Monday, August 17, 2015

Red China, "The People" & Buying up a America”

August 16, 2015.  Going through some old pictures files from 2011, that I hadn't posted on The Peoples Republic of China, left me asking, "How are things in China since the 1989 murders in Tiananman Square?

"How is that New (Communist) Economic Model working out?, for "The People", and for the U.S. Are we concerned? Should we be?

 AP Photo
US Abandons Waldorf-Astoria UN Tradition After Chinese-Owned Company Buys Hotel - Breitbart    

 "According to current news reports the Chinese are making major acquisitions in the U. S., even with their stock market concerns. New York's Waldorf Astoria hotel n midtown Manhattan has been sold to a Chinese insurance company company for nearly $2bn... causing some concern amongst the UN as well as the US government." (Worried about 'hacking of emails? Spying. Eavesdropping on phones?)

Part One -  Is There Hope For "the People" in this "Free" Market?

With the Chinese people in mind, I revisited more files taken with my circa 2011 cell-phone (the cell-phone that skipped). Files from  June of 2011.

Chinese students (just like those murdered by the Chinese government in 1989) gathered in Times Square for a memorial on the Red Steps of Duffy Square because they CAN'T in Red China. 

Remembering those murdered by the Communist Chinese; massacred in Tian An Men Square on June 4, 1989.
1989 was a very Big Year. The Fall of the Berlin Wall - a big fail for The Hammer and Sickle - giving HOPE to so many, including the students in Red China. But, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) autocratic rule shut their student protests down. Quickly. Murderously.b1-china-tank-gg
Whether in 2011 or 2015, the CCP continues to rewrite history, Communist-style. Today. Every day. Denying the massacre at Tiananmen ever

" Six weeks of protests (in 1989)  ended with the Beijing massacre.
The exact number of fatalities is still disputed. Some say a few hundred, others say a few thousand."

 ..."the 25th anniversary... 

(and) we're still not allowed to speak. It's despicable. It's because they're guilty and afraid," said activist Zhang Xianling, referring to the Chinese authorities' attempts to contain her dissent ahead of the 25th anniversary in 2014." 

 The Peoples Republic of China has effectively erased this 'embarrassment', their Crimes-Against-Humanity, from the collective consciousness. With government control of the history books and the media:  Obfuscating. Denying the murders in Tiananmen)

The Chinese students gathered in Times Square were calling for "FREEDOM of Speech", "Freedom of Conscience", "FREE INTERNET", Freedom from a despotic government, just like the students in 1989.

I couldn't understand the speeches, almost all were in Chinese, but near the end, the man in the wheelchair also spoke and must have been a student in 1989.

As a young man, his legs were probably crushed by a tank in Tiananmen Square.

(You can see in the video that one of the hosts gestures towards  his "legs")
Tiananmen Freedom fighters speaking now to a new generation of young Chinese - VIDEO 

Slide show of pictures

Books that record what actually happened in Tiananmen Square are NOT available in China.  Rallies that attempt to commemorate the 25th and 26th years anniversaries are NOT allowed. No Google allowed in The Peoples Republic. (Google is where I easily looked for this book, that recorded the TRUTH about Tiananmen.)

A book, "The People’s Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited" By Louisa Lim. Oxford University Press; 248 pages; $24.95.

ON THE night of June 3rd-4th 1989 the Chinese army unleashed its tanks in the centre of Beijing to crush a protest that had begun seven weeks earlier against the Communist Party’s autocratic rule. Ever since, Chinese officials grow nervous in the run-up to the anniversary of the crackdown..... a new generation of young Chinese has since grown up that knows little of what happened, and appears not to care. The party’s memory-eradication campaign has been so effective that only 15 out of 100 of them correctly identified  the iconic photograph of the man standing in front of a column of tanks ... many young Chinese see today’s prosperity as justification for the crackdown.

 From the mother of a murdered student:

"The students were peacefully protesting on June 4. They loved their country. However the government is choosing to ignore the facts, using lies to cover the truth," said Zhang, who is now 76 years old.
Zhang's 19-year-old son Wang Nan was shot in the head on June 4, 1989, while taking photographs of the clash between students and soldiers on Chang'an Avenue. Almost three decades later, Zhang is still waiting for answers to her son's death.

Part Two - Still No Hope For Some

The Chinese Communist Government has destroyed the lives of millions. Murdered millions. The Tibetans, Falun Gong. The Citizens of Shanghai and Hong Kong.  I have seen them desperately protest the despotic policies of the Communist Chinese Government. Here. In The U.S. (Where they CAN protest) They want Freedom from Tyranny.

The Falun Gung is a post from UN -Friday, 23rd of September, 2011.  Protesting at the very racist Durbin 3 (aka “meeting- of-tyrants”) at the very corrupt U.N.

From their brochure, “A traditional Self-Cultivation Practice to Improve Mind and Body.” The Falun (Dafa) Gong (are always quiet)
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 Their peaceful demonstrations are very ….yoga-like…
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Yet  the Chinese Communist government is imprisoning them; murdering them with the intention of eradicating them.
 I saw a  FREE Tibet protest on 42nd St (walking from the U.N. to Chinese Consulate)

Bhod Rangzen! (Independence from China)

 "Tibet was a fully functioning and independent state before the Chinese invasion in 1950."

"Foreign Military Invasion by China is Not “Peaceful Liberation”

More from the U.N. protest in 2011
Protect Tibetan Nomads (

slide show of a few pictures

Shanghai (HOME to China's Stock Market) protest across from the U.N. in 2014

 (a short VIDEO)

A slide show of pictures

               In Conclusion - China's investing in the U.S. (good or bad)

The Chinese take Manhattan: replace Russians as top apartment buyers

For the first time, the Chinese have become the biggest foreign buyers of apartments in Manhattan, real estate brokers estimate, taking the mantle from the Russians - Wealthy Chinese are pouring money into real estate in New York... as they seek safe havens for their cash and also establish a base for their children to get an education in the West. "They're looking for trophy properties,"

Does Chinese Land-Banking Activity Pose A Threat To The US Housing Recovery?

The motivation for purchasing by Chinese buyers appears to be driven by a need to ‘park’ cash in an appreciable asset. Buying land in high quality property markets is akin to keeping savings in a bank, thus ‘land-banking’ is a term often used to describe the activity... the underbelly of China’s high net worth investment industry.

building made from money 
Chinese hackers penetrated the U.S. government’s personnel files in 2014, potentially gaining access not only to the files of nearly every government employee, but also to the sensitive and private information of Americans holding government security clearances. Some believe that American intelligence has been gutted by this invasion. 

China has been hacking US officials’ Gmail for 5 years
Chinese cyber spies have been accessing the private emails of top US national security and trade officials since April 2010, according to an NBC News report on Monday, citing a U.S. intelligence official and top secret document...
the US official... said it was still going on... saying all top national security and trade officials were targeted.
The targeted officials were not publicly identified. (but...) The hacking coincides with Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.
Really? In 2010... 2014 ... and we're only just hearing about it?  And now that the Chinese are moving in to the Waldorf-Astoria.... Perhaps we should start solving the China problem.

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