Thursday, January 26, 2023

Marxist Anti-War Protest on MLK Day demands Stop NATO Expansion -Times Sq

Jan. 14, 2023.  Times Square. On a very cold day (about 23 F/ -5 C) our fingers and hands were very cold., but no matter, the protest went on as the Socialist. Marxist, Hard Core Left gathered in Times Square - on Martin Luther King Day - using this day to march against the Imperialist, War-Mongering United States.

Proclaiming this to be a Global Issue, they demanded "Say NO to NATO. STOP U.S. WARS. End all U.S. Wars!"

Statement from Protest: "It is crucial that opponents of the U.S. war machine stand up for peace as the Biden administration and Congress deepen their proxy battle in Ukraine!  In the federal budget that was just passed and signed into law, the U.S. government has committed an additional $45 billion to this effort. In another provocative escalation, the Biden administration announced that it was sending the advanced Patriot missile system to Ukraine -- bringing a catastrophic direct conflict with Russia ever closer."

(open in new tab to enlarge for better reading)

Video Chants crowd:
" Are you Republican - No!
A Democrat- No.! .... Two wings of the same bird.

Just in case you wondered : Capitalism is the enemy.

Next up is Lamis Deek,  a self-described "palestinian"- American lawyer. She is an activist for controversial "palestinian" initiatives and opponent of the State of Israel’s existence. She is a member of a number of anti-Israel and radical-left organizations, including Al-Awda NY: The "palestine" Right to Return Coalition, the Arab Muslim American Federation, and the National Lawyers Guild.

  •  We are not interested in "bi-nationalism
  •  Justice, not identity is our basis

Excerpted Lamis Deek speech transcribed. She told us she represented a GLOBAL War. Lead by an anti-Israel/anti-Zionist contingent. (I'm sorry there was audio difficulty - no wind screen)

"(and) ...resurrected in the past few years ... approved, where their brutal violence  .... across the U.S.  ... where we saw hundreds of troops lying on the borders of Venezuela ...waiting to export their Fascist tactics. When we saw in el Salvador ... in open weapons .... tens of thousands of oppressed el Salvadorians in South Africa. They gained nuclear weapons and shelter and money to the oppressive apartheid regime and then gave asylum to the worst offenders  of .... asylum in South Africa. SO, it is NO exaggeration TODAY that where there is ZIONISM, where there is Israel, there is OPPRESSION. There is White Supremacy. There is violence. And Israel is a fundamental threat to ALL people. (Cheers) And so, it holds true that resistance ... 'palestine', 'palestinian' freedom fighters, fighting for GLOBAL liberation  (cheers) GLOBAL peace, GLOBAL morality and GLOBAL progress (hoots and cheers) and then  'palestine" will be free, from the river to the sea: a chant for ONE LIBERATED 'palestine'.... in occupied land ... a rallying call for GLOBAL Liberation. (cheers) ....the exporter of Global Violence and ....  Global Militarization. But it is a  safe (?) .... it is a wound producing all of that in which the world suffers. And so we take this moment and with honesty, and we must admit a very difficult time in 'palestine' - 'palestinians' are literally being ....and murdered and silenced . ..... we are suffering materially .... and we ask you to HONOR our brothers and sisters who are being murdered - just this morning. And yesterday...and honor 'palestinian' freedom fighters... long live the 'palestinian' resistance. (cheers) Long Live the 'palestinian' Resistance.  ... We ask you, because we understand ... for everybody individually and collectively, these are challenging times because we know that materially, collectively and ideologically there will be NO Global Peace without 'palestinian liberation .... And that you raise the 'palestinian' flag higher  ... inside of  'palestine.' And that you raise for voices, where ever they may be, to demand ( .... ) of apartheid, genocide in 'palestine'  (..........) which threaten the world.  That you also demand ... against the Zionist State .  And that you demand that all 'palestinian' freedom fighters in Zionist dungeons are liberated ... and demand the liberation of 'palestine' from the river to the sea. And we know ...  absolutely exciting times for all of us ... that you remember individually and collectively you are powerful. And remember that no wall is too high, no ocean too wide and no oppression too great to ... the united will of the people . (Cheers) Free Free "palestine". Long Live "palestine". From the River to the Sea. "palestine" will be Free. (Cheers)"

"NATO Expansion - NO! Peace in Ukraine- Yes." as Lamis Deek spoke for GLOBAL recognition of 'palestine' and the eradication of the democratic state of Israel ... and a need for a 'palestinian' global victory. Is this REALLY  call for GLOBAL peace?

NEXT VIDEO  - of course,  Sara Flounders from United National Anti-War Coalition was amongst the many speakers. Sara  is an American political writer and Russia Today reporter[1] who has been active in progressive and anti-war organizing since the 1960s. She is a member of the Secretariat of Workers World Party, as well as a principal leader of the International Action Center. She also frequently writes for Workers World newspaper.

(Sara had no wind screen issues)

.Transcribed Sara Flounders video:

"... not to go backwards, to demands that earlier generations fought for; millions of people in Europe  demonstrated again and again to say "NO to NATO. Disband NATO. Abolish NATO".  So, that's important when we think of the slogans today. Now, I'm part of the United National Anti-War Coalition and on the demands of "NO to NATO" and "STOP U.S. Wars" there are demonstrations this week in more than 50 cities across the U.S. (unclear) That means not only here today, all across the country people are beginning- BEGINNING- to mobilize. Beginning to speak out at this grand theft. Billions. Billions for a new war. Just a few months out of the massive destruction they created in Afghanistan (....??)1:13 a war with years in the planning. Even long before the 2014 Fascist coup. That was a U.S. coup d état and it was the one reason only to bring in a Fascist ..... to threaten Russia; to bomb Russia and the Russian population of Ukraine; to expand NATO. That's what it's always been about. Now they're doing the same thing today against China. That's what the whole struggle in Taiwan, in South Korea, in Japan...  Japan has just doubled - doubled its military budget. It'll soon be the third largest military power in alliance with the U.S. (for) war on China. So we gotta be talking about all these U.S. wars cause they're at it constantly. They're planning for it. They move the equipment for it. And our unity, standing together, standing in many actions all across the country; working  together and pushing the demands as far as we can go, because these wars (called the) Democrat(ic) party, the Republican party: they're together. There's ONE War Party. It's got two wings, different social base but on the war they will vote together again and again. And it's only ... People's Movements, from the (...)? the Grass Roots Movement that's gonna stop them. "No to NATO. Stop ALL U.S. Wars "(cheers)"

Part 1 Flickr slideshow - many signs

Anti War Protest MLK Day Times Sq

 Part 2 Flickr slideshow- and more signs

Anti War Protest MLK Day Times Sq Part 2

PEACE is a questionable result from these "anti-War" protests. (found a Lamis Deek 2021 video posted on Twitter) where - once again - Lamis is promoting 'palestinian peace' at any COST .... I think, she just might want WAR. A GLOBAL War. ( talk amongst yourselves)

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]



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