Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Linda Sarsour (& others) Shed “Light on Darkness” – Hanukkah in Bklyn 2015

It was Chanukkah. Saturday, December 12, 2015. Brooklyn.

Residents protest anti-Muslim violence.
“Residents of all faiths united against the exclusion of Syrian refugees. ”  
Shed Light on Darkness this Hanukkah


“At the December 12, 2015 candle lighting ceremony at Brooklyn Borough Hall: Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, Cantor Lisa Segal, politicians, dozens of members of Kolot Chayeinu  and rabbis, pastors, imams from all over Brooklyn, standing together to Shine Light on the refugee crisis and rising ‘Islamophobia’.

Organizers say the goal was to send a message that America is a nation of refugees and that it must continue to keep its doors open.

Daniel Greenfield describes perfectly the nature and associations of the crowd gathered in Brooklyn. If you had no idea who they are – you will NOW.

Even though Jews are the most common victims of religious hate crimes, not Muslims, Susan Talve (of the anti-Israel group T’ruah)  added anti-Semitism only as an obligatory afterthought. Jewish lives don’t matter. Not to radical leftist clergy.

Because I was filming, I needed to find some pictures as well. So, Thank You TWITTER! (and Facebook).
tweetedBeautiful crowd outside @BPEricAdams office showing love to their Brooklyn Muslim neighbors during #Hanukkah.

FYI –  (Channel 12) seemed to be the ONLY MEDIA that filmed the event as  “Residents protest anti-Muslim violence”

(12/13/15) BROOKLYN – Members of Brooklyn’s Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities came together on the steps of Borough Hall Saturday night to protest hatred they say is fueling anti-Muslim violence.

Residents of all faiths united against the exclusion of Syrian refugees.They say anti-Muslim violence is getting out of control.“I was allowed into this country,” said supporter Harry Rayman. “I feel it’s anti-American for us not accept a number of refugees here.”

[VSB – Rayman doesn’t clarify, when,where or why he was a “refugee” – a term used too loosely, of late]

My last two videos from this menorah event: Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer (Refugee Advocate & Educator)   [Jews For Racial and Economic Justice)]  and [HIAS] “my religious tradition teaches to place human dignity & respect above all else.” She leads with the Torah and how we are to treat the Stranger ….

 As I was leaving the menorah protest (in support of open borders) I had a brief look at the counter-protest that Rabbi Lippman referred to earlier:  No to Open Borders – We Can’t Vet them, Don’t Let Them In. Protect Americans FIRST.

AND THEN :  The Next Day : THERE WAS MORE! as Jewish Voices For Peace returned to Columbus Circle. Surely this was the “Cherry on the Chanukkah Cake

 They ended with some folk-singing (of course).

BTW- “This Little Light of Mine” is a Christian Gospel song – not a secular soc/commie/prog song – (just sayin)

Adding a slide show of a few pictures on 12-26-15 :



 After attending FOUR consecutive events held by these PROG-insurgents, I felt numb from listening to days of their fast and loose mantras. Their message never strayed: Anti-Trump/Anti-America/Pro-Islam/ pro-Refugees aka Open Borders claiming their goal was to send a message of PEACE, “that America is a nation of refugees and that it must continue to keep its doors open.

Reality Check post haste! ” … this abuse of language sows the seeds of intolerance and tyranny….”

NIF, T’ruah, BDS. JVP- THEY ARE THE SICKNESS nurtured by these “PROGRESSIVE Thought-Blockers

“Encumbered with a fossilized illiberal ideology, progressives must rely on … empty words and phrases that comfort and rouse the party faithful and camouflage the lack of coherent argument, consistent principles, and empirical evidence.…these empty words and phrases that lie at the heart of progressivism are the tools for increasing the progressives’ political power and influence, at the expense of everybody else’s freedom.” [Bruce Thorton]

I close with quotes from a timely article by Daniel Greenfield (referring to the San Bernadino terrorists)

“The problem is obvious and we can’t make it go away with gun control and wishful thinking.”

“It’s not the internet that is a threat, it’s immigration.” 

 “They aren’t radicals. They aren’t extremists. They’re the enemy.

The Terrorists are everywhere. Vetting is not possible. This a dangerous time to hold back. Now is the Time to NO LONGER REMAIN Polite and SILENT.


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