Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Stop Iran Now Rally returned to Sen Schumer & Gillibrand's NY offices (9-1-15)


On this day, 7,000 people gathered outside two sitting Senators' offices, a landmark political event, where a group of bi-partisan political leaders, brave American veterans and victims of Iranian terror gathered to deliver their message to her personally:

"Senator Gillibrand: Don't Surrender America,
Join Senator Chuck Schumer to Oppose this Bad Deal.
We need a BETTER deal!"

AFSI ) "The Stop Iran Now" Rally in front of Senator Schumer & Gillibrand's offices went off without a hitch.

An evening filled with inspirational speakers, "Hope was in the air as speaker after speaker highlighted the dangers of the deal, yet cautioned against defeatism. 

"Kudos to the ZOA and others who helped organize and run the event."


Link to complete audio with pictures

Part 1

Part 2

Introductory remarks- Jeffrey Wiesenfeld - Master of Ceremonies at 1:17


Intro of Ken Stethem at 2:41 . Stethem, a former US Navy SEAL whose brother Robert Stethem was murdered by Hezbollah, begins speaking  at 3:40

Wiesenfeld continues with, "Why we're here " at 12:36

Wiesenfeld intros Robert Bartlett at 14:24 . Robert Bartlett, a US Army Staff Sergeant Retired gravely injured by an Iranian bomb, begins speaking at 15:15

Wiesenfeld at 19:24 refers to the Gay Pride Flag and the murder of Gays in Iran.

DSC_2627 copy Wiesenfeld then  intros Daniel Miller at 20:33 . Daniel Miller, a victim of an Iranian financed terror-attack by Hamas, begins speaking at 21:14

Wiesenfeld intros Michael Gallagher and David Webb at 26:13 

Michael Gallagher,   Radio Host from 970 AM The Answer, begins speaking  at 26:42

David Webb, Radio Host Sirius XM Patriot Ch 25, begins speaking at 31:44

Wiesenfeld intros the Key Note Speakers: Senators Lieberman and Lindsey Graham at 36:09

Senator Graham, a Third-Term Republican Senator (NC),  Former Congressman, Retired Air Force Reserve Colonel, speaks at 36:54

 Sen. Lieberman, Chairman of United Against Nuclear Iran, Former Democratic and Independent Senator (Conn) serving from 1989 to 2013, begins to speak at 41:40


Remarks from Wiesenfeld at 49:14. Then Wiesenfeld intros James Woolsey at 49:45.

Woolsey, former Director of the CIA under Dem. and Rep. presidents and Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, speaks at 50:19

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Wiesenfeld criticizes Congressman Jerry Nadler's betrayal of his constituents at 55:10.
(01-07-15) Hamilton-HS-0025rt
Wiesenfeld mentions State Senator Jesse Hamilton at 55:25 Hamilton became a No-Show at the rally because of the "rev" Al Sharpton's thuggery.

Continuing with the speakers:  Rob Astorino, Westchester County Executive, who speaks at 55:56

At 59:29 Wiesenfeld reminds us that in 2009, as the Iranian regime was collapsing, we HELPED that terrorist  regime to survive.

He then introduces Michael Ledeen, an Historian and expert on Iran's failed 2009 Green Revolution. He speaks at 59:32

Wiesenfeld intros Sami Steigmann at 1:02.

Steigmann, a child survivor of experiments, abuse and torture at the hands of Nazi doctors at labor camp in Mogilev Podolski, Ukraine, during World War II.begins to speak at 1:03

At 1:08:14 Richard Allen, co-organizer of the rally, speaks and then, at 1:08:42, he intros Kevin McCullough, radio host from WMCA and 970 The Answer.

McCullough begins speaking at 1:09:33

Wiesenfeld intros Dove Hikind, (D) NY State Assemblyman at 1:15:10.
Hikind begins speaking at 1:15:24.

Assemblyman Hikind, pointing to a truck (that for two hours went round and round the block) said, 

“There is a sign saying that the Ayatollahs send their thanks to the US. Well, they have a lot to be thankful for. They are getting a cash windfall that they never thought possible because of this outrageous deal and the ability to have a faster breakout time on a nuclear weapon.”

More from Wiesenfeld on Congressman Jerry Nadler at 1:22:19. Then he shows us a NY Times ad, a letter, signed by 214 military generals etc opposing the Iran Deal.

Wiesenfeld intros Rabbi Avi Weiss of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale at 1:24:23. Rabbi Weiss begins speaking at 1:24:52

Weisenfeld intros Rebecca Yousefzadeh Sassouni, an Iranian-American lawyer and activist whose family was forced to flee Iran, at 1:31:37.She begins speaking at 1:32:28.

Weisenfeld intros Frank Gaffney of The Center For Security Policy at 1:40:32
Gaffney begins speaking at 1:41:21.Gaffney intros his CSP Associate, Fred Fleitz at 1:49:36.


 Fred Fleitz, has had a 25 year career with the CIA, DIA, and the House Intelligence Committee staff, was Chief of Staff to John Bolton when he was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and senior vice president for policy and programs at the Center for Security Policy. He  begins speaking at 1:49:54

Brief closing remarks from Jeffrey Wiesenfeld at 1:53:56
END audio at  1:55:36

Slide show of the rally

Excerpt AFSI's Newsletter:

"Today,(Wednesday, September 3) we read that Obama got the votes; 34 was his magic number and he reached it. A short while ago we heard that even 'friend of Israel', Hakeem Jeffries, who was originally leaning against the deal, will support it and not vote to override."

The Stop Iran Rally Coalition and the Jewish Rapid Response Coalition organized the rally. Our mission is to educate our countrymen on the dangerous accord being negotiated today in Geneva that will soon be put up for a vote in Congress.  Our aims:

1. An end to the farce being perpetrated against the American people with a pending deal which will endanger America and our allies.
2. A restoration of the ORIGINAL demands – NO nuclear military capability, NO centrifuges and authority for any and all unannounced inspections of all known and any future facilities discovered.
3. Providing an understanding that a failure to STOP IRAN NOW will necessitate a military response later.

The nation opposes the US Surrender Plan to Iran.
Our Senators and Congress members must hear us!

"Retired Senator Joe Lieberman stated that even if Obama got the votes to override a Senate veto, the battle would not be lost and we should certainly stay true to the cause... a lot can happen between now and the vote in Congress, so we should continue opposing the deal and certainly not give up ... even if Obama got the votes to override a Senate veto, the battle would not be lost and we should certainly stay true to the cause."
For reference, LINKS to articles that also reported on the rally:

Fern Sidman at Jewish Voice NY  and is also in a flip doc here (at page 30)
Yid With Lid
The Observer
NY 1
The IB Times

Also from the Observer, most recent Democrats who are supporting this VERY bad deal -  Hakeem Jeffries Says He Supports the Iran Nuclear Deal


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