Times Square. March 6, 2011
The big day arrived...and so did the RAIN.

From the Cordoba Initiative- ''In response to Congressional hearings dubbed “The radicalization of Muslim communities in America” led by Congressman Peter King (R-LI), members of diverse faith communities throughout New York City will join in unity to support American Muslims.Stand with us on March 6th to show Congress that we are all together, that we share friendship and trust and cannot be divided.''

And their associates at Change the Story - ''These hearings promise to play into, as well as further, the negative discourse on Islam in America, and completely counteract the positive work done to further interfaith understanding and acceptance.''
Over 75 interfaith coalitions and civil liberties groups are joining together on Sunday, March 6, to take a stance against bigotry, ignorance, and prejudice across the country, particularly against Muslims. (and seems there were even some Atheists...at this INTERFAITH coalition)

Def Jam's Russell Simmons was headlining the rally,
Russell Simmons, Chairman of RUSH Communications said, "However, we're concerned the hearings will send the wrong message and alienate American Muslims instead of partnering with them, potentially putting their lives at risk by inciting fear and enmity." Simmons also wrongly claimed the the King Hearings were not having any muslims testify (in this video he released)
Guess he never heard of Congressman Keith Ellison...muslim...
Imam Rauf of the Cordoba Initiative was front and center....with the press all over him

And the unfortunate Rabbi Marc Schneier, President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), who suggested that the hearings should be "broadened in such a way that other ethnic communities and faith communities can attest to the tremendous contribution and solidarity that American Muslims have for our country."

Basically....they were basically 'preaching to the choir'...Which seemed to include many young families

We also noted many familiar representatives of the Far Left/marxist/socialist (like bill doar and donna nevel) whose groups unswervingly support the annihilation of israel, open borders and the end of our military.

And this gem of a banner ( must be a cause near and dear to some Lefties heart)

And the infamous interpretor of the nyc intifada tshirt , debbie almontaser.

And , Imam Rauf's wife , Daisy (the con) Khan (on the left)
All doing their best Woodstock imitation at the end of the rally (as the floodgates opened up and ended the peace and love rally 45 minutes early)
so....they are all muslims now.

do they know once a muslim...you can't leave? methinks a bunch of leftist tools...got snookered.
Captured a bit of some muslim prayers and i guess it was a song. is he saying...unity...unity...like in the umma.... and all those new converts they snookered today in to saying the shahada....
geeze....with friends like these, who needs enemies.

And...a Slide show of a few more pictures
Some final thoughts:
We here at VSB support the planned hearings in Washington , DC but are saddened to see Congressman King buckle under to the CAIR /Muslim Brotherhood machine that always plays the racist/victim card. Peter King had an opportunity to include men and women who are respected and would have been fair-minded in their presentations. It seems now that the hearings have become a weak-sister of what it could have been. Sad indeed to see a fine man blink under fire:

The big day arrived...and so did the RAIN.

From the Cordoba Initiative- ''In response to Congressional hearings dubbed “The radicalization of Muslim communities in America” led by Congressman Peter King (R-LI), members of diverse faith communities throughout New York City will join in unity to support American Muslims.Stand with us on March 6th to show Congress that we are all together, that we share friendship and trust and cannot be divided.''

And their associates at Change the Story - ''These hearings promise to play into, as well as further, the negative discourse on Islam in America, and completely counteract the positive work done to further interfaith understanding and acceptance.''

Over 75 interfaith coalitions and civil liberties groups are joining together on Sunday, March 6, to take a stance against bigotry, ignorance, and prejudice across the country, particularly against Muslims. (and seems there were even some Atheists...at this INTERFAITH coalition)

Def Jam's Russell Simmons was headlining the rally,

Russell Simmons, Chairman of RUSH Communications said, "However, we're concerned the hearings will send the wrong message and alienate American Muslims instead of partnering with them, potentially putting their lives at risk by inciting fear and enmity." Simmons also wrongly claimed the the King Hearings were not having any muslims testify (in this video he released)
Guess he never heard of Congressman Keith Ellison...muslim...
Imam Rauf of the Cordoba Initiative was front and center....with the press all over him

And the unfortunate Rabbi Marc Schneier, President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), who suggested that the hearings should be "broadened in such a way that other ethnic communities and faith communities can attest to the tremendous contribution and solidarity that American Muslims have for our country."

Basically....they were basically 'preaching to the choir'...Which seemed to include many young families


We also noted many familiar representatives of the Far Left/marxist/socialist (like bill doar and donna nevel) whose groups unswervingly support the annihilation of israel, open borders and the end of our military.

And this gem of a banner ( must be a cause near and dear to some Lefties heart)

And the infamous interpretor of the nyc intifada tshirt , debbie almontaser.

And , Imam Rauf's wife , Daisy (the con) Khan (on the left)

All doing their best Woodstock imitation at the end of the rally (as the floodgates opened up and ended the peace and love rally 45 minutes early)

so....they are all muslims now.

do they know once a muslim...you can't leave? methinks a bunch of leftist tools...got snookered.

Captured a bit of some muslim prayers and i guess it was a song. is he saying...unity...unity...like in the umma.... and all those new converts they snookered today in to saying the shahada....
geeze....with friends like these, who needs enemies.

And...a Slide show of a few more pictures
Some final thoughts:
We here at VSB support the planned hearings in Washington , DC but are saddened to see Congressman King buckle under to the CAIR /Muslim Brotherhood machine that always plays the racist/victim card. Peter King had an opportunity to include men and women who are respected and would have been fair-minded in their presentations. It seems now that the hearings have become a weak-sister of what it could have been. Sad indeed to see a fine man blink under fire:

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