Sunday, August 2, 2015

SEIU & a Japanese Nuclear Protest -2010- A look at things Nuclear (Then and Now)


Recently, I remembered taking pictures of this group of Japanese protestors gathering outside the SEIU (aka Commie) headquarters in NYC. (Another file I laid aside because I took the pictures with my old circa 2010 cell phone). With the threat of a Nuclear Iran, the time seemed right to post them.

It was May 4, 2010.

They were going to the UN to protest at the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Conference.

"The 2010 Review Conference
of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) met at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 3 to 28 May 2010.

Japanese Union "No Nukes" members posed with this banner before they left SEIU Headquarters for the march to the UN.
Found more info on this protest in 2010 at SEIU's website:

"Meeting in the 1199SEIU Bread and Roses Gallery were members of the Japan Peace Committee, the Osaka Association for a Non-Nuclear Government and the Osaka Federation on Prefectural and Municipal Workers’ Unions."

 More on the UN conference they came to protest:

crop NPT UN"The 2010 Review Conference
was generally considered a success because it reached consensus where the previous Review Conference in 2005 ended in disarray, a fact that many attributed to the U.S. President Barack Obama's commitment to nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament.
Some have warned that this success raised unrealistically high expectations that could lead to failure at the next Review Conference in 2015. [98]"

The 2010 protestors were armed with Nuke Facts (Link is a Must Read)
"We are robbing the future to pay for the unneeded weapons of the past.

Now is the time to stop fighting last century’s war.

Now is the time to reset our priorities.
Now is the time to invest in the people and the programs to get America back on track.

— from a letter by Rep. Ed Markey to the members of the Super Committee —
Japan Good/United States Bad. NUCLEAR BOMBS Very Bad-unless you mention Iran or China -'s like... "Never Mind".
A slideshow of pictures

Point of Information: Every year, Marxist sympathizers protest the bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki in 1945."

Replica of the "Fat Man" nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9, 1945
In August 1945, during the final stage of the Second World War, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two bombings, which killed at least 129,000 people, remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in history.

(TSM) Historians at one time remembered that, until we dropped "The Bomb", the war started by Japan, had no end in sight. Or at least it wasn't coming soon enough.


During the day US bombers dropped thousands of leaflets on 12 Japanese cities warning civilians to “flee or perish.” July 28th, 1945 (SATURDAY)
"We knew how to fight and win wars back then. Entire cities destroyed. Not that I rejoice over that history, but a great general stated, and I paraphrase, "Anything less than total warfare is immoral."

Microfilm-New York Times archives, Monterey Public Library (many archived news papers from this attack on Japan)
 photo 0728-halsey4_zpsekyhjrfa.jpg
In 2015, as the anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki approaches, August 6 and 9th of 1945, the SEIU's Peace and Justice Facebook chums are protesting the actions of the U.S. (NOT Japan).

"The history of the Japanese aggression that lead the U.S. in to WW2, and their war atrocities during a war that seemed without end, brought these Atomic Bombings to fruition."

Nope. Not interested in discussing Japan as the aggressor.

Five years after I saw the Japanese and SEIU Nuclear protestors, we now face a future threatened by Obama's Folly --a Nuclear Iran ---

However, they stress in their flyer, "Today, after 70 years, nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons—94% of them held by the USA and Russia—continue to pose an intolerable threat to humanity and the danger of nuclear war is growing... The USA plans to spend a trillion dollars over the next thirty years “ modernizing” its nuclear arsenal. The human cost of this is immeasurable—to our prospects for global peace and to our confidence in human survival."

 Nation-wide, America is protesting a Nuclear Iran--Where is SEIU? Where are those Japanese protestors? Where is Peace and Justice? I saw none of them in Times Square at the "Stop Iran Now Rally" on July 22, 2015.
 Knowing that Iran is eager to annihilate Israel (with the United States and the rest of the world's Infidels thrown in for 'good' measure) Obama and Kerry continue their support of a Nuclear Iran. (Cue *crickets* from the Left)
SEIU must be okay with a Nuclear Iran and their "enrichment" program. I've come across NO protests against a Nuclear Iran outside their headquarters.

Iran also states that its enrichment program is part of its civilian nuclear energy program, which is allowed under Article IV of the NPT. The Non-Aligned Movement has welcomed the continuing cooperation of Iran with the IAEA and reaffirmed Iran's right to the peaceful uses of nuclear technology.
Good Nukes vs Bad Nukes.The Radical Left clamors to protect the nuclear 'rights' of  Maniacs and Tyrants.

Cover PhotoThey are dedicated, as usual, to their "August Action". (Facebook link here)

On August 6, 2015, peace & justice advocates will gather at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab to call for the abolition of nuclear weapons. (With NO MENTION of IRAN) A comment does say, "Looks like Gaza and Syria".
'Famed whistleblower and nuclear analyst Daniel Ellsberg at a "die-in" at Livermore Lab. On Thursday, August 6, 2015, at 8 AM, Daniel Ellsberg will return to Livermore Lab as a keynote speaker on the historic 70th anniversary of the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima. You are invited. More information at'
 On Thursday, August 6, 2015, at 8 AM, Daniel Ellsberg, famed whistle blower and nuclear analyst, will return to Livermore Lab as a keynote speaker on the historic 70th anniversary of the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima. (BUT ... "What about a Nuclear Iran?)

2015 and the NPT Conference comes around again.

At the 2015 NPT Review Conference, States parties examined the implementation of the Treaty’s provisions since 2010...
"The NPT (Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) represents the only binding commitment in a multilateral treaty to the goal of disarmament by the nuclear-weapon States .."
nuclear map"Eight nations — China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, have about 22,000 nuclear warheads (Russia and the US together have more than 90% of total nuclear weapons).
Around 8,000 warheads are deployed and 2,500 are on high alert (ready to be launched within 20 minutes)."

Allen West said it for us all, July 22, 2015, at the"Stop Iran Now Rally". He spoke The Truth about the threat of a Nuclear Iran while, sadly, our government is blindly, or knowingly, pushing the U.S. (the World) towards a dreaded Dooms Day.

NOW IS the Time For All Good Men to Stand and FIGHT.

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