Thursday, February 2, 2023

Peace Action Leftists Nuclear Ban Rally at NYC Library

January 20, 2023 - Noon- a protest on the steps of the well known, Fifth Ave NYC Library.

Statement from Peace Action NYC :

"We will gather to celebrate the second anniversary of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and then march to the U.S. Mission (1st Ave & 45th St) to deliver the message that the U.S. must join the Treaty"

They also stated, "It's been quite a year for Peace Action New York State! From advocating for peace in Yemen and Ukraine, to holding our leaders accountable for our nation’s excessive military spending, our growing network is organizing a strong and impactful peace movement across New York State!"

Flickr slide show:  As members of the Peace Action NYC, The Raging Grannies sang a bunch of protest songs, holding banners and signs, as a couple of speakers followed on the steps of the Main NYC Library.

Peace Action- Join The Ban Rally- NYC

VIDEO: The speaker is Seth Sheldon, he serves as the United Nations Liaison for ICAN in New York, but continues to teach and practice law, and to perform in music and arts.


Excerpted speech re the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty,

"... what we are celebrating ...  if you don't know about the U.N. Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, you are to be forgiven. In all of the media coverage on international war and brewing dangers we have not seen much mentioned that the only realistic solution for nuclear weapons - nuclear weapons which pose the greatest existential threat to humanity - including for posing the most acute existential threat to our climate (and global food supply) The solution is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. [... ] It is the first and only global treaty that categorically prohibits ... everything to do with nuclear weapons; also providing a framework for their total elimination.

It is historic ... in seeking to prevent future harm, but to to address past harm. [...] If you don't know about it, why do you think that is. [...] True experts on international security, science and health care calculate that the the (... ) policies have slept walked humanity into the highest risk ever ... higher that at the height of the cold war. And it will get worse quickly, without a major shift. That shift is this treaty, the treaty on the prohibition on nuclear weapons. It is our best hope. Our only hope."

.(the video continues ... with claims of nuclear racism) NYrs find a way to support this treaty....after all it was here where nuclear weapons began. (...) and many NY communities, primarily in  black and brown and under served NYC communities continue to suffer from the radio active legacy of that program  ... many NYrs not knowing this. [...] many do not know that NYC, prior to 1980's legislation, was surrounded by Nuclear Missiles [... ] that made NYC more of a target [....] Thank you for your support ... (let's) see the rest of the world join is." [End Video]

For more on ICAN and disarmament:

[Videos and Pictures where indicated property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

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