Friday, July 9, 2010

NY ICE Counter Protest of the illegals and their advocates (7-8-10)

UPDATE (7-9-10) Added second video (please scroll down) and also added (7-18-10) an edit of Part 1 with the interviews only of Joanna Marzullo, NY Ice President:

In support of the State of Arizona, Patriots from NY-Ice, held a counter-rally
at 46th street and Park Avenue in Manhattan.

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The progressive-leftist-soc-commies and their ubiquitous unions (like SEIU)

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...As well as the new ACORN ( NY Communities for Change). All they did was CHANGE their name....

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They Leftists held their anti-American rally in front of the Major League Baseball Headquarters (at 46th and Park Ave)

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And listened to speeches from the predictable leftist politicians like Workers Party (ne: Marxist) Comptroller, John Liu (note his SEIU- PURPLE tie...)

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And the "never found a rent controlled apartment he couldn't have" Charlie Rangle:

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Caught some film of two of their agitator- loons in Part 1 and heard words of support for Arizona and their Governor from Joanna Marzullo , President of NY-Ice

The Lefties sent two of their loons out to grab the attention of the they need to 'get ' their attention..
.They even had SEIU handlers to wrangle them...

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Part 2 (video) Excerpts of some familiar politicians , like John (
Workers Family Party) Liu, NYC Comptroller, and the very ethically challenged (and FORMER House Ways and Means Chairman) Charlie Rangel. Their speeches of "out-rage" were the same old propaganda and " Lie, Lies and More Lies."

On a positive note,the new legislation, SB 1070 is due to go into effect on July 29. The State of Arizona intends to enforce Federal Immigration Law. Doing the Job the Feds refuse to do!

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For more info on NY- Ice go to NYICE.US

And a Slide- show of pictures here:

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