Sunday, March 1, 2015

AFSI hosts members of Druze Community from Israel (2-18-15) video/pics

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AFSI (Americans For A Safe Israel)  hosted an enlightening evening with members of the Druze community from Israel. We met in an intimate setting of a NY apartment with introductions by Judy Freedman Kadish of AFSI
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Most of the presentation was lead by a man whose name I do not have. (He says his name quickly in the video.) A retired IDF Colonel and also an Israeli Druze. To begin, he explained what it means to be a Druze. Some will say that the Druze are a sect of Islam, in his explanation he says this is not so. (I'm sure there is much that can be discussed on this topic, but that was not discussed here)
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Later on we heard from Koftan Halabi, chairman and founder of the Druze Veterans Association . Importantly, they shared how committed they are to Israel.
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We also met the 21 years old widow of Zidan Saif, Rinal. Her husband was the brave Druze police officer who, in November 2014,  gave his life trying to protect the Jews who were murdered in a terror attack as they were praying in a synagogue in Jerusalem.
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A member of Rabbi Levine's family was introduced. She offered her thanks to the family for Zidan's sacrifice.
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Pictured below : Sergeant Zidan Saif and the murdered Rabbis:Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, Rabbi Kalman Levine, Rabbi Moshe Twersky and Kupinsky Aryeh

" Saif, a 30 years old  traffic control inspector in the Jerusalem police, was one of the first two policemen to arrive at the scene to confront the two terrorists,. He left behind a wife, a four-months-old baby, parents and five siblings....
Master-Sergeant Zidan Saif sacrificed his life to save others and was murdered in the attack in Har Nof in Jerusalem."
Later, the Colonel led a very personable Q and A.
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With some final remarks and thank yous from AFSI's, Helen Freedman.
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Winding up the evening was Aharon Pulver, Israeli Director of the Israel Independence Fund.
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His topic: The need to maintain Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount.
(please be sure to watch video in HD for best quality)

AFSI is planning their next trip to Israel in June. Please consider joining them!

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