Monday, January 19, 2015

Stand For Freedom of Speech - Geller & Spencer in Garland Texas (1-17-15)

AFDI Freedom Rally
Stand For Freedom of Speech


AFDI President, Pamela Geller, “Saturday’s Stand With the Prophet event seeks to combat ‘Islamophobes in America’ – in line with Islamic supremacist groups’ longstanding objective of defaming, smearing and marginalizing anyone who opposes the jihad agenda. They say they want to defend Muhammad – which means to silence those who notice that defenders of Muhammad just murdered sixteen people in Paris, and tens of thousands worldwide since 9/11.”




Stand Against Jihad

Stand-with-the-prophet "Our AFDI rally,” Geller added, “will stand for the freedom of speech against all attempts, violent and stealthy, to impose Islamic blasphemy laws on Americans and stifle criticism of Muhammad and Islam. As Muhammad’s followers kill more and more people, we need critics of him more than ever – and free people need to stand up against these underhanded attempts to stifle all criticism of Islam, including honest investigations of how jihadists use Islamic texts and teachings to justify Jew-hatred, violence, supremacism and oppression.”


1656412_10153016300322439_6941848764437653946_nThe Fight for Free Speech Rally on January 17, 2015 was made even more vivid by the vicious attack on Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs Blog. Free Speech is under attack. The blog was shut down, the servers melted by a cyber-attack,  just days before the Freedom Defense Initiative's Free Speech Rally was held in Garland, Texas. Geller said,
 "My site host, Media Temple, said they couldn’t cope with the attack against my site. They had never in their history seen anything like it. The DDoS attack didn’t just take down my site. It also took down Media Temple and threatened all of their clients, and even attacked the servers that Media Temple uses at Net Data Center, a service provider that promises “uninterrupted operations.” Net Data Center could not handle the massive traffic that the attackers were sending to my site to take it down, and finally had to pull the plug on Atlas Shrug"
At this time her website is still down after this vicious  DDoS attack . It was a crippling attack. Want to help get her site back up? You can contribute here. Meanwhile, there is a temporary site! The Atlas Shrugs temporary site can be found here.

Continuing with the rally on January 17th in Garland, Texas.  They rallied for Free Speech. A fight that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer helped to organize .
Pamela Geller Speech
She reminded the crowd that "TRUTH is a Revolutionary Act". "stand-with-the-prophet-against-hate-and-terror-protest
"We are standing against the most brutal and radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth" (Pamela Geller)

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From Robert Spencer
" Stand With the Prophet Against Terror and Hate" was also billed as a fundraiser for a center to teach Muslims how to combat negative depictions of their faith.   Hosted by Muslim Brotherhood operatives and Unindicted terrorist co-conspirator Siraj Wahhaj.  Spencer also said, “They have too long controlled the discourse and shut down any honest examination of the motives and goals of terrorists by crying ‘Islamophobia.’
"The Stand for Freedom of  Speech" rally was a huge success. A fabulous turnout of grass roots America that turned out in large numbers to counter the ill-timed “Stand with the Prophet” conference taking place there.

"Held just 10 days after the horrific attack in Paris that left 16 dead, the annual forum was billed by organizers as a “movement to defend Prophet Muhammad, his person, and his message,” with an emphasis on opposing “Islamophobes in America.”
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"Stand With the Prophet Against Terror and Hate" -  was hosted by a public school (the Curtis Culwell Center (Garland Independent School District property) - an event that was dedicated to eradicating "Islamophobia".

Later, Geller pointed out that the "Media coverage of the ‪#‎freespeechrally‬ was vicious and dishonest. Absurd, they're killing journalists."

She also said, “The media can smear us and the President can stand with them. We the people are not having it.”

Freedom of speech.  AMERICA is not interested in abrogating our freedoms in the name of diversity. STAND AGAINST SHARIA
two stand-with-the-prophet-against-hate-and-terror-protest
"Never forget who you are" (Geller)

A brief comment from Robert Spencer

Those who follow "The Prophet"  do NOT understand our Freedoms. Nor embrace them. And those Americans who are foolish enough to embrace this insurrection, must not be allowed to shut us down. America. Mad as hell and NOT going to take it any more.

  "It's a war in the information battle-space. We must play to win." (Pamela Geller)

Thank G-D for the fighting spirit that rises in defense of our Freedoms.  The AMERICAN WAY. We must NEVER FORGET. When our backs are against the wall - AMERICANS do not turn tail and run. EVER.



Links used to report on the Garland Texas Rally : Biz Pac Review ; (Merrill Hope) ; (Bob Price) ; Christian Post  ; Daily Kenn ; Gateway Pundit ; Jihad Watch: ¹ ²³ ; Right Scoop ; The Blaze ; World Net Daily

Stand With the Prophet ( Face book)

Free Speech Protest (Face book)
Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI)


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