It's the HOPE (and the CHANGE) to save the WORLD from GREEDY Capitalism.
Outside the Grand Hyatt, befriended by skilled anarchists and naive apostles, the Commies preached the promise of a Marxist-Fascist-Socialist Nirvana. Their Collectivist HOPE reigns supreme.
"Capitalism must DIE for the WORLD to be FREE!"
FACT: It's what you EARN not what you take from others that has made America strong.
But, the Bernie Loony Tunes, as their numbers and deception grows, have put our future in jeopardy. The Facts be Damned.
Can we HOPE to subdue these anarchists with an educated free-thinking, FREEDOM loving electorate?
The man-of-the-opposition hour on April 14th was Trump but, whomever AMERICA supports, it must not be a Leftist.
Naive apostles, media-led (and fed) by hard-core propagandists, must be challenged. (re-educated)
Learn to resist the temptations of "we will give you (...... ) FREE" vs real Freedom. Save the "ignorati" from the lies of a one-party (social justice) system.
The naive (and not so naive) claim to have never met a Republican who wasn't a CROOK ala Richard Nixon while IGNORING the boulders in their eye: HILLARY. BILL. OBAMA.
This blind pursuit of collectivism will never "set you FREE".
The wild side gathered outside the Grand Hyatt. Tools. "Amerika" where the TRUTH shall never leave their lips nor darken their pages.
If they WIN come November 2016, what will the future hold? More government. More taxes. "FREE stuff!"
Yeah... that's the ticket to "Hopey Changey" and a long line of demon-Borgias to take-over the White House -FOREVER.
A few brave Patriots from NY-ICE counter demonstrated in support of real FREEdom.
No to open Borders. FREEDOM of the individual. States' Rights. Less taxation. Less government. America.
Slide Show NY ICE and Patriots - BUILD THE WALL
VIDEO NY ICE and Patriots
On April 14th, the protest of anarchists on the Left was pretty underwhelming — nowhere near the thousands they predicted.
Yet, the media loved them-their message- anyway.
VIDEO Commie Brigades
Mr. Hopey Changey, Barack Hussein Obama, may be on his way OUT of the White House, but he will not be forgotten.
Slide show Commie Brigades
Obama's s legacy: Will future generations yearn for a past they never knew. For an America lost?
"America, what a country (she once was)" should not be our legacy.
The Evil that men do.... Hillary, Bernie, OBAMA et al ... will live for
generations. Communism.They have
Big Plans...
Next Up: May 1st- Commie Day- Union Square - NYC.
(addendum - two extra reports)
VIDEO Infowars reporter Joe Biggs and Fox News Jesse Watters report on the assault of the 2nd amendment guy-
People began to yell and several protestors began to crowd and push him, that is when things got confrontational.
A report from the Left.
At one point, flyers came raining down from the roof of a nearby building,
fluttering down onto the street.
March 19, 2016. Columbus Circle. "Crush Trump!" (Part 2) [Part 1 from "Crush Trump" is HERE] A day of "snark and hubris". (You've seen one, you've seen them all) But repetition breeds complacency, so bring it on. The "Dump/Crush Trump" protestS. Redux. Rolls-on. Ad nauseum.
same players (and maybe the 5000 no-show anarchists)will spread their
chaos in-the-streets nation-wide. However, on March 19, the
mischief-makers gathered slowly, VERY slowly, never reaching the
trumpeted throng of 5,000. YET, "LOVE" was in- the-air. High Noon. Start time. The press, lingering, wondering, where's the 5000 who were on-call to fight FASCISM? The
student-majority, mostly a happy "throng"; laughing, singing, drumming
.... and chanting... lined-up with a banner and a few pithy signs.
SLIDE SHOW of pictures (to access place cursor on picture)
was looking a tad disappointing. The lethargic press (looking for
ANYTHING to cover) came alive with the beat of the drums. Hoping for the
perfect photo to take back to the boss.
But, a slow trickle was too calm and love just doesn't "do it".
What does the media really HOPE for? The fake 'aggressive' Trump
protestors 'assaulting' those "calm" anti-trump protestors, of course.
(Insurgent plants make a much better story)
Wisconsin: "You touched my chest" - the faked uproar from the 'victim' (Alex Drake)
and perhaps - the intentional pepper spray. Watched many videos and the
guy in red hat slyly positions himself, just before the punch.
(Me-thinks he KNEW it was coming) It was ALL too well planned
(rehearsed) yet that gets played over and though it were
spontaneous. (It sells)
NOT this meek little gathering. The banner
unfurled. The ubiquitous drum, drum, drumming filling the air. The
press was looking at a short day.
Some Commie-handlers were observed - walking back and forth from the
park- entrance to the circle protestors... hovering in the background...
This usually means they are co-ordinating something. Waiting. Watching
(it turned out) for the missing hoards. And then ... it was time.... Some of the missing protestors (still not 5,000) had finally marched over from Fifth Avenue.
It was TIME for the mini- 'PARADE" to make the short-hop across Central Park West.
Obediently they marched with signs and banners across CPW to the Central Park entrance.[and the press went "wild"] Pressing, pushing through the small crowd. Once again, HOPING for that perfect picture.
In the Park: We now had a crowd, thick with press, and protestors. And colors. Lots of colors. Green (Anti-fas). Yellow (Socialists). Red (Commies) With the usual Black (BIG A-anarchists) "fakestinian" kuffeyas. and BLM (Black Lives Matter) sentiments, scattered throughout the protest. A fairly solid example of an everyday college campus.
Barking profane chants and carrying hand made signs that went from childish sex jokes to racist cracks to ... "LOVE".... THEY kept telling us THEY own the franchise on LOVE. (observe, please, the Spit-Queen of Love)
Slideshow of pictures (to access place cursor on picture)
were speakers (using a small megaphone) with the "students" packed hard
against the 'staging area'. This always makes the crowd look bigger and
is good for photo-ops.
Video playlist
Muslim-speakers were there. Linda Sarsour, in particular, who has long been in-training to be Brooklyn Burrough President (it's on her bucket-list)
She was joined by more distaff speakers, 20-somethings, who wore
"american" flag-type hijabs. [one female, who spoke, wore a
BLACK-starred flag]
Once the protest began it's march back to the Fifth Avenue Trump
Towers, I spotted a dancing Pinocchio-nosed Trump (with snarky signs)
And more smack-down Fascism signs. Immigration banners on the fountain steps. (they also stretched one across CPW) Illegal Immigrants, SI! But, No Walls. No way. Throughout
my two hours (before they marched east to Fifth Avenue) nothing NEW
seemed to happen. But, still--- not great--- when you see the press
(particularly the foreign press) so eager to see America fall apart.
German. Spanish. Saw them all interviewing the pro-America "No OPEN
Borders" counter-protestors. But, finding a pro- America report post
protest- that's a search that too often ends in vain. Sometimes you
might find a one-line quote, here and there, supporting America. (maybe)
BUT, that is so NOT what this crowd was looking for. Chaos. Confusion. Revolution. Another dose of anarchy - sadly - in Belgium -and these fools and tools in Columbus Circle are grinning (winning?) G-d save us all from the do-gooders, anarchists and their Community Organizers.
One Final Thought. What, might you ask, are they PROTESTING?
do the radicals claim to want? (Many of the main groups endorsing
Democracy Spring are FUNDED by billionaire Soros and supported by groups
like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and as usual the AFL-CIO)
THIS GROUP complains that “American
elections are dominated by billionaires and big money interests who can
spend unlimited sums of money on political campaigns to protect their
special interests at the general expense...The American people deserve
free and fair elections, not billionaire auctions.”
So, if you are moved to join your fellow anarchists at Democracy Spring, for the 10 Day March, all you have to do is contact your friendly New York Community organizer.
From Philadelphia, Democracy Spring marchers
are planning protest stops in Wilmington and Newark in Delaware;
Perryville, Joppa, Baltimore, Elkridge, and Beltsville in Maryland ( 0n
their way to D.C.) and then encamping in Columbus Circle at 11 AM
Eastern on April 11: a day of National encampments....
people have confirmed that they will participate in the full march,
with activists hailing from 33 states across country. Those protesters
signed an option on the coalition’s website explicitly stating, “I pledge to be one among thousands who will risk arrest to save democracy in DC between April 11 – 16.”
And remember, (promising only 2,000 this time), they'll be back at Columbus Circle, April 11, 2016 at 11:00 AM.
Democracy Spring,a
coalition of far-left groups plotting mass civil disobedience with
thousands pledging to risk arrest, is set to kick off its nationwide
activism on Saturday at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia’s Independence
OWS. The Arab "spring' it was just the beginning of their
downhill run. Right before our eyes- under our noses- they feed the
foolish with their agit-prop. Deconstruct the system. And what they
choose to destroy- to abhor- they CLAIM to protect. NOW they wish to
SAVE "democracy".