Dec 29, 2022 3 pm. Jackson Heights, Queens, NY
On Dec 29, the Leftist "Defenders of Drag Queens" behaved badly, ripping signs, pepper-spraying the non-violent Guardians of Divinity while assaulting their cameras with horns and very shrill voices . It was business as usual.
The Guardians of Divinity, protested another Drag Queen Story Hour in Jackson Heights, Queens, where they were challenged by an aggressive band of leftists and antifa. ( organized by UARFnyc : United Against Racism and Fascism)
The Leftist scum crowded the street and sidewalks , emboldened by the fact that Jackson Heights is known as a gay enclave, they did as they pleased.
"In the 1920s, LGBT actors working in the 42nd Street theater scene decided to make their homes in Jackson Heights due to the lack of affordability of Manhattan neighborhoods and the easy accessibility of the 7 train. That was the beginning of what is now the second largest gay community in New York City." [,_Queens]
Th Leftists, "DEFENDERS of Drag Queens", created confrontations by ripping signs, pepper-spraying the non-violent Guardians and assaulting their photographers by blocking them, blasting them with horns while their shrieks and drums filled the air.
A view of the protesting Leftists...written by the Left at UNICORN RIOT.
Their report is an over the top characterization of these "Defenders of Drag Queens." (Community
Defenders vs "Faces of Hate")
But, ignores the role the instigators play (like the instigator in green) who fed her bogus version of an exchange with a conservative reporter to the very willing lefty Unicorn Press. Her modus operandi is to create chaos, claiming victim hood for the always eager reporters. (see video)
Along with twitter reporter "Talia Jane", wiki has predictably published the "Faces of Hate" labels and fictitious stories as fact. Never reports that the DQSHs encourage a new breed of children who look at sex and gender as FLUID. Also, this bloody street-theatre piece was brought to the children as they passed by. Anything is OKAY, even the occasionally naked Crackhead Barney, except protecting the children from this unnecessary indoctrination,.
Ignoring the rights of PARENTS. People. Families to object to Drag Queen indoctrination. Dismissing their opposition as HATEFUL. Bagel Karen with her two young children passed by the obscene Crackhead Barney with her friend Daniel Christmann. She seemed to have no issue with this relentless sexualization of children. (see video)
.As for the rest of the videos from Dec 29 - these cultural Marxists Queens are rude, crude and very gay.
Perhaps accounting for the clownish behavior of these 'defenders', who also did not hesitate to accost the peaceful protestors, forcing the NYPD to focus mostly on the chaotic 'defenders of drags'.
Videos: Part 1-[:06] relentless (obnoxious) screaming (and drums) from the leftist crowd as police attempt to clear stragglers out of the street and back behind the barricades. Councilwoman Cruz is seen watching the action from the lefty pen. NYPD hasn't closed the street to traffic ( yet) so cars are being allowed to pass thru slowly, as a Drag Queen Story Hour protestors call out the lefties as 'disgusting pedophiles'. Children are watching from the upper level of the library as both sides yell at each other. [end 1:51]
Part 2 -[0:11] Drag Story Hour protestors are holding signs and chanting "Hey Hey Ho Ho , pedophiles have got to go" Another guy yells at the lefties, You are disgusting pedophiles, every one of you.". Are lefty marches thru the Guardians protest with a snarky sign, ""This is the ass-hole meet up" . The streets are packed with the lefties. Ignoring the police as always while more lefties (dressed as Satan) cross in to the Guardians space. Blasting horns. Blocking cameras. yelling in the faces. This goes on for quite awhile til the police finally send the lefties back across the street. A lefty pink unicorn character danced in front of the lefties - for their amusement. Til finally every one was cleared from the street so a city bus could pass through. [3:05]
Part 3 - [0:08] The Guardians shouted towards the library, "Let Kids the Kids" while the lefties continued to leave their 'pens' to cross over . A Guardian held a sign that said, "Stop Confusing kids" . The Leftists made much about the Proud Boy flags that were seen on the Guardians protest area. They were there as protection, but never did anything more than stand around with their flags and signs. The noise level from the leftists continued to be very loud (surely making it difficult to concentrate for anyone inside the library) [1:08]
Part 4 - [0:04] I passed by former New York educator,Joy Newball, talking to a man who seemed to be with the "protectors" about WHY the Drag Hours and the books they are reading should be of concern.The street was full of officers at this point, but that didn't stop the instigator woman-in-green from leading an assault on a Guardian photographer. ( and the NYPD now seemed to be no where in sight) "Where is the NYPD!" The lefties LOVE to make noise with colorful hand fans -while shouting thru face masks, It difficult to understand them. Just NOISE. Assemblywoman Cruz seemed to be co-ordinating the police as a familiar lefty, who always wears a The Resistance Company mask, marched in the street yelling, "Fuck you, Nazis"[1:43]
Part 5 - [0:06] No traffic . Street was now closed, jammed with police, protestors and photographers. With the lefties going where ever they pleased, someone ripped the "Stop Drag Queen Story Hour" and ran into the street. (the Guardian retrieved the pieces and taped it together)
And AGAIN the instigator-in-green (1:06 in video) arrived to create more confrontations. (composite exposed some of the many confrontations she created)
Placing many police in the center of the street ... attempting to keep sides separated, I guess [1:40]
Part 6 - [0:04]The Neo-Nazi who marched in to the protest was a known press-hungry interloper, escorted by the obnoxious fraud, Jovi Val. They had no part in the Guardians protest, not invited, not wanted and were finally removed by the NYPD. But, of course, the press couldn't get enough of them. (it was difficult to get a good view due to the GLUT of photographers) The Lefty reporters love to ignor ethe FACT that all acts of aggression came from the LEFT: the uncontrollable, pepper-spraying - fire-starting - LEFT. [1:24]
.The media loved Councilman Erik Bottcher's lies (the current press meme from Dec 19) slandering the Guardians Of Divinity as Faces of Hate.
The councilman (press shot from Dec 19th) and his sycophant press ignored the honest concerns of the Guardians : "Save the Children and Let Kids be Kids."
Instead, anyone protesting these Story Hours are labeled racists, bigots and homophobes aka Faces of Hate.
After 5 years of unopposed Story Hours around the country, these cultural Marxists, these social constructionists, are shocked by any opposition to what they "claim to be innocent" story books. (The books read are rarely if ever revealed.) But, "Bella Noche" was happy to share that he read this book outside the library- on the street- to the children. (this day he was not in drag- see his web site post below of Bella's drag persona)
.FLICKR Part 2 of 2 shows the Guardians of Divinity and the Proud Boys (who joined them as security) peacefully holding signs while the NYPD tried to control the socialist/communist/fascisti 'defenders"as they made the streets unpassable and assaulted the Guardians of Divinity.
.Flickr Part 1 of 2 Opposing their peaceful protest was the hateful soc/commie/ fascisti. They required constant attention as NYPD attempted to control them. The antifa scum claim to be about 'love' while displaying the opposite by ripping up signs, fouling the streets with fake blood - blocking cars and busses as children watch from inside the library.
Local politicians were there supporting the leftists You can spot more than one, But Catalina Cruz is the only one whom I recognized. [] Assembly District 39 - live in Jackson Heights]
.Next, what follows, is an excerpt from a long, informative article on the history and intentions of these Drag Story Hours. []
"Harris Kornstein—stage name Lil Miss Hot Mess—who hosted
some of the original readings in public libraries and wrote the children’s book The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish. Kornstein sits on the board of Drag Queen Story Hour, the nonprofit organization that was founded by Michelle Tea in 2015 to promote “family-friendly” drag performances and has since expanded to 40 local chapters that have organized hundreds of performances across the United States.
(Kornstein also published the manifesto for the movement, “Drag Pedagogy: The Playful Practice of Queer Imagination in Early Childhood,” with coauthor Harper Keenan, a female-to-male transgender queer theorist at the University of British Columbia.[ ... ] the authors propose a new teaching method, “drag pedagogy,” as a way of stimulating the “queer imagination,” teaching kids “how to live queerly,” and “bringing queer ways of knowing and being into the education of young children.” )
The books selected in many Drag Queen Story Hour performances—Cinderelliot, If You’re a Drag Queen and You Know It, The Gender Wheel, Bye Bye, Binary, and They, She, He, Easy as ABC—promote this basic narrative. Though Drag Queen Story Hour events are often billed as “family-friendly,” .... DQSH is ‘family friendly’ in the sense of ‘family’ as an old-school queer code to identify and connect with other queers on the street.” .... the goal is not to reinforce the biological family but to facilitate the child’s transition into the ideological family.( ....) .... the queer pedagogist Hannah Dyer has written, queer pedagogy and, by extension, drag pedagogy seek to expose the very concept of “childhood innocence” as an oppressive hetero-patriarchal illusion.
The purpose is to subvert the system of hetero-normativity, which includes childhood innocence, and re-engineer childhood sexuality from the ground up. "
To Recap: The Guardians of Divinity protested another Drag Queen Story Hour in Jackson Heights (Queens) where they were accosted by an aggressive band of leftists, marxists, progs and antifa (Leeroy Press was there as they pepper sprayed two Guardians of Divinity as they were leaving)
The leftists agitators ripped signs, pepper-sprayed non-violent Guardians and stood amongst them blocking their cameras while using horns and very shrill voices to add to the chaos.
A simple construct of Good vs Evil.
The soc/commie/progs - the politicians - the cultural marxists - are unwilling to admit that libraries and schools are inappropriate Drag Queen venues (mostly paid for with public funds). They call the shots. So will these protests ever make a difference? Can this relentless grooming of children be stopped? Is it too late?
Council members look to increase funding for Drag Story Hour, refuse to cower to far-right protesters []
The answer is simple,
If you want to Save the Children
Never Give Up. Never Give In.
[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]