Friday, September 18, 2015

Muslim Day Parade (2015) "Marching As One Ummah" (pics & vids)


"The Muslim Day Parade Street Fair" is a cultural celebration held to bring together members of the Muslim community in New York City. The festivities begin with a parade down the city streets, which is followed by a bazaar and food festival featuring authentic cuisine and merchant vendors.
Guests can also enjoy various spoken word and musical performances."

The 30th Annual Muzzie Day Parade seems to be losing its appeal even for the New York Muslim Community.  THIS was the SMALLEST parade I've seen in 8 years ( since 2007)
"Celebrating the Ummah" kept a lot of people at home. Making this a parade of the repeat-floats (4) with only a few groups marching down Madison Ave. - 

 Pre - Parade Umma Bikers
Umma bikers waiting
Women against Violence
And some drum, drum, drumming from the Panamanian Vets (who didn't seem to identify as Muslim)

Playlist of 4 short videos:

THE PRAYERS (aka ceremonies) - 12:30 PM - the prayers and speakers at the prayer tarp location (38th st and Madison) was really low-key. Something was amiss. The groups of children. Missing. Large schools and mosque groups. Missing.

Looking back at 2012 - the prayers had many more participants

Even a wudu trough was provided for a couple of years - then it disappeared after 2012.
In 2015, NO Black (sometimes white) Shahada flags (as in 2013)  
No fake guns (as in 2014)
No virgins (2014)
No women hanging in effigy (2014)
Nada. The parade in 2015 was VERY bland.

The NYPD Turk-undertaker (Erhan Yildirim) was back. Hadn't seen him for a couple of years. There he was, a respected Community Co-Ordinator for the NYPD
A Village Voice article from 2008 doesn't mention the NYPD assoc, but it's more about Muslim burials. Guess not being buried on American soil is important - cause America is a  kaffir country.

Also, found a video (in Turkish). Published in Jan 2014 and drooling over his "Bruce Willis" NYPD badge.

"New York Polis Departmanı'nın ilk Türk polisi Erhan Yıldırım, yıllardır filmlerde gördüğümüz rozeti canlı yayında gösterdi."
turk badge 

Translation -"Erhan Yildirim, first Turkish police in New York Police Department , showed the badge to live for years we have seen in the movies."


2015 -Time for that BIG DAWA display of peaceful Muslims - Praying- On the Streets of New York. But, a burly, black Muzzie - Security Guy - kept saying we had to stop taking pictures when the prayers started (maybe because of the low attendance)

No Pictures? During Prayers? But, who could tell WHEN the prayers officially started since there was a whole lotta singing goin' on from the beginning. 
Still, the Burly Security Guy kept repeating this new rule, NO PICTURES of the Prayers. So, I started walking towards the back of this small group,
where the women were.

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Bad move on my part. Our two NYPD Community Affairs head- honchos blocked my camera and forced me on to the sidewalk - Saying,  NO PICTURES DURING the "Ceremonies"
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The officer claimed that " Press Creds" were required to take pictures of these PUBLIC prayers. We aren't allowed to take pictures of the "ceremonies"?  (get real). This was harassment of one individual: ME. I was turned away from a public gathering while attempting to exercise my First Amendment rights.

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Forced to leave the area.
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So, from a distance, my trusty Nikor zoom caught a glimpse of how small the group was.
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 Urban Infidel stayed down front with lots of photographers and  took pics and video the whole time-- during "the prayers"--- " No pictures during the ceremonies"?



Time For The Parade:
 "Islam Advocates Peace and Justice For All"

Lots  of  Grand Marshals
Muslim women who marched against VIOLENCE (admitting Muslim men are VIOLENT?)
The NYPD Police Band playing God Bless America  (no This Is My Country)

 The NYPD Muslim Officers Society banner
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 And the NY Muslim Correctional Officers (which had a Quran & MECCA on an NYPD banner: "Created To Serve One God"

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Free Syria marchers with the anti-Assad three-starred flags - proclaiming their love of FREEDOM. Leftists. Commies. 

Flashing a V for Victory sign at the cameras.  (Will Commies be any better than Assad?)

 THREE Grannie Brigade Commies and Not in My Name - types were there in opposition to all things Israel. One woman handed out small Fakestinian flags to everyone in the Muslim crowd.Her shirt said - "U.S. Boat To Gaza- Audacity of HOPE"
She walked down Madison Ave, IN the parade,with NYC Councilman, Robert Jackson - A Muslim revert. (At a previous Muslim Day Parade, Councilman Jackson was heard to proclaim "Harlem is the NEW Mecca".) 

With a  sign that said, "Remember Rachel Corrie"
The other two women wore keffiyeh and  held a sign, "No Funds for Israel" and sported a NAKBA Button.

Not as many niqabs marching in the sun, with their babies and toddlers on display.
But it wouldn't be a Muzzie parade without at least a few niqabs.

The "ceremony", the "parade", a very fast walk to 23rd Street and the 'speakers" stage at the end, with no speakers sitting on-stage as in years past. We heard mostly prayers. Lots of prayers. It was all a bit odd.

Very few food booths. No dawah tables. No Books. Pamphlets No tables with abaya (long cloaks the women wear) There was a hijab table. A LAWYER table.

And a How to Pronounce Arabic table. Dull. Oh so very DULL. (Though, the FOOD smelled great.)

There were Christian protestors who never stopped preaching from the top of the parade to the end. They were relentless.
  So once they arrived at Madison Square Park, the Syrian Marxists decided to stand in front of them.The anti-Assad Syrians did on-camera interviews, with the Christians in the background, while the crowd gathered to sit at the speakers stage.
The cops hung out, watching the Syrian Marxist/Christian inter-action.
(Watched, also, by the passersby and the Muzzie Security) Guess it seemed more interesting than the speakers stage.
The crowd had been herded like a bunch of halal sheep to their seats. Once there, they ate and waited for the prayers etc to end.
A DONATION box was passed around near the end of the event.... a little "muzzie jizya"? Perhaps they had to PAY to get OUT from the "captive audience" area.
 Closing thoughts on the parade date chosen in 2015 (Sept 13th). The Muslim Parade organizers just can't help themselves when it comes to dates of significance. (So many awkward dates chosen over the years.)

September 13  was two days after the 9-11 attacks and murders.  So close to September 11, a National Day of Mourning. Was it, also, a co-incidence that this was the first day of Rosh Hashana.

Does it matter? Maybe not. No one shows up to watch this parade any way. Year after year. The streets are EMPTY. What is the impact. On whom?

Watch Urban Infidel's great expose on those empty streets -

Empty streets. So DULL. So Quiet.  Perhaps this to be an important dawah moment. (ya think?)

Sleepers BEWARE.

Lastly - The "Mission" Statement from Muzzie  Day Parade Web site:
 Muslims Get United & Have One Voice

Ladies & Gentlemen, Brothers & Sisters in Islam,
United States of America is our homeland though adopted but still our home. We have taken the oath for the betterment of this country. So focus your activities on this point and work hard for it. Soon we will be gone from the scene But our children will be here. So for the future of our children, get united and join the political process of this country. Because nobody listens to you here, the only voice which is heard is the voice of your vote, meaning how many votes you have.

You may have heard the news that the City of New York has recognized Eid holidays in its school system after working hard for two decades. We achieved this due to the our unity and our vote. Many of us have not yet registered themselves to vote, while others are registered but don’t go out to vote considering their vote won’t make a difference. No, its wrong, whether your candidate wins or looses, it does not matter. What matters, is the number of Muslims voted in every election. Each vote casted is counted and tells the authorities who has the voting power and how much.

We still have many other hurdles to remove from our path such as Halal food for our children in schools and for Muslim inmates in the detention centers. They are still not allowed to have time to pray in our schools and detention centers. So we have a lot of hard work in front of us. I, therefore, remind and request you to please register yourselves to vote and if you are registered than make sure you go out and vote in every election for the sake of our unity and voice.
Ainul Haque
Slide show- Before the Parade

Slideshow of the Parade and after


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