Saturday, December 19, 2015

"Syrian Refugees Welcome" & "Dump Trump" Columbus Circle (12-10-15)

Thursday - Dec 10, 2015 -   NYC . "Stand in Solidarity with Iraqi and Syrian Refugees" - Columbus Circle
Lurking in the background,  COMMUNIST and PROUD, the white and mostly Jewish Communist/Soc/Prog facilitators ...
From Daniel Greenfield: 'The Left's Muslim Replacement Theology for Jews . Muslims are the new Jews; time to get rid of the old Jews.'
 As I arrived - agitprop - screeds - chants - droned on and on to the ubiquitous beat of a drum

It was United Nations "Human Rights Day" held under the statue of that "racist, murdering Christoforo Columbo.
Even Obama was getting slammed by some in the crowd, "Trump Slanders Muslims, Obama Bombs Them"
Their voices rang loud and clear through-out the noisy traffic circle:  "Dump Trump ","There is no Debate, Trump Equals Hate","Say it Loud, Say it Clear, Refugees Are Welcome Here","From Mexico to Palestine, Border Walls Are A Crime", etc, ad nauseum.

I spotted almost immediately, one protestor's sign (Keep Syrians Out) peering confidently above the crowd
Part 1  video - chants as the event was beginning -

More than one angry young woman, mostly Muslimas, indicted the United States as imperialist and racist . The signs below suggests, "Will Trade Refugees For Racists" and "Grief has no Borders".
Another sign held by a Muslima, welcomes us all to the Fourth Reich.
Sign after sign carried on about that "Racist Donald Trump", Wall Street (and Donald Trump), Migrant workers (and Donald Trump) and the Central Park Five - with a picture of Donald Trump- (whatever) 
For an hour and a half this crowd chanted while laughing and making merry, I guess, about the virtues of atheistic Communism.  Even so, one Christian Leftie (she seemed to be a Pastor of some sort) managed to carry a pithy Bible sign.
 " Mirna Haidar, lead organizer at the Arab American Association of New York, claimed that anti-Muslim comments like Trump’s are about far more than words.
“It’s violence,” argued Haidar (speaking above) a refugee from Lebanon who came to the United States in 2010.

Haidar says she’s frightened by the recent political climate, combined with the rise in hate crimes targeting Muslims ... Little did I know that here, I will face fear, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and arabophobia"

"The Most Dangerous Terrorist groups in the USA
are the Republicans and Democrats"?  But...what about the  Isis. Daesh. The Muslim Brotherhood. Al Qaeda!! " FREEDOM FROM FEAR" proclaims the signs.

Other signs: "Can You Hear the Beating Heart of every Refugee" and "The Jewish Community is United Against Fascism"
While " on the pedestal-turned-stage, seasoned Syrian activist Hamid Imam led the crowd in chants ("Dump Trump" and "Donald Trump, Listen Here. Refugees are Welcome Here") He gave an impassioned speech calling for the dismantling of both ISIS and the Assad regime. “The only way to end the suffering is to end the war,” urged Imam, a refugee from ar-Raqqah who now studies social work at Rutgers."
PART 2  video :  [please note at 00:43 and 2:32 the counter protestor holding up a sign "Keep Syrians Out"]

Hussam, a refugee from the besieged Syrian city of Homs who came to New Jersey four months ago, exposed the cowardly racism of the fear-mongers by describing the actual events driving millions of people from their homes. An activist in the movement against the dictator Bashar al-Assad, Hussam talked about the last protest he attended, where the regime fired live ammunition on the crowd.

"I fled the country for my children, to take them away from the killings," he said to the crowd through a translator. "But we hope to God we will go back." As Sarah Aziza reported for Bedford and Bowery, after that last comment, many in the crowd shouted back, "Yes, you will!"
 Hosam stressed that he considered himself a victim of ISIS, and emphasized that “anyone who thinks ISIS is Islam is very wrong. Islam is a religion of peace. We greet one another by saying, ‘Peace to you.’

Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York which co-sponsored the rally , spoke like she was running for office (and those in the know) have no doubt that's where she's headed : Elected Office.
Hate is not going to divide us,”. “People need to be held accountable for this hate speech. These are not just words; they are words that are inspiring actual violence against innocent people who have nothing to do with these terrorist attacks happening.”

Sarsour told Salon, in the past few weeks, as presidential candidates like Donald Trump and Ben Carson have ramped up their Islamophobic rhetoric and proposed explicitly anti-Muslim policies, there has been a rapid increase in the number of attacks and threats against Muslim Americans.

“We absolutely have to take responsibility for” the refugee crisis. Our flawed foreign policy in the Middle East has created the fertile ground for groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. We can’t act like we have nothing to do with that.”

Linda Sarsour, the safe face of  a 'moderate' Islam.  Just don't read or listen to her racist screeds and the electorate can remain blissfully unaware . (Link to her video from multi-faith menorah lighting on Dec 12)

  tweeted - "This country right here was built on the backs of black people and immigrants"
America - BAD.  (The Donald VERY Bad)

They have the answers -  bloviating from every sign:

Another sign : "If you stop bombing and OCCUPYING their countries, there won't be MILLIONS of refugees.... etc"

As I left, this banner below caught my eye:  Halkların Demokratik Kongresi. The HDP is seen as the Turkish variant of the Greek SYRIZA and the Spanish Podemos parties, similar in their anti-capitalist stance
DSC_6122 copy
The Peoples' Democratic Party
originates from the Peoples' Democratic Congress (Halkların Demokratik Kongresi, HDK), a platform composed of various groups including left wing parties Revolutionary Socialist Workers' Party, Labour Party, Socialist Party of the Oppressed, Socialist Democracy Party, Socialist Party of Refoundation, the Greens and the Left Party of the Future ... DSC_6122 copy2
Human Rights. The U.N. vs the U.S. Accusations of oppression by those who are the real oppressors. (Not the US) Which begs these final questions, "Who are the actual oppressors? Who is actual purveyor of racism and hatred?"

Pamela Geller asks, "Do Muslims Around the World Really Hate the United States? Yes."

The hatred of infidels is a religious imperative in Islam. No matter how fast we dance, appease, pay, accommodate, and submit, the hatred and holy war will not cease. On the contrary, the more we submit and reward the hatred and terror, the more we will have to surrender.

SLIDE SHOW of pictures


NEXT post - a raucous Dump Trump Protest held the next afternoon (Friday Dec 11) at the Plaza hotel.


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