Sunday, February 27, 2011

Frenzied Feminazis Froth in Foley Square (Feb 2011)

February 19, 2011. Foley Square. NYC.

The signs pretty much say it all, and it's not pretty....Rude, Crude and totally lacking in Class...

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There is so much more in the video that follows:

Feminazis claim they are fighting for a woman's Right to Choose. But, doesn't choice mean you've heard more than one-side; that a decision was made based on possibly opposing points of view?

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That is exactly what they won't permit. The shrieking Feminazis say there 's only one way to Choose, their way or no way. Just have the abortion and get on with your life. That is a devastating 'decision' that some women learn to regret because they never made a choice. Victims, of the Planned Parent Abortion Mill.

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Sadly, there were a couple of thousand young women and young men (mostly white and well educated) who gathered together orgasmically to praise Planned Parenthood and to demand that the unwilling taxpayers continue to bankroll their industry, Murder Inc.

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And of course ...there were all of those thoughtful and creative signs:

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BTW: at about 2:33 caught a joyful counter-protest passing by, carrying a banner of the Holy Mother, and the rabid 'Choicer's worked hard, of course, to cover it up. After all, some women might reconsider...if they really had a CHOICE

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And of course there were the stoic labor tools...
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and the  blissful Marxist/socialists (who set up their reading tables on the north end of Foley Square.)

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Labor, progressives, socialists, Marxists and ' Planned'  Parenthood (like peas in a poisoned pod) hoping to keep the nightmare 'alive' through forced taxation....

These kids...managed to get a bit of everything in one sign:

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And even added a song sheet:

 And of course, there is more to come. 'Grow" our movements? Just don't grow any "babies"... aka...the fetus. One speaker reminded the eager young crowd, SOME only care about the fetus, we CARE about the woman....

Our wish at VSB, "Mothers, Please,  don't let your daughters grow up to be Femanazis. "

And don't eat meat or wear fur, whatever you do. Only kill your babies...after all...they are a punishment...right?

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And the list of their Sponsoring Organizations of INDOCTRINATION and Propaganda: Choice Matters, Community Health Care Networks, Concerned Clergy for Choice, Diaspora Community Services, Family Planning Advocates of New York State, Feminist Majority Foundation, Judson Memorial Church, League of Women Voters-Nassau County, Inwood House, Long Island Women's Association, NARAL Pro-Choice NY, National Advocates for Pregnant Women, National Council of Jewish Women New York Section, New York Civil Liberties Union, NOW-New York City, NOW-New York State, Planned Parenthood Affiliates New Jersey, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Planned Parenthood Mid- Hudson Valley, Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, Planned Parenthood of New York City, Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, Public Health Association of New York City, Public Health Solutions, Raising Women's Voices, Religious Institute, Reproductive Health Access Project, SisterSong NY, Trust Black Women, Trust Women, United Neighborhood Houses, Violence Intervention Inc., Women's Media Center, Working Families Party, YWCA of Brooklyn

And slideshow of all the stills:

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