Monday, September 14, 2015

Anarchists, Syrian "Refugees" & a NO BORDERS Union Square Rally - NYC (9-12-15)

SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 - Anarchy NEVER Rests.
The copy that follows is from their face book event page:
Call for a No Borders and Antifascist contingent to the 9/12 Syrian Refugee solidarity demonstration

In Budapest, Lampedusa, Lesvos, Berlin, Calais, Kobani, Manus Island Melilla, the Negev, Yarmouk, Rafa, Santo Domingo, San Antonio and Nogales, we see the same crisis, the same dehumanizing rhetoric.
We are told those fleeing violence and poverty of in Latin America, North Africa, and the Middle East are contagions of instability, that in order to defend our national character, we must build walls and detention camps, and ruthlessly exploit the chosen few we allow in
They call this the worst refugee crisis since World War II. And today, just as Jews, Roma, Queers and others were turned away by the Allies, the thousands of Syrian, Iraqis, Kurds, and Afghans now fleeing ISIS, Assad and Erdogan are labeled pariahs and infiltrators. 
In Turkey, Hungary, Germany, Britain, Sweden, France, Greece, Israel and the United States, nationalist politicians and fascist groups have used the crisis to heighten the friend/enemy and inside/outside rhetoric that props up their disgusting militarism, bigotry, and ethnic cleansing.

Over the last four years, sections of the United States have begun to wake up and take to the streets, confronting the bourgeois state and the murdering racist police that protect it.
In New York this Saturday, hundreds will call for the United States to take in Syrian refugees. We will stand with them to push that rhetoric even further:

- Solidarity with all those displaced by bombs, markets, or discrimination
- Abolish borders, and the nationalism and racism that depend on them
- Free entry for Syrian refugees, and everyone else!

Invite friends! Bring your crew... you’ll know us by the antifa and black flags!
Long live social revolution! Down with tyranny!
A member of NY-ICE gave me a heads-up on this rally. Glad I caught it.

SEIU was on hand--- as always-

 As was NY-ICE ( New Yorkers For Immigration control)
The age of the rally participants was YOUNG, obnoxious and very ANTI- America.
Followed by the older die-hard 'seniors' who won't rest til America (and Israel) are both destroyed.
The more recent addition: the Muslims.
ALL working  together to deconstruct-America by brainwashing our youth. One Day. One Class. One meeting at a time.
There is a sickness in our colleges. Our schools. Our text-books. A disease fed and nurtured by the soc/commie/progs (ALL of whom are welcomed by our media and our educators)
ANARCHY breeds contempt (for America)
 Contempt and the death of FREEDOM (they just don't  'get' that---yet---)

Union Sq. Sept 12, 2015
Part 1 video - This guy chose (who said "YES, I am an AMERICAN") Challenged the agitprop glaring from sign after sign, "There are enough people here already. Homeless. No jobs"

Of course there were the usual Commies, Socialistas, a mix of Muslims/Syrians and pro 'fakestinians'. They say, "WELCOME THE REFUGEES, KICK OUT NAZIS, POLITICIANS AND COPS"

Part 2 video - The Anarchists' spokesman gave a detailed propaganda diatribe regarding Obama, Syria and the Muslim refugees.


John Hawkins | Sep 12, 2015 - As millions of Syrian migrants stream into Europe, the Obama Administration has announced that the United States will be taking in 10,000 refugees... if we were picking nations to recruit new Americans from, Syria would be pretty close to the bottom of the list.
People speak Arabic there, not English... it’s a dictatorship... the people of Syria have little experience with democracy, freedom of the press or the rule of law....Syria is not a fertile breeding ground of the sort of people who are going to fit into the culture of a country like America and make a big contribution...

Syria is also an ISIS stronghold and the terrorist group has publicly promised to use the migrant crisis to sneak its members into Western countries. This is not an idle threat.

... the United States has already done more than any nation in history to help nations in the Middle East... We already take in 70,000 refugees a year, we have north of 5 million illegal immigrants here using their kids to live on the dole (and that’s a VERY conservative estimate), we spend billions we don’t have in foreign aid every year and the American people give more to charity than any other group of people on earth. When is enough, enough?
... It’s time that we let other nations do their fair share for once instead of risking the next 9/11 by taking in Syrian migrants.

In closing,a look at, what for now, is the  local political front:
Embedded image permalink 
I missed the ubiquitous  Linda Sarsour. I left after the main speech. Look at the picture behind her. That display must have come with/for Sarsour's speech. (she is being groomed to run for political office in Brooklyn) so manipulating the hearts and simple-minds of the pro-forma.

Next up - I'm off to the Annual  Muzzie Day Parade - 2015 -


Slide Show of the Anarchists' Rally


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