Friday, April 15, 2011

Nonie Darwish, Shari'a Law & America At Temple University (video)

The presentation by Nonie Darwish on "Human Rights under Shariah? For Women and other Minorirtes"

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Was at Temple University  in Philadelphia on  April 12, 2011 in Gladfelter Hall


There  was a torrential rain outside so the audience may have been small but  they were very diverse (age wise and well as politically).

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Earlier, at Temple, there had been an event in support of sharia. Too bad some of those in attendance didn't take advantage of this opportunity to hear of Nonie's life experience under sharia...

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There was one  glitch in the evening, the university failed to supply any amplification  (even though it had been requested) This fellow made a small commotion. Was it the lack of amplification...or because Nonie was discussing shaheeds?

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Thought he left....but then I saw him in the back (so it must not have been about sound)

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But everyone managed to make sure  they were heard. Pro and Con.... This one fellow seened to be a student advocate for those who doubted Nonie's gracious wisdom.

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Nonie Darwish is an impressively brave woman. Her  message about the dangers of Sharia was confidently clear and honest.

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Unfortunately, those of the student body who came with their minds  closed to Nonie's presentation, seemed to leave with their minds  unchanged.

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Kudos to the students at Temple U (particularly Alvaro  Watson)for daring to bring Nonie and the Truth about Sharia to  the  campus.


In that sense, mission accomplished. Case closed. They are incompatible. Sharia is with out a doubt, in opposition to the American Constitution

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 Part 1- Introduction of Nonie Darwish and the topic for the evening "Human Rights for Women and other minorities under Shari'a" by T.U. Purpose President, Alvaro Enrique Watson (a student at Temple University). Nonie begins her presentation at approximately, 8:25

Part 2: Nonie continues with the audience Q and A.

Of course, no surprise when the campus journos publish critical reportage. But, it's the response that was posted in comments that's even more revealing.

The rot that poses as education is made all too clear...  Here is link to  article at "Broad and Cecil"

What follows is from the 'comment' section:

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