Tuesday, December 29, 2015

"Dump Trump" Prayer Protest- Commies & Muzzies - AGAIN (NYC) 12-20-15

As I arrived, I observed a coalition of Prayer-Protesting Muslims and Communist facilitators,  Bill Doares (below) of Workers World
... and their Communist "led and fed" students.
Also, the usual "anti-war" agitators (from multiple groups)
... pro-ILLEGAL trespassers (also members of multiple groups)
and VILE, angry "anti-racist"aka hard-core Black Commie RACISTS gathered outside Trump Towers. (see Kim Ortiz  below , a lead organizer for NYC Shut It Down and Black Lives Matter )
The Muslim protestors said they, too, were there to oppose the "racism" promoted by Trump's campaign.

The FACT that Islam is not a Race goes unmentioned.

But, since the Muslims billed this as a Prayer Protest, that's what a small group of Muslims did (for two hours).

While a hard-core group of (atheistic) Commies and militant Muslims shouted slogans and preached hatred against Trump, America, Israel and the police (all of these groups were ANTI-Police) 
But, how about some history: Pre-Islamic history. These Indonesian Muslims were invaded,CONQUERED by the "Sword Of Islam". Like the Copts of Egypt. The Jews of the Holy Land. The Persian Zoroastrians of Iran. Why don't the Indonesians DEMAND their history and culture back with shouts of  ISLAM INVADERS GET OUT. Nope. They go silent. (sort of)
At moments like these, all must forget Al Qaeda. The Taliban. The Islamic State. Jihadis. "The Donald" is the focus of their 'fear' and anger as they PRAY to their Moon god, Allah, to rid the world of  "That Racist pig - Donald Trump."
Get WISE. Get Smart. Like this costumed chap who warns we should only FEAR Fox News and that "Shit Stain", Donald Trump.

Or this guy - with a few CLUMPS of ?? (for sale) Perfect stocking stuffers for Christmas. Just $12 and be on your way! (Whatever) Even the anti-Capitalism Commies do NOT waste a moment to make-a-buck.

The Commies had an interloper. But, never fear,  Commie - thug, Bill Doares, made sure this loud, whistle-blowing purveyor of conflicting messages was NOT in their pen.  A threatening ,"We don't want you here" is usually Doares' first line-of-attack. 
The interloper (uninvited) stepped outside the enclosure, cautiously, where he hung around awhile ...
...til he decided to whistle-assault the NY ICE protest on the Fifth Avenue side.
Back to 56th Street. Costumes. Pithy signs and LOTS of speakers. Muslim speakers. Commie speakers. Angry Black and "illegal trespasser" speakers. Come one, come all. (not really)

Throughout the  protest, the Commies walked the perimeter; keeping watch over their flocks (like Tony Murphy below). They don't let just anyone join their protests.
Naming just a few that I captured on-the-job:  Sara Flounders, Andy Pollack, Tony Murphy, Imani Henry, Kim Ortiz (of the very angry Black Lives Commies) and the ever scowling, Bill Doares (seen earlier - up top). ANGER . Scowls. de reguerre.

They Orchestrate. "Control and Patrol" the photo-ops. Making sure the media has plenty to record: Anger. Passion. "Humor"....    And Prayers. Muslims-in-prayer. Muslims chanting against terrorism. Everyone chanting, parroting, droning .... on and on .... and on.


There was even this faux march of Muslims to NO WHERE (held within the enclosure)


No photo-ops go unanswered.
Playing to the cameras, the Muslims were eager. Buoyant. Even playful. Unfortunately, as the videos reveal, their accented English made the chants mostly unintelligible.


At 3:30, as I left the festivities, I took one last look at the protest on the 56 st side. The agitated and outraged speakers were still bellowing through their VERY LOUD amplification while the prayer-protest continued on silently.


The actual protest had started at 2 pm. It was still 30 minutes til the 4 march. This unsavory group was going to tie-up lots of the NYPD (to protect them? or to protect the public?). Whatever, these officers are 'off-patrol' - not able to keep our city safe - while these anarchists marched to Fox News and CNN.
Unlike the police, I was able to skip the march. It's the same ol same ol. If you've seen one march, you've seen them ALL.

Playlist of 5 VIDEOS (Muslims and Commies) 56th st & Fifth Ave.

Two slide shows of pictures

Part 1 is the Muslim prayers that began at 1:30 as they were setting up.

Part 2 is  a look at the Commie side of the prayer protest


NY ICE lead a spirited counter protest on Fifth Avenue, in front of Trump Towers, that was invaded a few times by the Commies from the 56 st street protest.

A slideshow of NY ICE ( the Commies) and the counter Protest

a Playlist of 4 Videos (Fifth Avenue and 56 St)


Food For Thought : Two articles

And then, in closing, Sara Flounders (of Ramsey Clark's International Action Center), stern warning to her Comrades as she inspired them to Dump Trump:

“Whenever fascism rears its ugly head, it is the duty of all progressive forces to unite in solidarity and struggle against it. On December 20 (2015) let’s join together and say ENOUGH! Join the Unity Rally!" 

Also, a rally-for-the-cause VIDEO.

Deep thoughts on Fascism from Comrade, Tony Murphy, a Workers World sponsor.

Finally: the VERY LONG list of Coalition Partners (from the flyer above). Welcomed in our colleges and our media newsrooms, the damage caused by these insurgents rolls on ..... They are EVERYWHERE ...

Al-Awda USA: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Al Quds Day Committee
American Muslim Alliance
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP NJ)
American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights & Elections
American Islamic Committee for Woman & Child
ANSWER Coalition
Asia Tribune NY & NJ
Ayotzinapa Student Front
Addicted To War
Bail Out the Peoples WI
Bangla Bazar Jame Mosque, Bronx
BMCC Students Without Borders
Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network - B.A.N
CCNY Students Without Borders
Chelsea Coalition on Housing
Community Advocate & Development Organization Brooklyn
Community Labor United with Postal Jobs & Services
Coordination Dessalines (KOD)
Council on American Islamic Relations - CAIR NY
December 12 Movement
Egyptian Americans for Democracy & Human Rights NY/NJ
Equality for Flatbush
Eztudio 43
Fight Imperialism–Stand Together
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
Friends of Human Rights
Guyanese American Workers United
Haiti Action Committee
Haiti Liberté Newspaper
Humanist Society of Metro NY
Immigrant Advocacy Project IL
International Action Center
Internt'l Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
International League of People’s Struggle-U.S.
Jersey City Peace Movement
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee
La Voz de los de Abajo Chicago
Labor Against Racist Terror
Laundry Workers Center
May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights
Michigan Emergency Coalition Against War and Injustice
Millions March NYC
Moratorium Now! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions & Utility Shutoffs
Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
Movement to Protect the People
Muslim Alliance in North America
Muslim American Society - MAS NY
National Congress of Black American Indians
NYC Shut It Down
NYC Students for Justice in Palestine
New York University Students for Justice in Palestine
Party of Communists USA - NY Metro Branch
Palestine Youth Movement
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Parents to Improve School Transportation
Peace Action - Manhattan
People’s Organization for Progress
People’s Power Assemblies
Postal Defenders
Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Queens Peace Council
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Seattle Anti-war Women In Black
SI-Solidarity with Iran
Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee
Solidaridad con las Autodefensas Mexicanas desde NY
South Asian American Parents, Teachers & Children
South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship & Training
Students for International Peace & Justice
Students for Justice in Palestine at Hunter College
Students for Justice in Palestine at St. Joseph’s College
Students for Justice in Palestine at College of Staten Island
Students Without Borders at Hunter College
Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Baltimore SCLC
Syrian American Forum
Team Solidarity-United School Bus Union Workers
Teamsters Local 808 IBT
United National Antiwar Coalition-UNAC
U.S. Peace Council
USW Local 8751 Boston School Bus Union
Why Accountability
Women’s Fightback Network
Workers World Party


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