Saturday, August 15, 2015

NY Commies Protest Schumer’s “No Nuke Iran’ (& Trash Israel)

Monday, August 10, 2015. NYC. Our call to rally in support of Sen. Schumer was on short notice. (He announced his position on Friday).


But, deciding to counter the Soc/Commie/Progs (who were demanding Sen. Schumer change his vote)was easy. Those who could make it to this counter-protest made a MIGHTY NOISE.

But, the Soc/Commie/Progs were not happy. They were heard to whine and whimper about our presence as they paraded their anti-Semitic signs and banners.
 Guess they wanted the police to make us go away

- Snarling - they were heard to say, "Why don't you get your own protest", and, "You shouldn't be here." Since they couldn't get rid of us, they went to Plan B: Clog the sidewalk with signs, people and cameras.
                             Their purpose:To block our signs and banners from the passersby.

BUT, they couldn't block our very large mushroom cloud!

As the Commie/Progs  marched in opposition to Sen. Schumer we heard "Death to America" repeatedly as well as lots about "Diplomacy, Not War".

One woman screamed at our group, jabbing her finger in our faces, "You.You. YOU are burning babies". (see video above at 6:19)

"The Commie/Progs" say they are anti-Nukes (nuclear power etc) BUT they support giving nukes to the anti-Semitic/anti-America and VERY genocidal Iran.

How is that anti-Nuke?

To support their lies about nuclear parity, they had a map filled with nuke 'facts' .

Schumer was slandered by snarky anti-Semitic signs, insinuating he is a pawn of Israel

Yet the allegiance of the Soc/Commie/Progs is with murderous regimes like Hamas, Hezbollah AND Iran: All enemies of America and Israel.


The Commie/Progs have burrowed deep within City Hall (de Balsio's minions) and through out Obama's White House. (Not good)

Found a great article from Daniel Greenfield exposing the hypocrisy of these commie agitators.

"When Muslims Burn Jews"

As for the press at this rally, there were lots of cameras but little reporting to be found.I saw WOR radio and the NY Daily News. Oddly their lede was the Neturei Karta?

I saw ONE Neturei Karta. ONE! At the END of the MAIN protest from 1 to 2 pm. (amazing)

Did the media miss the large protest, the signs, the loud exchanges and chanting  from noon to 1 pm.

A crowded, animated and contentious protest.
Typical - the mean-spirited demeanor of the Commie-Left (Commie-Jews) from Brooklyn and the Upper West-Side who were there in SUPPORT of a Nuclear Iran.



But, the protestors in SUPPORT of Schumer's  "NO Nukes For Iran" were equally animated.
The report that follows in an excerpt came from Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI), one of the groups that rallied in support of Schumer's decision:

The  AFSI newsletter - "Despicable"

Our opposition: protesters from and Peace Action and other dyed-in-the-wool leftists, who were protesting against Senator Schumer's rejection of Obama's deal with Iran.
Their true colors came out: Chuck is the enemy because he supports Israel over the US. Chuck is the enemy because he is in the pocket of AIPAC and the Jewish lobby. Chuck is the enemy because he supported the Iraq war (as did many Democrats - including Hillary - along with Republicans). We, who were protesting against the deal were the enemy because we supported Israel over the US. We were the enemy because we supported Bibi over Barack.


These words were yelled at us, along with the foam and spittle, from one angry woman's mouth.
Their anti-Semitic venom came roaring out. They couldn't argue the merits of their position so they resorted to that time-tested alternative: blame the Jews, and of course today, blame Israel, the Jew of the nations. Their moral bankruptcy was plain to see as they resorted to name-calling, racial slurs and epithets. 

For the media, NOPE, no story here...
Do the Commie/Progs REALLY believe Obama? Or do they just hate America and Israel so much that this is a  convenient meme.

As usual with Obama, opposition to his policies is "partisan." But support for his policies is non-partisan.

--Obama: "The bottom line is, if Iran cheats, we can catch them, and we will."

In fact, the Iranians are already cheating. As Bloomberg reported last week: "The U.S. intelligence community has informed Congress of evidence that Iran was sanitizing its suspected nuclear military site at Parchin, in broad daylight, days after agreeing to a nuclear deal with world powers."

There are so many loopholes that we will awaken one day to find out that Iran is testing nuclear weapons just as North Korea did after signing its nuclear agreement with the United States

The NY Post's Andrea Peyser : Ugly hate slime vs. Schumer
Is this country turning into France?

A sick cartoon posted by the American leftist political Web site the Daily Kos depicts New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer as an eyeglass-wearing critter. In the comic, “Senator Woodchuck Schumer’’ is interviewed by a cartoon dog about his opposition to President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

In one panel, he stands beside an Israeli flag as his front paws grow claws and the interviewer asks,

“TRAITOR SAYS WHAT?’’ A traitorous beast? Seriously?

As a Post editorial noted, Schumer’s bold stance against the nuke deal has made him the target of European-style anti-Semitic slurs throughout America, including writing that “our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman in the Senate.’’ (Schumer and Lieberman are both Jewish, get it?) White House favorite Fareed Zakaria on CNN advanced the anti-Jewish stereotype that Schumer is motivated by “money’’ — the potential loss of campaign contributions. The president reportedly blamed pro-Israel lobbyists for stirring up divided loyalties.

It chills me to the bone.



So, WHAT CAN WE DO: NOW: to debunk  The myth that this is the best we can do

(From Kieran Michael Lalor, a Republican member of the New York State Assembly.)

Obama broke with the bedrock American principle of not negotiating with terrorists. He did so without preconditions... The Iranians knew they were dealing with a weak president when Obama refused to speak out for reform in repressive Iran...Meeting and negotiating with Iran...treating them as a respected member of the community of nations... because Iran is more dangerous than a terrorist organization. As a state sponsor of terror it has greater resources and more deadly capabilities than does a stateless organization.

... we should strengthen sanctions to further weaken the Iranian economy, increase espionage and cyber sabotage efforts with regard to Iranian nuclear ambitions and encourage the reformers...tell the Iranians that we will never permit them to build nukes....avoid the inevitable Middle East arms race that will occur when Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are faced with an Iran that is strengthened militarily, economically and on the road to becoming a nuclear power as a result of this deal...

Tell Sen. Schumer to do more than cast a politically calculated “no” vote when he can help stop the deal. Sen. Schumer can and must do more than cast a vote against the deal.

It's time to GET INVOLVED!


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