A PROTEST Rally was led by the Coalition Against Kinghoffer Opera outside the Metropolitan Opera
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Opening Night of the Metropolitan Season. September 22, 2014 - NYC -
The Metropolitan's Season will include this Anti-American, Anti-Jewish, Anti-Israel, Pro-Terrorist SNUFF Opera, " The MURDER of Leon Klinghoffer"
More appropriate title should be. " The MURDER of Leon Klinghoffer"... Leon Klinghoffer didn't just die... SHAME ON PETER GELB
came out to protest the Snuff opera. They gathered on both sides of the
Avenue and managed to have a presence on the Plaza as well.
though attempts were made to confine the massive gathering to one
location across from the opera...the protest peacefully but with
determination spread out ( before, during AND AFTER)
Official Protest ended at 6 PM. but many stayed on with signs and
flyers to greet those attending the Opening Night of the opera season. .
Demanding this Snuff Opera be removed from the season.
Important questions were asked of the media as well, "WHO is FUNDING this Terrorist Opera?"
There were many speakers. Please watch them all in the 3-part videos below. (Videographer, Pamela Hall)
Part 1 Video [Please watch videos in HD for best quality]
Speakers listed in order: Introductory remarks, Jeffrey
Wiesenfeld, David Weprin, Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Rabbi Joseph Potasnik,
NYPD Detective Steven McDonald and Debra Burlingame.
Part 2 - Video
Speakers listed in order: Tony
LoBianco, Richard Allen, Bill Donohue, Bruce Blakeman, Sarri
Springer,Wendy Laski, Consolee Nishemwe, Dr. Paul Brody reading a letter
from Judea Pearl, Former Attorney General, Michael Mukasey and
Congressman Eliot Engel.
Part 3 - Video
Speakers listed in order:
Rabbi Avi Weiss, Dov Hikind, 3 students:Hannah Cohen, Ben Kahn, Ari Brandspigel (student council president DRS Yeshiva H.S.),
Gov, George Pataki, Charles Asher Small, Rabbi Steven Burg (Simon
Wiesenthal Center), Rabbi Zev Freidman, Richard Allen, MK Nissim Ze'ev,
Mort Klein, Devorah Halberstam, Beth Gilinsky and Helen Freedman.
There are two side shows of pictures. First slideshow is the Speakers-
Second slideshow is the crowd and also a few pictures across the avenue in the Lincoln Center Plaza-
Wrapping up with a few more observations on the protest.
First from Lori Lowenthal Marcus at the Jewish Press
And finally, from writer, Jack Kemp:
"One of the lines in this anti-semitic opera is: “wherever poor people are gathered they can find Jews getting fat. America is one big Jew.” So who is this "exploiter Jew," the one that Peter Gelb,
the director of the Metropolitan Opera and himself a Jew whose father
was a New York Times Managing Editor, allows to be denigrated on his
stage? . Leon Klinghoffer was born a poor Jew from the Lower
East Side, a man who invented an electric mini-grill you could also wash
in your sink, an early predecessor of the current George Forman Grill. I
recall one of these mini-grills in my home as a child in the 1950s.
From this, Mr. Klinghoffer was able to create jobs for a number of people in manufacturing and sales and to support his family.
Adams can work his clunky, chunky music to his heart’s content. And so I
suppose can Alice Goodman work her poetry. Ms. Goodman was born a Jew.
She is now an Anglican priest, serving the Church of England, first as
chaplain at Trinity College, Cambridge, latterly at a group of parishes
near the university. The truth is that it is not Mr. Adams’ music that
is at the core of the controversy. It is Ms. Goodman’s words. She is no
free spirit in this church, which has been fighting with the Jewish
nation and the British Jewish community for decades. "
so-called opera is actually a sophisticated attack by wealthy,
cosmopolitan Jews on a self-made New York Jew with limited education who
had the audacity to make something of his life." [End Jack Kemp]
Never Again Means NEVER AGAIN!
Join the Coalition on October 20. Opening night of the actual opera: "The Death MURDER of Leon Klinghoffer"
Predictably, not a PEEP from the same Media that is SHOCKED by the AFDI ( American Freedom Defense Initiative) ads. They do not care that the 2014 Annual Muslim American Day Parade was blatantly pro-Terror. (Note: Israel and Lebanon are erased from the map below)
How would or should the media explain what showed up to be in the parade this year? [Please scroll down for slide shows and playlist of videos]
Fake guns (later the guns became cardboard poles for pummeling) Pretending to shoot people (pre-parade). A fake female corpse and gallows " Virgins" in a cageAnti-Israel signs, maps, banners and floats. "Pali" float, scarves and flags Muslim Bro banners, flags & float covered in Rabaa Black Hands
No pictures. No commentary.
No revulsion or concern.
No questions asked
Just.... Silence....
CUE : *Crickets *
As Takbirs and allahu akbars droned on and on down Madison. WHY the Media Black out?
WHY weren't the police aware of these fake guns?
Brandished like REAL guns.Children watching. Pretending to 'shoot' people waiting to be in the parade.
The guy below is showing a little boy how to handle a "gun" (pointed straight at his chest)
Good thing there were hardly any schools this year. Fewer kids to see this skulduggery. The "guns" were unloaded from this van...
... while the cop closer to Sixth Avenue wasn't even looking up from his reading...
Had I not said something to another officer, giving him a heads-up, might the cops have misunderstood what these 'street-theatre thugs' were doing? What if they had marched down Madison WITH those' guns'.
Instead they marched with long 'poles'... beating and whipping Kerry, Obama and Netanyahu (nice family affair)
Once they stopped, the whipping continued. Kids standing around watching. Looking perplexed.
The street-theatre thugs included an odd Godfather-kiss-moment with Obama.
Did Obama then do a 'happy dance"?
How do the kids process all of this? Beatings. Guns . FOLLOWING the "corpse of Egypt" hanging from a noose.
WHY such blatant political displays of violence and murder?
They highjacked the parade's theme this year. Who's idea was this?
Workers World-Commie Organizer, Bill Doares, lurked around the 'pali'truck and then marched in the parade down Madison Ave.
NO Islamic State Black Flag this year. No Green Hamas flags or head bands but PLENTY of the "palestinian" flags, scarves and headbands
Also, a 'Pali" humanitarian aid float...for the children ...
As well as the 'fakestinian' float that pulled up LAST in the parade (followed by the garbage truck brigade)
Palis were joined by those 'peace-loving' hard-core Marxists: "Jews For Peace/Not In Our Name". Laughing and smiling as they advocated for the annihilation of Israel.
Side Note:Donna Nevel and her 'minions' did a vaudeville leapfrog back up Madison Avenue every time they reached the end of the parade.
They scurried up Madison more than once so they could RE-ENTER the parade with their anti-Israel signs. Below they are getting ready to jump behind the Egypt/Muslim Bro contingent. Perhaps the police officer is going to ask them what they are doing? (maybe) or not.
Later they talked to reporters 'on-camera' pressing on with their anti-American screed: "Stop Killing Civilians".
THERE WAS OPPOSITION from ONE Brave Muslima at the end of the parade. Offended by the Muslim Bro Rabaa Black Hands that were marching past her. (They put on quite a display)
Guess the Four-Finger Salute' that shows Solidarity With Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood was too much.She started yelling from the sidewalk.
In the picture below, she was quickly SURROUNDED by the marchers. Getting a picture of the confrontation was blocked.
She spoke up and OUT. Sadly this is not the norm. (SILENCE from the 'moderates' is.)
There were a few Christian preachers out in opposition. The guy who was SCREAMING his Christian message at 38th street could have stayed home. (No one was interested in screaming.)
The Christian Preachers who weren't SHOUTING got lots of interest. The Muslims who stopped, talked to the Christians. Asked questions. Seemed courageous.
(BTW- WHY was the Green-hatted Legal Patrol out this year? WHO needed protection. From WHOM?
Some final observations AFTER THE PARADE. What about the Key Note Speakers and Grand Marshals? Just like the prayers, they got past me ( I was so busy with the 'guns')
The marshals are often NY politicos whom we had NO idea were'reverts' to Islam like "Revert" NYC Councilman Robert Jackson who in a previous year said, "Harlem is the NEW Mecca"
Earlier, I had noticed one fellow, after the SPARSELY attended pre-parade prayers. [blue tarps on Madison Ave as usual). Shaking hands. American Flag bandana.
But, finding a list of the Marshals this year was like hunting ghosts. We knew they were there but NO Names to put faces to. WHY?
"Mayor of upstate New York who became Muslim have great speech"
(Debbie Almontaser of the Khalil Gibran Madrassa was there, too)
There was quite a BOUNCY prayer being sung as I entered the speakers area (much of it is in English)
In CONCLUSION: This was my eighth Muzzie Parade and 2014 was the SMALLEST yet. The prayer tarps were barely filled. (this was as they were walking away)
Few parade watchers on the sidelines, scattered here and there over ten blocks. (they seem to be Muslims looking for family and friends marching)
A small crowd listening to the speeches. (wondering what this all may mean)
Niqabs were present (as always.)
Young and old
Lots and lots of American flags (with many being placed and dragged on the ground by unknowing children)
One boy looked so sturdy as he held his flag blowing in the wind.
I found a post on the parade from a Muslima blogger. She was pleased with what she saw. She had no interest in the complaints of other Muslims.
One of the most interesting moments of the parade was the political demonstrations made to highlight US support of Egypt’s President Sisi. Three masked men – Obama, Cheney and Kerry, walked in front of “Sisi” whom stood on a rolling chariot holding a whip that he used to strike the pavement. It was quite a sight to see and probably nothing too shocking for the average New Yorker.
We decided to walk along with the short parade, from where I was able to witness the expressions of the spectators watching this demonstration. Some people looked at him in disgust, I heard one muslim woman say “This is disgusting!”, then shortly after 2 women in front of us were complaining that the media does enough to depict Muslims in a violent manner-there was no need to act like this in a parade.
The average New Yorker may not be familiar with politics in Egypt, so we can’t expect everyone passing by to understand the significance of this demonstration- to this person it may seem like something barbaric, but to the Egyptians that have lost their loved ones, their rights, their former President Morsi, whom they elected in a democratic election – it means so much more.
(So MUCH more, Yes)
29 years. Building Bridges?
For the UMMA (so says Google)
Syria. Iraq. Egypt. France. Sweden. Benghazi. the U.K. 13 years after the slaughter of thousands on 9/11 and we are less safe.
Sura 9:5, the verse of the sword, commands them to "slay the idolators wherever you find them, and take them, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush."
"International jihad enablers of the Kumbaya/Coexist Coalition."
Countless AL-Qaida recidivists Islamic domination ISIS jihad gangsters Eternal Muslim hatred of infidels Homicidal mission in the name of the Koran. Allah's animals can't stop. They won't stop.
Obama has welcomed these NOT so 'moderate' Muslims. But, media, will not mention the obvious. Always in denial.
The first is where we empty our heads.
The second is where we bury our heads.
The third is where we bow our heads.
The fourth is where we lose our heads. The first three are metaphorical, the last is literal.
From the prescient Pamela Geller; she discusses the impact and meaning of this year's "Parade-of-Thugs".
"Always planned close to the anniversary of 911, the imagery and terror visuals at this year’s “march” were shocking. The theme of the parade was advertised as Islam and America’s shared common values. It was anything but.
It was a political parade in support of terrorists in Egypt and Gaza. There was a lot of anti-Jewish propaganda — the flags of annihilation coupled with outrageous pro-terror Muslim Brotherhood propaganda. Before the police confiscated the guns, the Muslim were posing and “shooting” people - "Egypt" was hung from a gallows on the back of a truck. "Virgins" caged on the back of a truck. open support for the Muslim. Disgusting. Disturbing.
Usually the parade-goers try to show their “moderation.” Not this year. Their support for jihad terror was obvious, open and unapologetic."
"TRUTH is the NEW Hate Speech"
You Tube Playlist 8 short vids) From Muslim Day Parade 2014