Sunday, January 10, 2016

Plaza Hotel Trump Protest : THE 2nd AMENDMENT vs the Commies (12-11-15) Part 1

[FYI- I'm posting this protest/event as a Three Part Series.]
                                Part One - THE SECOND AMENDMENT vs the Commies

December 11, 2015. Noon. NY's Plaza Hotel.
Communities UNITED! Confronting Trump…

"Say NO to Trump's Racism and Hate"

There was one very confident guy (Italian- from Brooklyn) A solid one-man counter-protest promoting Smart Gun Ownership.
Wearing a sandwich board with an ad from a local Firing Range, he LOUDLY urged the crowd to LEARN HOW To DEFEND YOURSELF.
This brave American drove the Commies insane.

In Video 1 (at 00:58) He  urged them to "LEARN how to Protect your Family". Warned that "ISIS is HERE". [The hecklers were now being HECKLED!] They went silent (Fun) while  deciding how to react...(group-think)... Oh,Yeah! Cover him with signs and shout "Dump Trump! Dump Trump!"

Video 1

                                                                           Video 2 
The Commie speaker, Percy Lujan,  when he finally spoke- after being cut off by " Gun-Guy" - suddenly he was promoting "Learn How to Defend Yourself"  


Video 3 

After the protest speakers had finished, I found the Second Amendment guy speaking to the press right in front of the Plaza. He was emphasizing the importance of 'Learning to Shoot Firearms Safely" to a French reporter who seemed to have some difficulty with the idea that the people in Paris might have lived if they had been armed with hand guns. There was one heckler and a female reporter to my left, who closed up her camera with a scornful shake of the head.
Some of his points: They're trying to take away our Second Amendment rights. Rights that our soldiers fought to defend. He mentioned No Fly Lists. That include our soldiers.  He stressed, You Need to Protect Yourself. You need to have a hand gun. Mentions Texas (Garland, Texas) Pointing out that those terrorists lasted about 10 seconds. He says we need a President like Donald Trump to change the gun laws so States like NY/Chicago can get concealed weapons license permits.

BTW -  He was grossly misquoted by one of the Commies (of course). "Gun-Guy" was to the side of the protest - not in front- and did NOT call for violence nor call any one present RETARDS or Terrorists. [LISTEN to his OWN words in videos above]

69mirs One of #trump 's supporters #pro #hate #pro #gun and who is #racist he stood in front of us calling us "retards, terrorists and invited the tourists walking by us to learn to shoot guns so they can protect themselves from us" I am so angry that he felt protected as a white male and that he felt entitled to show up with pictures of guns and calling for violence - what did the police do ? When he was verbally attacking us ? Nothing ... If this person was a person of color we would have been already shot, manhandled, or choked to death .... - #DropTrump #no more #war #no more #

The US Constitution made an appearance. Along with the ONLY Old Glory I saw and it was being used as a blind-fold.

So, Who or What is the problem?.... Guns? Criminals? Terrorists?.... The U.S. Constitution vs INTERNATIONAL Law??

"Power to the People", Si? [ONLY if you are NOT a Republican]

See Daniel Greenfield's very timely article

America [.... ]is being dragged down by broken cities full of broken families whose mayors would like to trash the Bill of Rights for the entire country in the vain hope that national gun control will save their cities, even though gun control is likely to be as much help to Chicago or New Orleans as the War on Drugs.

Obama’s pretense that there needs to be a national conversation about rural American gun owners is a dishonest and cynical ploy that distracts attention from the real problem that he and politicians like him have sat on for generations.

America does not have a gun problem. Its problem is in the broken culture of cities administered by Democrats. We do not need to have a conversation about gun violence [... ]We need to have a conversation about what the Democrats have done to our cities.

The long winded Commie blather- you might think you'd hear this tripe just in the movies- NOOPE these people REALLY speak like:

First, Comrade Tony Murphy, promoting the next Trump protest on Dec 20 (covered here), as he urged the crowd to attend in his best commie-tones.


Ending the Speakers hour with WARNINGS of FASCISM and Greedy CAPITALISM was this fiery Commie lass.


NEXT installment : Part Two - Media Darlings who Crashed the GOP Luncheon


For reference:  Video Playlist

Flickr Slideshow


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