Monday, March 9, 2015

"Turning a Blind Eye to Iran's Call For Genocide" - Dr. Andrew Bostom (audio & slides)

                                     Part 1- Feb. 4, 2015- Hosted by The Lawfare Project - NYC
                                                      Audio with slides.

bostom crop 2 Introduction by Lawfare's Brooke Goldstein

 Dr. Andrew Bostom, then spoke, making a solid case for why we should, without question, support Netanyahu and Israel.

In Part 1, Bostom discussed the Genocidal Threat of a Nuclear Iran. It's not just about the Jews & Israel, it's a threat to the world. (Part 2 is the Q and A)

Dr. Bostom's Book, "Iran's Final Solution for Israel..." can be found on Amazon

 "Iran prepares to attack Northern Israel" James Lewis - American Thinker

"Of all the extremely dangerous events that are now gathering momentum in the region, the Iranian-Syrian drive against northern Israel is the most dangerous. The reason is simple. Israel has a sophisticated nuclear, WMD, and missile deterrent, to be used under military doctrines similar to our own. For rational nations, WMDs are a last resort, only usable when a threat is direct and existential. Iran has always played the crazy card, a big show of irrational fanaticism and rage. Maybe they really are crazy -- nobody knows for sure."

The Q and A
- Lawfare's Brooke Goldstein asks the first question in the Q and A with Dr. Bostom.


 In Part 1 , Dr. Bostom made a solid case for why we should support Netanyahu and Israel.

In Part 2, his Q and A was equally engaging. Good questions with in-depth answers.

A book mentioned by Dr. Bostom, "A Time to Attack" written by Matthew Kroenig  (also on Amazon)

"Iran general and 10,000 troops, within six miles of Israeli border"
James Lewis- American Thinker

'Allah Akbar [God is great]” … “Khamenei is the leader. Death to the enemies of the leadership. Death to America. Death to England. Death to hypocrites. Death to Israel.'

Iranians have been made to chant those words every day since 1979, when Jimmy Carter permitted the modernizing Shah of Iran to be overthrown by martyrdom-preacher Ayatollah Khomeini, leading to more than a million dead in the following Iran-Iraq War."

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"Congress may not find a way to prevent Obama from making the deal he apparently desperately wants [...] Iran's leaders have threatened to rain nuclear weapons on geographically compact Israel. That's a threat that Israel's leaders cannot ignore -- and one that most members of Congress evidently take seriously as well. "

 The White House and Obama. They just don't get it. Can we hope to stop this Genocidal Iranian Nuclear War Machine. Before it's too late?

"White House Faults G.O.P. Senators’ Letter to Iran’s Leaders" - NY Times
"The letter, signed by 47 Republican senators and addressed to “leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” suggested that the Iranian leaders might not understand the American system and warned them that any deal Mr. Obama and other world leaders might reach on the future of its nuclear program would be reversible without congressional approval."
"To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men." Abraham Lincoln.


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