Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Time to let go of ILLEGAL COVID mandates - for good!

.More MANDATES are coming
From NY's un-elected Governor, Kathy Hochul
... As the tyranny continues ...


After months of protests against this Global Tyranny, led and fed by the WHO and WEF, NYrs continue to demand this outrage. ENOUGH. These illegal mandates must END.

 Time to let go of COVID mandated rules, for good! Yet, the mandate-mania drags on ... using FEAR to control the sheeple.[NY Post]

And what of the damage/ deaths caused by these 'vaccines'? Even the NY Times is now reporting on these 'vaccine' stats - 7/28/22 [NY Times]

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis- 7/1/22  [Epoch Times


 .Yet, the wilful government ignorance continues as the PUSH to vax the babies:

They do not understand any resistance:" The Kaiser Family Foundation survey also found that 43% of parents of children ages 6 months through 4 years said they would refuse the shots for their kids."   (claiming)

"One reason for this ongoing struggle is continued vaccine hesitancy driven by skepticism that’s deep-seated in communities that are difficult to penetrate due to language, education, culture immigration status and health education. Misinformation around vaccines is still rife, and many of our patients do not trust institutional hospitals or corporate pharmacy chains — especially with a child’s health."
[NY Daily News]

 .What follows are five impassioned protests, March 19, thru June 23, 2022, with regular New Yorkers warning against the Mandate Tyranny as "America, what a country" takes on a new and sinister meaning.
Thursday, June 23, 2022 - Hands Off Our Children !- Foley Sq, across from 125 Worth St.  Andrew Giuliani, candidate for NY State Governor, spoke at the rally demanding the mandates END. (after losing the primary vote, Giuliani now supports Lee Zelden for Gov)

Brief video - the first speaker at this protest warns of the injuries and deaths from the 'vaccines'.

1st speaker june 23

VIDEO- Andrew Giuliani, candidate for NY Governor demanding Hands Off Our Kids. (10 min)

VIDEO: #StatenIsland #Brooklyn - NY-11 Congressional Candidate 

"On August 23rd, "We The People" sent a message to the establishment & RINOs across the nation. They do not want the People finding out there is a primary. This is how They control us. Will you let them control you?" (@WTPAreTheNews)


Flickr slide show

 Hands Off Our Kids NYC

Monday, June 6, 2022 -"Mayor Adams, END Medical Fraud Now!" (outside NY City Hall )

Video Part 1 (5:21) "VOTE. Run for political office! They are in middle of a Third World War. They must be stopped. Medical Freedom. The Nuremberg Code. Your right to control what goes in your body. Democrat Party supports this fraud. Organize."


Video Part 2 - Un-vaxxed waitress, Elissa Embree lost her job thanks to Mayor Adams illegal mandates. Embree said that when she learned Adams had granted exemptions to highly-paid athletes and performing artists, “I thought to myself: This is a major slap in the face.”


Video Part 3 - Kat McGuire:  [re WEF and Black Rock, is this protestor aligned with Code Pink?]]

.Flickr Slide Show

 End All Mandates NY City Hall 6/6/22

Tuesday, May 24 2022.  "W.H.O do you think you are: Stop The Treaty!"  Outside the United Nations -  NYC. STOP THE TREATY! 

There was an enthusiastic turnout committed this day to reading the Constitution.

Excerpted Videos of speakers reading the U.S. Constitution outside the U.N. The readers often pointed to the parallel offenses that have continued into the 21st century, making the readings come alive.

1."EVAN began the readings by inviting anyone who has sworn an oath to the Constitution to read and listing the offenders to our Constitution that are aligned with W.H.O. "

2. A U.S. Marine reads the Preamble and "Jo Speaks Truth" reminds the crowd why they are fighting back against tyranny:

3. This reader,  Joy,  also included a powerful commentary.

4 - Teacher , Rachel Maniscalco.

5. Pura de Jesus-Coniglio.  She had the crowd firmly assert "We Will NOT Be Silent!"

Flickr slide show

 W.H.O. Do They Think They Are?

Monday, May 2, 2022- Mayor Adams, End All Mandates  (outside NY City Hall- AGAIN)  Demanding an END to Covid MASK mandates. Mayor Adams Do Your Job!

It was ALL about the masks today: Excerpted Videos of three speakers, who had a lot to say. Posted in RUMBLE due to the Covid statements.

Part 1 (2:12) Dem. NY Gov. Kathy Hocul intends to quarantine Americans, force vaccinate. Her bill must be destroyed. Get creative.


Part 2 (11:31) "We are in a new age of pandemics ....  the AGE of Pandemics. WHY Now? "Plandemic Conferences". That is what has changed. And there is a NEW(phoney virus) one coming. CDC says COVID was just a wake up call. Obedience training chronology will include masking - AGAIN. They are mandating 'vaccines' that do not work. FEAR allows them to demolish our economy. This will never end. Why did they shut down 190 countries. It's a scam. A complete change in society. (Gov) Cuomo KNEW this was a scam. They are not going to roll it back. Are toddlers STILL wearing masks? Depriving them of oxygen. We as a people must not obey these ILLEGAL mandates! Rebuild our country."


Part 3 (4:08) "If you do not feel safe, the you are not safe.Why mask children, toddlers, when restaurants  ... no masks. More people die from 'vaccine' than the virus. ASK questions. Why continue to COMPLY by wearing masks. NO asymptomatic transmission. No science to support. They murder the patients by denying them treatment- with medicines that WORK. "


Flickr Slide Show

 Mayor Adams, End All Mandates NY City Hall 5/2/22 


Saturday, March 19, 2022
- World Freedom Day NYC - Times Sq - Anti-Mandate demonstrators took to New York City streets. It's 2022 and they have been relentlessly protesting the government mandates for TWO years .

 Flickr slide show of Times Sq Protest to "END Illegal Mandates", sharing their enthusiasm with the tourists passing by .... before marching to Union Sq.

VIDEO: The protestors gathered in Times Square, then marched to Union Square where they held another rally.

Which brings us back to the main question re The Global Power Grab, what the tyrants have PLANNED and can it be stopped?


Lawyers & experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship under the guise of pandemics 


 From Covid to Monkey Pox to .... whatever ... This is what could happen if they succeed in locking down the world.

Among the trends of COVID-19 is that governments may now be more inclined to use a seasonal virus, already declared as endemic, to justify an indefinite global emergency. And small outbreaks can also be used to justify deeply authoritarian policies that aren’t limited to healthcare. [Epoch Times]


 [Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

andrew giuliani, end all mandates, hands Off our Kids, john matland, medical fraud, NY City Hall, NY Freedom Party, NYC mayor adams, pamela hall photographer

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