunately, posted by Infowars. com aka 9/11 conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones' blog)

[Heads up: skip from 1:39 to 4:55 to catch only Paul Watson talking]

Two Flickr links - The Patriots


 Flickr Link - anti-Trump/anti-Christian protestors


And Playlist link for the six videos


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