"Five people
were killed early Tuesday morning ( November 18, 2014) when two
Palestinian assailants entered a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof
neighborhood, armed with guns and knives. The dead were four Jewish
worshipers, and a Druze policeman who died of his wounds hours after he
was shot in the gunfight that ended the attack."
Naddaf serves as the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Yafia, near
Nazareth, as well as the primary spiritual advisor and religious
spokesperson for the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum, a civil
society organization that works to support Arab speaking
Christian-Aramaen citizens of Israel to enlist in the Israel Defense
Forces. Foe his efforts to encourage Arab Christian integration into
mainstream Israeli society, father Naddaf has been denounced by Arab
members of the Israeli Knesset and receives regular threats of
intimidation. Before taking his current post, he served as a speaker and
judge in the Court of the Patriarchate in Jerusalem."
an incredible personal story with his unique perspective as an
Arabic-speaking Israeli Greek Orthodox priest from Nazareth, Father Gabriel Naddaf discussed the plight facing Middle Eastern Christians living under Islamic Extremism."
That affirms the specialness of Muslims or Muslim privilege...
NO they aren’t willing to share."
"Father Naddaf
reviews the shocking stories and statistics of violent oppression
facing his colleagues and friends in many of the region's historic
Christian communities and highlights the singular exception to this
trend that Israel represents in providing religious freedom, security
and opportunity for its Christian citizens and residents."
AUDIO Text follows (enhanced with a few pics in the video) Part 1 of 2

"The attack as you all know occurred during prayer hours at a
synagogue. During the recitation of the (...?) Sh'ma Israel (snip) And I
bring this up, to point out that these people were killed because they
were Jews praying. And the conflict is not only between extremist Islam
and Jews, it's between extremist Islam and the rest of the world. And
one of the most important things, lessons to take as we focus on what
happened (snip).... and it's an important moment, poignant for us (...?)
to remember how we are in brotherhood, in common-need with Christians
in the Middle East... in my opinion, terribly under-described victims of
this kind of brutality and inhumanity and animal behavior.
so, that brings me to today's program (snip ) this week is a special
time for us to have a program here at the Presidents' Conference at the
Lawfare Project, that focuses and examines closely the treatment of
Christians at the hands of Muslim Extremists in the Middle East in
particular, and we take my extension, in Africa, Asia and other parts of
the world.
Intro for Fr Gabriel Naddaf begins [1:22]
We have with us, and it's a great privilege, Fr. Gabriel Naddaf, who is
the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jafiya, near Nazareth, and
this should be of great interest to us, the primary spiritual adviser to
an organization called Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum, which is a
Civil Society Organization designed to facilitate and persuade
Arab-Israelis to participate in the IDF and to be strong, loyal,
patriotic Israeli citizens(snip)
... a very substantial price for
this activity, and for this point-of-view, which I, presume, he will
tell us something about. He is a heroic figure, bringing us today a
topic that we really need very much for our sake, his sake, for the sake
of Christians, for the sake of Jews and for the sake of all Western
Civilization (snip)
Applause as Fr. Naddaf goes to podium.

Good afternoon. Thank you all for being here, with special thanks to
the Lawfare Project and the Conference of Presidents for hosting me
today. I am honored to speak before you and your guests today.
As you heard, my name is Father Gabriel Naddaf.
was born in the city of Nazareth (the ?) north of Israel. The town
where the Angel Gabriel, whose name I have, appeared to Mary, the Mother
of G-d. The very town in which Jesus Christ grew up and began his
When I was born, Nazareth was a city that was majority
Christian; mostly Greek Orthodox, but also Catholics and Protestants.
Now it's majority Muslim.
As I speak to you now, across the
Middle East, a sword is being soaked with the blood of Christians.
Across the Middle East in the (...?) ten years, one million Christians
have been murdered in the Middle East (...?)
This means that every five minutes a Christian is killed because of his
faith. A faith that stands for Love and Peace in the Lord.
(...?) Christians were some 20% of the Middle East, today that figure
is estimated to be around 4%. (...?) Islamic persecution have fled.
Since 2000, over 77% of, Iraq's 700,000 Christians, have fled. In Syria,
where there were two million Christians, there are now (...?) 250,000.
Those who remain exist as second class citizens to their Muslim rulers.
They face discrimination, physical threats and have been subjected to
the most hideous of crimes. Execution and forced conversion (...?) Why.
Because they believe in a different faith; a faith with a universal
message of love and peace for all.
But, in the Middle East today,
there is one country where Christians are fortunately (...?) freedom of
suppression, freedom of worship and security. It is Israel. The Jewish
State. In Israel Christians enjoy good education, employment, welfare,
health care and (...?) studying. [
5:41] In Israel, Christians have freedom which NO Muslim power has ever offered us.
I child I was told that there were bad relations with the Jews. I was
told that the Jews said "This is their country" and the Arabs said "It
was theirs". After high school I went to live with my grandmother in
Haifa. A mixed Israeli city of Jews and Arabs. I began to work and meet
with the Jews. Everyday I was aware of Jews. I worked in a Jewish (...?)
and was successful. Tnd they sent me to train courses. They invested in
me. The idea that I needed to be scared of Jews or that there was
something dangerous about them, was simply not true. A myth was exposed.
my childhood, I was feeling that I had to save the church. To be
honest, I really though that my family did not want me to enter the
church, either. The wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor. But, it was my
calling. So I began my studies with the Greek Orthodox Patriarch (here)
in Jerusalem and learned that the people and the roots are from the
Jewish People.
I learned that Jesus Christ was Jewish. Part of the
people that Moses led out of Egypt with the help of G-d. Part of the
tradition of (...?) [
7:45] Joseph and Mary, who raised
Jesus Christ were Jewish and knew their scriptures. (...?) are
themselves of King David and the Laws of the Bible; including the Five
Books of Moses and the Books of the Hebrew Prophets.
The Pope
Francis presently spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu about whether
Jesus spoke Hebrew or Aramaic, which was the language of the Talmud.
(...?) our Christian origins are rooted in the Holy Land where Jesus
walked and talked. Christianity considers itself (...?) the Tanakh, the
Hebrew Bible and is not separated from it. [
of us lucky enough to live under Israeli sovereignty have very good
relations with the Jewish community living in the land. The State of
Israel has demonstrated a considerate attitude towards my community and
today, Israel, the Jewish State, the only place in the Middle East where
Christians are safe.
Today, in the face of religious persecution and terrorism[snip]
[worship, the (...?) for peace, are (...?). To live together in the
land of (...?) our fathers. But, what about the rest of the world?
]Does the world speak up against the persecution of Christians in the
Middle East? Does the world support Israel for its democratic values
(...?) freedom of religion? No. sadly not. Instead Israel has become a
victim (...?) SNIP
criticism. So much] the International community chooses to single out and attack Israel. This is a terrible crime.
Our (...?) only free society in the Middle East and
???? encourages act
of terror; and even against Jews, Yazidis, Christians and even Muslims.
In the region, it is time the world woke up to the fact that those who
want to destroy the Jewish State are also threatening the last free
Christians in the Holy Land. [
That is why I am here today. To call on you to join me and to show the world Israeli
(...?) safe, this in Christian life in the Middle East. It has (...?)
open me by Jesus Christ to plead to you, leaders of people, seekers of
peace, to support my (...?) ; to end the global witch-hunt of the only
free country in the Middle East.
I call on you today, to (...?)
the strength of your great country to prevent the persecution of
Christians and to stand by Israel; to protect our community and
Please don't let the thousands of years of thriving
Christians in the Middle East come to an end on your watch. I ant to
thank you again. G-d Bless you all and Shalom. [
Closing remarks [12:05]
Part 2 of 2 Videos
The Q and A is about 45 minutes -
13 questions and answers, Father Naddaf's responses were as interesting
as his presentation. He was assisted by a translator. He responds is
Hebrew and Translator in English.
[Q and A time stamps]
Q #1 (0:03) /A# 1 (0:18) Q #7 (28:13) / A #7 ( 29:07)
Q #2 (4:15) /A# 2 (4:43) Q #8 (31:38) /A # 8 (31:41)
Q #3 (16:14) / A# 3 (17:24) Q #9 (32:37) /A #9 ( 33:16)
Q #4 (19:32) / A# 4 (19:41) Q#10 (33:57)/A #10 (34:52)
Q#5 (20:12) / A# 5 (21:12) Q #11 (37:14) / A #11 (38:14)
Q #6 Hebrew (22:22)
Last two questions were off mic
[English 23:22] /
A #6 (24:22) A #12 (39:54)
.. A #13 (Hebrew 40:47)
.. (English 42:09)
This is audio only, but captions and time codes should make it easier to scroll through the recording.
we left 2014 and slipped caustiously into 2015, America was under-seige from the
hard-core leftists and the violent racism, assaulting and murdering our
police....while 'mayor' Red Bill DeBlasio and 'president" barack hussein
Obama work to disarm our country. We are vulnerable. As is the world,
exploding with more and more terrorism aimed at citizens-not soldiers.
- 'Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave', he said
- Experts believe that more than 100,000 French Jews have left since 2013
Islam is at WAR with the world. No one is safe. But, as I return to the
point of Father Naddaf's presentation, some places just might be a bit
safer than others.
the borders of Israel, however, according to the country’s Central
Bureau of Statistics, the Christian population is growing. Israel
provides Christians with security, freedom of worship, excellent
education, employment, health care and other rights and opportunities
beyond what is available in many parts of the Muslim world.
Father Naddaf and other Christian priests of various denominations, both
within and beyond Israel and the Middle East, are clear: One of the safest places for Christians in the Middle East today is Israel."
And, post-France terrorism attacks, "
Netanyahu told Jews who may be fearful living inside France they would be welcomed with open arms if they decided to seek refuge in Israel."